Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective, by P R Reddall

Myth tells of a Hyperborean folk, those from ‘beyond the north wind’, precursors of the European kindred. This myth offers the spiritual seeker a logical, rational lineage for a faith which continues to evolve.

Vibrational messages, which vary in frequency depending upon the age in which one resides, flow through the multiverse. As one treads the path towards awakening, these vibrations become ever more apparent as one tunes in to the poetic nature of ancestral spirituality.

This book is written in two parts, designed to work holistically. The first creates a shift in psyche, which is required to ride the tiger of the present era. The second offers a series of exercises to be undertaken, ending in a holy pilgrimage, which is in fact a new beginning as one rises from the darkness of the Wolf Age and strides towards the Golden Age.

Waes thu Hael — Be Thou Whole.

Purchase Towards Awakening now:

Forwarded from Eurosiberia
"The ethnic German people are in official dissolution. This dissolution has been planned for a long time and is now being executed almost in a general staff-like manner. This is not a conspiracy theory, but the sober result of a look at the facts and the political intentions of the relevant actors."

Klaus Kunze
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
A candidate from Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party won a city mayoral election for the first time on Sunday. Tim Lochner was elected after winning the second round of voting in Pirna, a town in the eastern state of Saxony where the AfD is especially strong. According to initial results, Lochner won 38.5% of the vote.
No matter how articulate or how smart you think you are, or how solid your position is -

Aesthetics will always be the most powerful, immediate and easily understood statement of what you’re about vs. what they’re about.

If your body isn’t a uniform that states your position clearly, work on that before reading another philosophy book or arguing on Twitter.
“Racialism presents itself as greater than nationalism, because to feel of the same race, even when this expression is meant to be more of a myth than a reality, is greater than to feel as being of the same nation. As a political myth, race is the living nation, which is not enclosed in abstract, judicial or territorial limits, or exhausting itself within a simple unity of civilization, language or history. The concept of race goes deeper than this, reaches the origins, inseparable from a sentiment of continuity, and touches the deepest chords of the human being.”

— Julius Evola, ‘Synthesis of a Doctrine of Race’ (1941)
Forwarded from Titanic Vanguard
Lessons from Beyond Good and Evil (1886) by Nietzsche:

1. The value of war. War forces us to take stock of "our resources, our virtues, our shield and spear, our spirit" - and it "compels us to be strong."

2. Nietzsche: "Under conditions of peace the warlike man attacks himself."

3. The defeated demand equality: "Equality belongs essentially to decline: the chasm between man & man, class & class, the multiplicity of types, the will to be oneself, to stand out – that which I call pathos of distance – characterizes every strong age." Takeaway: Nobility wants to stand out.

4. Limit your information intake. Nietzsche: "Once and for all, there is a great deal I do not want to know – Wisdom sets bounds even to knowledge." Lesson: Take care that acquiring knowledge doesn’t distract from acquiring power, sway, and clout. Real domination over the real world.

5. The young think in absolutes - and pay a terrible price. The young "respect and despise without the art of nuance." We worship what only deserves mild affection. We reject completely what can teach us things. Nietzsche: "Introduce a little art into your feelings."

6. Men and women miscommunicate because they dance to DIFFERENT rhythms. Nietzsche: "The same emotions in man and woman are different in tempo: therefore man and woman never cease to misunderstand one another." Well-arranged differences in tempo, however, make music.

7. Don't sacrifice your face - for your mask. "Who has not," Nietzsche asks, "for the sake of his reputation - sacrificed himself?" A uniform persona, regardless of inner change, has social benefits. But be wary. A role played long enough REPLACES the self that was playing it.

8. Beware of contagious shame. Nietzsche: "To be ashamed of one's immorality: that is a step on the ladder at the end of which one is also ashamed of one's morality." You start off accepting a mistake, and soon you believe you're always mistaken.

9. Make decisions, and don't waver. Nietzsche: "Close your ears to even the best counter-argument once the decision has been taken." You need this "occasional will to stupidity." If you are to ever finish the things you start.

10. Nietzsche on the complainers: "Every poor devil finds pleasure in scolding – it gives him a little of the intoxication of power. Even complaining and wailing can give life a charm for the sake of which one endures it: there is a small dose of revenge in every complaint."

11. How NOT to deal with powerful urges. Nietzsche: "Castration is instinctively selected in a struggle against a desire by those who are too weak-willed, too degenerate to impose moderation." Lesson: Lust, greed, wrath needn’t be castrated as sins but rather wielded as weapons.
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Three, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović expounds on H. P. Lovecraft’s cyclical perspective of civilizations and races in the context of the themes expressed in his fiction.

In the second part of this essay, dedicated to the Identitarian and racial aspects of the works and thoughts of the great master of horror and science fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, we had a quick look at which things should be considered priorities in evolved societies judging from the attitudes expressed both in his literary works and his letters. In the third and last part, we will touch again upon a subject that was at the center of the first part of the essay and which remains most problematic and unwelcome to many of his contemporary admirers and readers. We will once again examine his racial views, but this time we will focus on...

Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:


In this Arktos exclusive, we delve into the heart of our love-starved society, exploring how our utilitarian mindset has crafted a dispassionate and purposeless existence, casting a shadow of ugliness upon the world.

Become an Arktos member and watch this member-exclusive podcast now:

All-Russian Ideology Emerges at the Front, an essay by Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.

Alexander Dugin discusses the ideology of New Russia, which is currently being born on the Ukrainian front.

Certainly, there are those who voluntarily and consciously went to war, already possessing an ideology. There are the convinced rightists (Orthodox, monarchists, imperialists). There are the leftists (Stalinists, anti-globalists). There are left-rightists — National Bolsheviks. By the way, Prigozhin articulated, in many respects, exactly the left-right discourse — justice and strength. There are right-leftists — Eurasianists. There are no liberals in any form. This is the ideology of the front and it cannot be ignored. There, as Semyon Pegov accurately writes, ‘people and soldiers stand side by side’. If a liberal ends up on the front, he simply stops being a liberal and...

Read the full essay here:

Alexander Dugin — Eurosiberia #1

Constantin von Hoffmeister talks with Alexander Dugin
about the current state of Eurasianism and multipolarity, Guillaume Faye’s concept of Eurosiberia, Western racism amidst claims of universalism, the immortality of the soul as the foundation of the Fourth Political Theory, and other topics.

Watch the podcast here:

“Of Vain Old Men. — Profundity of thought belongs to youth, clarity of thought to old age. When, in spite of this, old men sometimes speak and write in the manner of the profound, they do so from vanity, imagining that they thereby assume the charm of juvenility, enthusiasm, growth, apprehensiveness, hopefulness.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘Human, All Too Human’ (1878)
Forwarded from DVX Publishing Co.
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"The Art of War in the Middle Ages"
by Sir Charles Oman

"The Art of War in the Middle Ages is a masterly account about every aspect of Medieval martial prowess and art. Charles Oman reveals to the reader the intricacies of Byzantine strategy, their soldiers and prominent formations, Swiss martial preeminence and pike tactics, English campaigns of the 100 Years War, and much else. Oman peels back the mystery of Medieval Warfare through expert research and exposes the reader to the technical nature of Feudal combat and the various advances made therein."

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Alexander Wolfheze dives into the revolutionary undercurrent of the Multipolarity Movement, investigating its neo-socialist as well as neo-nationalist ‘6th International’ appeal — and its potential as an anti-globalist liberation movement uniting the Eurasianist East, the Global South and the Dissident Right West.

Forwarded from Eurosiberia
At its core, Archeofuturism is Faye’s solution to the perceived dichotomy between Europe’s illustrious past and the promise of its future. Far from seeing these as conflicting realms, Faye envisioned a seamless fusion of both. It is a philosophy that beckons Europe to simultaneously draw inspiration from its Greco-Roman, pagan, and medieval legacies while ardently embracing technological and scientific advancements.