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Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ

«Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim».

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 224, Grade: Sahih
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'Aqidatul Muslim Lesson 5
Abu Anas Maalik bin Muhammad
Lesson 5 | How Many Are The Pillars of Eemaan? How Many Are The Pillars of Ihsaan? Where Is Allaah? Is Allaah With Us?
'Aqidatul Muslim Lesson 6
Abu Anas Maalik bin Muhammad
Lesson 6 | Who Are The Best And The Worse Of Creation? What Is The Greatest Sin? Who Is The First Messenger? Who Is The Last Messenger?
Lesson 7 | What Are The Levels of The Deen? What Does Islam Mean? What Does Eman Mean?
Aqidatul Muslim lesson 8
Abu Anas Maalik bin Muhammad
Lesson 8 | What Does Ihsan Mean? What Are The Conditions For Our Deeds To Be Accepted? To What Did All The Messengers Call To?
Lesson 9 | What Does 'Ibaadah (Worship) Mean? What Are The Types Of Worship?
Lesson 10
Abu Anas Maalik bin Muhammad
Lesson 10 | Whats The Greatest Oppression? What Does Tawheed Mean? How Many Categories of Tawheed Are There? Whats Rububiyyah & Uluhiyyah?
Lesson 11
Abu Anas Maalik bin Muhammad
Lesson 11 | What Is Tawheed Of The Names And Attributes? How Many Are The Types Of Bid'ah (Innovation)?
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🔴 Al-'Aqeedatul-Waasatiyyah

Author: Shaykhul-Islaam Ahmad Ibn 'Abdil-Haleem Ibn 'Abdis-Salaam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah)

Teacher: Abuu Fajr 'Abdul-Fattaah