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"Astra inclinatum, non dictatum"

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On Western & Vedic Astrology

It's clear from the image above that the Vernal Equinox presently intersects the constellation Pisces, despite Aries actually covering that date in Western Astrology.

That's because the diagram displays the sign relative to its representative constellation, which is the Vedic method – also known as Sidereal Astrology ("sid-eer-re-ul").
A little known fact about Western (Tropical) Astrology is that it doesn't actually relate to the constellations, at least not in its method of calculation. Western Astrology signs are fixed 30-day periods which are based upon the earth's orbit of the Sun.

In c. 100 BCE, Western Astrology fixed the Spring Equinox as the beginning of the Astrological year, with Aries as its beginning. At that time, this corresponded with the Vedic system as the Equinox aligned with constellation Aries falling within the Sun's procession across the sky.
The Earth rotates and orbits the sun, but it also rotates in a spinning-top motion on its axis.

The earth's rotation around its own axis takes 26,000 years to complete. This can be split into 360 72-year periods each corresponding to a 1°shift in the position of the constellations. There are 12 constellations each representing 30°s, meaning that the Zodiac signs shift relative to Western Astrological signs once every 2,160 years (30°x72).

This is how Vedic Astrological signs are calculated, by the sun's position relative to the constellations as opposed to its position relative to earth.
The Earth rotates and orbits the sun, but it also rotates in a spinning-top motion on its axis. The earth's rotation around its own axis takes 26,000 years to complete. This can be split into 360 72-year periods each corresponding to a 1°shift in the position…
NB: the Vedic (Sidereal) Method is what tells us the present "Astrological Age". For instance, we are currently in the Piscean Age because Pisces is the constellation intersecting the ecliptic during the Vernal Equinox.
Vedic Astrology

Astrology is a preserve of mythos. Jung found primordial #archetypes of Western man hidden in plain sight within it: the sun & moon, the eternal masculine & feminine, & the planets named for gods & goddesses, embodying very human traits.

There are systems of astrology in nearly every ancient civilization & in each case, the bearing of the signs from the heavens upon terrestrial events is examined. To mitigate unpredictability is to obtain an edge in this dynamic, ever-changing realm. That this drove the ancients to study, note & refine their observations led to advancements: there would be little physics & certainly no astronomy were it not for astrology, the progenitor of both, the reason the ancients looked to the skies with keen precision.

Astrologies are systems, languages, used to communicate with the cosmos about human destiny.

As Western mythos was found in Western #astrology, might the #Vedic astrology of India provide insight into the beliefs of the ancient Indo-Europeans?
Vedic Astrology

Before Alexander, the #astrology of India ( #Jyotish ) was about the head & tail of a dragon in the sky (Rahu & Ketu) & disasters (eclipses & meteors.) Alexander brought the Hellenistic influence: planets as Gods & Goddesses, signs & houses. There are enough similarities in Vedic and Western that a Western astrologer can readily understand the Indian but there are some intriguing differences:

Vedic uses the known planets only to Saturn. Uranus, Neptune & Pluto were discovered much later & are not considered.

Also, Vedic uses the Siderial rather than Tropical zodiac of the West & attempts to correct for “procession” making one’s sun sign 20 odd degrees back from its Western position. This means we are nearly all the sign before the one we’ve come to identify with in Western Astrology in the Vedic.

After no little controversy reaching all the way to the Supreme Court, one can obtain a university degree in the sciences alongside engineers & physicists in Vedic Astrology in India today.
Vedic Astrology

A snapshot of the heavens with a lens so large it could take a picture as far as the orbit of Saturn at the moment of birth becomes the astrological “chart” of the individual. By examining the relationship of planets: sign into which they fall, their geometric angles to one another, & their location in a plotted background of ‘houses,’ some generalisations about one’s destiny are made.

Auspicious aspects can be augmented & inauspicious ones mitigated by various means. One of the most intriguing is by the wearing of #gemstones which correspond to given planets. This is called #Ratna

माणिक्यं तरणेः सुजात्यममलं मुक्ताफलं शीतगोः
माहेयस्य च विद्रुमं मरकतं सौम्यस्य गारुत्मतम
देवेज्यस्य च पुष्पराजमसुराचार्यस्य वज्रं शनेः
नीलं निर्मलमन्ययोश्च गदिते गोमेदवैदूर्यके

Ruby for Sun
Pearl for Moon
Red Coral for Mars
Emerald for Mercury
Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter
Diamond for Venus
Blue Sapphire for Saturn
Hessonite for Rahu
Cat’s Eye for Ketu

"these gems must be high-born & flawless."
Astrological Chart: Bird's Eye View
Vedic astrological charts come in two main formats: one most commonly used in the 🧭 North of India & another in the South 🇮🇳

These charts show diamond or square formatting into which the planets, nodes & asteroids are plotted. These 💠 or 🟨 segments are called "houses."

Vedic astrology favours two-letter abbreviations for the planets rather than glyphs.
Western astrological charts; however, use glyphs and are formatted like a wheel.

The wheel is segmented into "houses" as well and depending upon the instant of one's birth, the planets fall inside the houses according to where they then were in the heavens.

Planets represent universal concepts of human exoerience.

Signs tell us what sort of "flavour" that part of human experience tends to have for one.

And the house into which a given planet in a given sign falls tells us what area of life this energy tends to manifest.

Now that we have a key to the glyphs, some understanding of signs, planets & what they represent, we can begin to see how an astrological chart is made & understand what we're looking at when we see one...

Here's an astrological chart blank. We're going to see how one would go about filling it in...
How do we know where the planets were at a given birth date & time?


Answer: An ephemeris (or a computer program which works by using an encoded ephemeris)

As with the circle, there are 360° in the heavens wherein a planet might fall (each of the 12 signs occupies 30°)

The Swiss are the most famous for ephemerides.

Astrology Ephemeris Files for 9000 years - Astrodienst
What about a rising sign? The ascendant?

For that it's best to have a computer program tabulate to be certain but tables of the ascendant such as the above would give one a rough idea.

(The astrologer/mathematician of yore would not be very happy with this shorthand chart as he would use a formula to precisely determine the ascendant to the exact degree ~ as does a computer program.)
Pie in the Sky

Imagine that at the precise minute you first drew breath, a photo was taken of the heavens, with a lens that captured a vast view of the sky circumscribed by the orbit of Pluto.

This is your natal chart.
It never changes.

First, we need to orient the wheel which looks like a pie cut into 12 pieces.

Aries is always the 1st sign so it occupies the 1st place in the wheel, which is the far left (with body of the "pie piece" descending.)
This image depicts the correct order of signs in their proper place & progression in the zodiac: counter-clockwise.☀️🌙
One can find a lot of lovely, artistic depictions of the zodiac wheel online. If they are not oriented with Aries in 1st position (far left of wheel) you can be certain they are not astrologers.

They may be fine artists but as they do not know the science they seem unable to resist the urge to "right" the wheel and have it begin with January make is start with Capricorn which it certainly doesn't.

Here is one such erroneous depiction...