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Forwarded from КПРФ
28 апреля комсомольцы города НОВОРОССИЙСК организовали серию одиночных пикетов против «Высшей политической школы им. Ивана Ильина», созданной на базе РГГУ.

Накануне Дня международной солидарности трудящихся районные комитеты КПРФ и активисты союзных организаций провели агитационные выходы к проходным у крупных предприятий города.

Распространение партийной литературы проходило рано утром у предприятий в Колпинском, Невском, Курортном, Адмиралтейском, Красногвардейском районах города. Пролетарии физического и умственного труда с интересом брали партийную прессу, некоторые рабочие просили несколько экземпляров для коллег по цеху.

Напомним, что в начале апреля бюро горкома КПРФ приняло решение провести акцию «Коммунисты – к проходным» в преддверии 1 мая.

«Мы работаем на то, чтобы вернуть трудовому народу, пролетариату его классовое сознание. Ведь последние 30 лет антисоветской пропаганды вкупе с деиндустриализацией не могли не дать свои плоды. Коллективы были ослаблены, связи между рабочими налаживаются все сложнее. Но без сильного, организованного, осознающего свои интересы рабочего класса не будет никаких позитивных перемен в будущем», — заявил первый секретарь горкома КПРФ Роман Кононенко.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Andrei)
NATO will not recognize the exhibition of military equipment at Poklonnaya Gora - Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO will not recognize the exhibition on Poklonnaya Gora.

- The most terrible weapon for Russia that we will use is oblivion. Members of the Alliance will not recognize the existence of the so-called exhibition of military equipment. What this equipment is, where it comes from - you can only find out from false Russian propaganda.

Our media will simply not cover this topic. You have organized your own circus - have fun. I don't know anyone in Moscow who would go there," Stoltenberg concluded.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
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Regarding the Ivan Ilyin controversy in Russia, the actions of the KPRF are correct with regard to their campaigning against the foundation of an academic institute in his name. This is not just a case of a reactionary philosopher gaining favour in Russian bourgeois circles but it underlines the massive contradictions in the position of the Putin led government. Ivan Illyin and the likes Alexander Solzhenitsyn are nothing less than the Russian equivalents of Stepan Bandera. Such men would gladly have ruled over a Nazi occupied Russian puppet state and would have delivered the Russian proletariat and peasantry into slavery as long as the Russian compradors got their cut of the loot just as their successors, the Yeltsin clique, tried to do in the 1990s. Putin claims, correctly, that Banderism is a foul stain to be removed and this is true but Russia had its share of Banderas too, Ilyin, Vlasov and Krasnov to name but three examples of this. What stands behind the romanticism of people like Iliyin? It is a belief in the absolute, unfettered rule of an aristocracy, of Tsardom or something analogous to it. The absolute right of the ruling class to reduce the proletariat and peasantry to the level of slaves is what Iliyin and his kind stood for. Strip away the romanticism and the flights of fancy and that's what it always comes down to, in the end, as the Banderists are proving today.

This is not merely a dispute of ideas but about class warfare. The Putin led government can fight and beat the outsourced NATO army but in the end the contradictions of capitalist Russia will be solved by the Russian proletariat. Putin is only able to do what he has done so far because he has the enormous industrial legacy of the socialist period to build off of. What would the likes of Iliyin built? Nothing is the answer, nothing but backwardness, ignorance and servitude to the imperialists covered over with the perfumed stench of reactionary romanticism.

I repeat that the KPRF and others are completely correct in exposing the likes of Iliyin and in exposing the reactionaries in United Russia who push for his wretched ideas to be popularised.
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Forwarded from Joti Brar
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Apparently Tony Blinken wanted to do a performance of this Patti Smith number but was talked out of it.
"China is on the path to liberation from imperialism."

Artist - A. Deineka 1932
Forwarded from The Grayzone
The Occupation comes home - Max Blumenthal at UMass

Max Blumenthal spoke on May 8, 2024 at UMass-Amherst hours after state police brutally repressed an encampment of students protesting the US-backed genocide in Gaza. There, he addressed the Palestine solidarity uprising on campuses across the country, and explains how the elite reaction triggered by October 7 has exposed Israeli influence over the major American institutions, from academia to Congress to local law enforcement agencies.

Watch on YouTube
Forwarded from @MTODAYNEWS 👈 RT News new channel!!!
⚡️Slovak PM Fico wounded in shooting incident - local media

Slovak media reported the shooting took place at a visiting meeting of the government of the republic was being held.

According to preliminary data, Prime Minister Robert Fico was wounded and the attacker was detained.

🟩 @RTnews_unc3
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