Upcoming Titles from Arktos:

The Philosophy of Italian Fascism by Dmitry Moiseev

by Jason Reza Jorjani

Esoteric Trumpism by Constantin von Hoffmeister

From the Tree of Insight: Five Best Books, an essay by Alexander Wolfheze, published by Arktos.

Alexander Wolfheze takes the reader into the now forgotten garden of European High Culture to know the forbidden tree of European High Literature — ‘to the waters and the wild with a fairy, hand in hand’.

Its once high walls may have long crumbled, its once mighty gates may have been breached, its once broad avenues may have become overgrown by crawling weeds and its once delightful pavilions may have been invaded by fork-tongued vipers, but even now, as night falls over the old garden once known as European Culture, an observant wanderer may still trace its perfect outlines, still smell its exquisite flowers and still admire its towering trees. Deep down, hidden in the forgotten heart of this old garden and unbeknown to the car-bound and screen-absorbed crowds that pass it by on highways leading elsewhere, stand two trees — they are invisible from the outside. They are very old — in fact, they date back to times long before there was...

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Five Fronts against Unipolar Globalism, an essay by Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.

Alexander Dugin analyses the complexities of global geopolitics on the eve of 2024, examining the shifting dynamics from unipolarity to multipolarity and the emerging fronts around the world.

On the eve of 2024, it is worth taking a look at the overall picture of the world and the main geopolitical trends. Overall, we are in a moment of transition from unipolarity to multipolarity. This year, multipolarity received additional structuring in BRICS-10 (Argentina, having just joined this organisation, was hastily removed from there by another globalist clown — Javier Milei).

The recent triumphant visit of Vladimir Putin to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, followed by lengthy negotiations with Iranian President Raisi, demonstrates how seriously Russia takes multipolarity. Especially on the eve of 2024, when Russia enters its...

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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
Forwarded from Oltre la Morte
"– Dad?

– What, my son?

– Nothing, nothing. They're saying that if you don't surrender, they are going to shoot me. But don't worry about me.

– If they really are going to shoot you, entrust your soul to God and die as a patriot, crying out: 'Long live Christ! Long live Spain!'

– Will do, dad.

– I love you so much, son.

– I love you so much, dad."

– Pietro Caporilli 🇮🇹 | L'Assedio dell'Alcazar
“Some of my associates in the movement do not like me because of my atrocities and severity. They cannot understand as yet that we are not fighting a political party but a sect of murderers of all contemporary spiritual culture. … I, a Teuton, descendant of crusaders and privateers, I recognize only death for murderers!”

— Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
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Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part Three, an essay by Kerry Bolton, published by Arktos.

Dr. Kerry Bolton discusses the intricate concepts of the Universal Republic and the ‘New World Order’, unraveling the symbolic and esoteric elements embedded in global institutions, and revealing the influential role of secret societies in steering the course of history.

Universal Republic

This Novus Ordo Seclorum is also called the ‘new world order’. Although it is erroneous to think that the latter is an English translation of the former, a semantic matter made much of by Masonic apologists in dismissing the contentions of anti-Masonic writers and conspiracy theorists, the terms nonetheless mean the same in principle. Alice Bailey, heir to the Theosophical mantle descended from Helena Blavatsky, and who had a seminal influence on what is generally called the ‘New Age’, wrote of the ‘New World Order’ (sic) as an esoteric aim: ‘To reorganise world affairs and so initiate the new world order. This is definitely in the realm of ceremonial magic…’ Bailey states that such a ‘new world order’ would emerge out of a demand for peace from a world wracked by conflict, the process being recognisably...

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Benedetto Croce: Anti-Egalitarian, an essay by Dmitry Moiseev, published by Arktos.

Dmitry Moiseev discusses Benedetto Croce, whose radical rejection of egalitarianism marks a major deviation from mainstream political thought influenced by the French Enlightenment.

Neo-Hegelian philosopher Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) is often regarded as the most influential Italian liberal of the twentieth century, and with good reason. Author of ‘The Manifesto of the Anti-Fascist Intellectuals’, a ‘moral’ opponent of Giovanni Gentile and fascism, senator from the Italian Liberal Party, member of the post-war Constituent Assembly that finally abolished the Savoy Monarchy and an influential theorist of Hegelian liberalism — this short list of Croce’s accomplishments speaks for itself.

At the same time, Croce’s liberalism is multidimensional and differs significantly from the vulgarly understood ‘principles of 1789’ — and in our time, perhaps even more vulgarly understood than during the intellectual activity of the Italian philosopher. What is particularly interesting is that...

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ATTENTION! This upcoming Sunday at 2 pm EST, Arktos is set to release the fourth podcast in collaboration with Gifts (X handle: @GiftsUngiven_).

In this episode, Gifts explores how influential figures like Destiny and Hunter Avallone, known for advocating 'open relationships' online, reflect broader societal challenges amid recent news of divorce and violence in their own lives. Traditional marriage and monogamy are considered outdated, with people opting out due to a perceived lack of freedom, prompting questions about the purpose of traditional relationships and the true meaning of love. Are we genuinely better off without traditional marriage?

The podcast will be available on YouTube, Rumble, Substack, and the Arktos website on December 17 at 2 pm EST.
Released from the paywall:

The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part One
, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...

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The Day of the Extinguisher, an essay by Warsaw Sentinel, published by Arktos.

During this year’s Hanukkah celebrations in the Polish Sejm, the image of a known Jewish supremacist rabbi was put on display, eliciting an intervention from the country’s most famous monarchist MP.

Polish MP thwarts Hanukkah celebration in Parliament

For nearly two decades, the Polish Sejm has been host to Hanukkah celebrations. The country has a small Jewish minority, with roughly two thousand individuals declaring adherence to the Jewish faith. This year, the celebration featured a portrait of former Chabad Lubavitch leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson, an infamous rabbi known for...

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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
"The rainbow flag is the true symbol of what we now call 'Western values': identity politics for tiny sexually defined minorities at the expense of the majority, hatred of one's own tradition and culture, rejection of the family. In one word: decadence."

Dr. Maximilian Krah
Carl Schmitt is among the authors and theoreticians of the German Right whose attitude towards National Socialism was, at the very least, subtle. In his now classic work entitled Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland, 1918–32 (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1974), which he dedicated to the various German nationalistic currents of the interwar period, Doctor Armin Mohler mentions Schmitt as one of the leading figures of the ‘conservative revolution’, alongside five other ‘outsiders’: Ernst Jünger and his brother Friedrich Georg, Hans Blüher, Oswald Spengler and Thomas Mann.

✍️ Alain de Benoist

🗣 Carl Schmitt and the Concept of the Political
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The Left and Those They Love, an essay by Christopher Jolliffe, published by Arktos.

Christopher Jolliffe examines the left’s contradictory coalition of different groups, unified more by shared opposition to notions like ‘white supremacy’ than by coherent principles or goals.

A point of consternation for many on the right is accounting for the strange menagerie of groups stitched together beneath the progressive banner. What exactly do the radical feminist types have in common with, say, immigrant enclaves in Western Sydney, whose family structures involve all kinds of problematic elements? What binds the fat activist to the fierce proponent of the environment, when one spends much of her time eating the obsessions of the other? The excessively bourgeois Extinction Rebellion types to the lumpen-proletarian Black Lives Matter? Ever heard of ‘Queers for Palestine’? The obvious answer is...

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“All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’
“Whether one is weak and skinny or in a ghastly state of obesity, the fact remains that if one is a horrendous physical mess, something must be done. Thor demands it. The modern world offers apologies and excuses for failure. This is not the way of the spiritual Odinist.”

P R Reddall, Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective

Order Towards Awakening now:

“Come, weave us a scheme so I can pay them back! Stand beside me, Athena, fire me with daring, fierce as the day we ripped Troy’s glittering crown of towers down. Stand by me — furious now as then, my bright-eyed one — and I would fight three hundred men, great goddess, with you to brace me, comrade-in-arms in battle!”

— Homer, ‘Odyssey’