Aryan bots
14K subscribers
5 photos
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21 links
Now Bots are opensource feel free to host and use.

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Bois Are you Still getting `Failed To upload Folder` error ? In @torrentdrive_bot
Anonymous Poll
Yes always 😟
No it's working fine 😎
Aryan bots
Bois Are you Still getting `Failed To upload Folder` error ? In @torrentdrive_bot
Seriously ? Is it Your Teamdrive Id . 😒 i saw many Wrong Id In bot ,I know there is some bugs But atleast Keep Your side Clear so I can point Out Whats wrong with my code.
Btw Dont Know How But its Throwing Rate limit exceed Error for large folder :( (sometimes)

Check Your Teamdrive Folder ID Again 😕 if you are uploading on teamdrive . And Make sure You have upload permission in Teamdrive
Boi Do you want me to make @torrentdrive_bot open source 😎
Anonymous Poll
No Don't promote piracy 🤒😠
Yes 😍
Nobody cares 😒
@torrentdrive_bot down for minor update
ETA 10 -15 min max
@torrentdrive_bot Up
- Fixed large Folder upload error 😁
@torrentdrive_bot some minor update

Few Status changes  and cancel button 
bug : can't cancel waiting torrent (will fix it later )
@torrentdrive_bot Update

- Torrent File Support added

+ some minor changes

USE : Just Reply With /up or /zip command to Your Torrent File
Aryan bots pinned «Bois Do you feel channel Update notification annoying ?»
@gdriveupme_bot Update

- Fixed Telegram file Bug

- Removed Direct Link Filter Now It Leech Every Link btw That was a feature 😪

+ some minor changes
Hey Bois 🎉 🎊
Introducing To our New Youtube Dl Bot

Nothing Special in It Just Paste Url and Choose Quality You Will get Your file :)

What is Missing :-

-You will Feel Bot is almost empty. Nothing In it . I will improve it later . 

- currently There is No progress bar

- Bot can Take Sometime To upload Your file Don't click again and again Youtube Will Block server Ip

- There is Telegram File size Limitation( throw an error )

Don't worry I will add More Video Support In future .

Story behind this bot : -

Actually I wanted To add Youtube Feature in Drive bot than i realise it will slow down that Bot . So Here we are .

Special Thanks To Few special Peoples For Help . ❤️

Please Don't abuse This Bot Youtube is Very senstive 😂


Life Is a mystery Stay Safe Bois 😉

Bug Report @aryanvikash
@youtubdlbot Update

- Fixed No Audio issue

- Video Duration issue in telegram

+ You will get Audio in MP3 format if you need any other formats than let me know 😬

Press F if You downloaded any video before this Update 😂

Those videos don't had any audio and I accept it that was my fault 😅

Fun Fact :-
That time I was not Aware of merging Audio and video Files 😂 but now everything is fine I hope so.

I will love to hear Your suggestions and Bug report @aryanvikash
Hey Bois
I know few updates are still missing .I have a long TODO list 🤪. Your every report and suggestions are in my list .

Nowadays I am little busy in my Personal projects . I will continue development from next week .

Btw this post is not for bot updates .

I was getting many messages for discussion group . And yeah I don't have that . Bcz group brings responsibility and you know me ..😅
And I don't have many bots like others , so
you can directly pm me incase you need some help in any bot . I always reply to everyone. Except you are not asking for
source code 😐 "
@gdriveupme_bot Down for some reason .. I don't have my laptop access .. so Will check it tomorrow.😬

Here is some alternatives 😍

My Torrent bot is seriously annoying sudden server restart is big issue .. today I realised it 😝 and I am really sorry for that ... I don't think this month I can update any of my bot due to some " personal reasons "

I recommend you to use Torrent groups
Or alternative bot


It really works great you will love it 😁
@gdriveupme_bot Update

✍️ Added New Extractor for Zippyshare It should work fine
✍️ Removing Zip command Temp . To check server performance