Sisyphus Radio: The Dutch Elections

The Sisyphus panel explores the surprising outcomes of the Dutch national elections. We dig into the odd swing to the right and sudden support for a party that has been demonized for over a decade. Are they, the PVV (Party for Freedom), the true opposition that can turn the globalist tendencies around? Perhaps all is not that clear in the murky political landscape. The panel tries to elucidate some of the underlying driving factors of these remarkable election outcomes.

Listen to the podcast here:
Jason Reza Jorjani – Interregnum #73

Jason Jorjani discusses his new book Psychotron, which outlines the psychic arena in which techno-totalitarianism and techno-idealism now stand opposed across battle lines that defy the space-time continuum. Giving a philosophy-with-the-hammer analysis of the regressive Great Reset, as currently enforced by the anti-human globalist elite, Dr Jorjani reminds us that truly effective worldview warfare requires exiting comfortable perception bubbles — and validating alternative timelines.

Watch the podcast here:

Purchase Psychotron here:
“Well, said the haut prince, this day must noble knights joust, and at-after dinner we shall see how ye can speed.”

Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte D’Arthur
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“When we looked to the north, Friedrich, the North Star, shone upon us from there, around whom Germany, Europe, and even the world seemed to revolve.”

— Goethe
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Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part Two
, an essay Dr. Kerry Bolton, published by Arktos.

Dr. Kerry Bolton explores the intricate connections between secret societies, Masonic traditions, and the historical underpinnings of the European Union, shedding light on their influence in shaping Kalergi’s vision of contemporary Europe.

Anti-Tradition and Revolution

Levi devotes an entire section of The History of Magic to the subject of ‘Magic and Revolution’.

Continental Masonry became the current for spreading atheism and materialistic doctrines in the manner described by Guénon.

Some particularly interesting commentary on the role of secret societies comes from Conrad Goeringer, the Director of Public Policy for American Atheists and staff writer for the American Atheist Magazine. Goeringer, a well-known atheist scholar in the United States, often focuses on such subjects, and while eschewing any notion of ‘conspiracies’ nonetheless has written of the mystical association of revolutionary secret societies in a manner that accords with the ‘counter-’ and Anti- Traditional descriptions of Guénon and...

Read the full essay here:
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Two, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović explores the intersection of H. P. Lovecraft’s personal beliefs with his literary creations, revealing how his views on race, society, and political systems profoundly influenced his iconic works of horror and cosmic dread.

H. P. Lovecraft remains a problematic literary figure for today’s liberal establishment. While he is still celebrated as the master of horror and cosmic dread, his personal views on race and society would place him on the “far right” of the currently accepted social and political opinions. To reiterate what was emphasized in the first part of this essay, his views on the above-mentioned subjects may be much scarier to his more left-leaning readers than any of his fiction. In the second part of this essay, we will briefly examine a few instances of how his controversial opinions and...

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The Acceleration of Awakening, an essay by Zander, published by Arktos.

Zander argues that the dramatically intensifying war on Whites has catalysed the growth of ethnonationalism amongst the younger generations.


We are being written out of our own history. History books and television programmes, particularly those aimed at children and young adults, are now centred around revisionist lies that the building of our nations and greatest achievements are the work of non-Whites.

Away from mainstream media and on the less censored social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok, you will frequently see little snapshots of actual reality; White people being brutalised in...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from American Renaissance
VIDEO: Leftists control your thoughts by controlling your language. If they decide that something that is normal is a moral defect, they invent a word for it — like "racism" or "homophobia."
Forwarded from Julius Evola Archive
Media is too big
The dominator is he who has a greater quantity of being, by which others are fatally — almost without wanting it — awakened, attracted, overwhelmed; he is the one who imposes himself, with his simple presence, like a deeper and more fearsome gaze that others cannot resist, like that calm greatness that magically paralyzes even an armed hand and a proud impulse and directly arouses respect, the need to obey, to sacrifice oneself, to put the truest life back into this vaster life. 

In him a whole lineage, a whole tradition, a whole history burn, as in their act: they cease to be abstractions, they cease to be generalities, they become a singular reality, concreteness, life - absolute life, an end in itself, because pure freedom is – spirit and light.

— Evola, “Critica fascista”, IV, 17, 1 Settembre 1926

Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective
by P R Reddall

“Myth tells of a Hyperborean Folk, those from ‘beyond the north wind’, precursors of the European kindred. This myth offers the spiritual seeker a logical, rational lineage for a faith which continues to evolve.”

Watch the author introduce his book here:

Purchase Towards Awakening here:
Forwarded from Prometheism (Jason Reza Jorjani)
I will be LIVE on BTR at 3pm Eastern on December 6 to deliver what may be my most incendiary commentary yet on the phenomenon of Close Encounters and the unfolding drama of UFO Disclosure. I will explain why we are certainly headed toward the apocalypse.
“I insist on the fact that the American protection has taken away from Europe the taste for independence and the sense of responsibility. Atlanticism is an opium for political Europe; Americanism is a morphine which coarsens us and takes away all personality from us.”

Jean Thiriart, Europe: An Empire of 400 Million

Purchase Europe: An Empire of 400 Million here:
On the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, an essay by Rose Sybil, published by Arktos.

Rose Sybil explores the complexities of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, revealing overlooked aspects like the West’s double standards, Israel’s contentious origins, and the problematic portrayal of Palestinians as perpetual victims.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict highlights three main concerns:

1. the double standard of Israeli support in the West and Europe by those who push multiculturalism;

2. the foundations that Israel was founded upon conflate religious tribal feuding with racialism, patriotism, and nationalism;

3. treating Palestinians like a victim group removes accountability from Arabs and perpetuates a status quo of dependency of dysfunctional ethno-religious groups on Europids.

All of this must be unpacked instead of treating complex issues as simple because...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
This is ten thousand years in the future, after our civilization has long vanished:

‘Once again, dearest Majesty, you have shocked the aristocrats and the clergy. But really, what are you trying to do now? Why tamper with the order of things? Thanks to you, our Empire enjoys an unequalled prosperity. Why wound an old religion and its ancient dogmas that are going to die out on their own? Why this obsession with an inspiration from a Golden Age that only exists in your imagination and in that of your crazy protégé Memor, who’s hated by the entire Court?’

‘Because, Madame, I intend to push History along and liberate humanity from the stamp of the Gods.’

— From Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism 2.0
Escalation in the Middle East: The Path to World War III, an essay by Alexander Markovics, published by Arktos.

Alexander Markovics presents a gripping account of the escalating conflict in the Middle East, signalling a critical shift in the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its potential repercussions in the global arena.

7 October 2023: fighters of the Al Quassem Brigades (the military wing of Hamas), disguised as Israeli soldiers, attack IDF military bases outside the Gaza Strip. Commandos overcame the Israeli border wall to Gaza with improvised gliders and landed deep in Israeli territory. It marks the beginning of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’, starting with a spectacular strike by Palestinian forces against Israel. The operation’s name reflects its aim: to prevent further desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Jewish-Sabbatian sects and to alert Muslim neighbours to the plight of the Palestinians. It has been clear from the start that this conflict, which began not just in October of this year but back in 1948 with Israeli land acquisition in Palestine, has the potential to ignite a regional conflagration that could engulf not only the entire Middle East, including Cairo and Tehran, but also escalate into a world war involving...

Read the full essay here:
‘War makes one realise the relativity of human life and therefore also the law of a “more-than-life”, and thus war has always an anti-materialist value, a spiritual value.’

Julius Evola, Metaphysics of War
Neocominternism as a False Alternative to Globalism, an essay by Iurie Roșca, published by Arktos.

Iurie Roșca delves into the issue of some anti-globalist combatants unduly propagating Kremlin policies, questioning whether this stems from thought inertia, comfort, or financial motives, and calls for a deeper analysis beyond mere adulation of the Russian leadership.

The reason for writing this article is that I notice among us some combatants of the anti-globalist front showing a perseverance worthy of nobler things than to practice open and noisy propaganda in support of the Kremlin at the expense of relevant geopolitical analyses. I have no way of knowing if it’s just inertia of thinking, a psychological comfort zone, or a pecuniary motivation. The motivation may differ from case to case. But I also cannot tolerate lying, with claims of valid and, above all, honest intellectual exercises, to continue its course unabated.

I have noticed for a long time and even commented on the fact that within the circles considered dissident, anti-system, and anti-globalist there is a certain category of people who have replaced political analysis with...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Martin Sellner (english)
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Vivek: the Great Exchange is a core left-wing demand

🟥 Vivek Ramaswamy, entrepreneur and Trump-style Republican candidate said the following in a debate:

"The Great Replacement thesis is not some grand conspiracy theory of the right, it's a pillar of the Democratic Party platform."

👉 Nothing can stop a realisation whose time has come. The globalists can no longer hide the population exchange.

✈️ And nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. Remigration will be the great task and the great adventure of the 21st century.

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Yule: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.

P R Reddall shares vivid winter memories and the deep connection to Odinist traditions, emphasising the primal feelings evoked by Yuletide celebrations and the importance of kinship and spiritual awakening in the modern world.

As the nights draw in, I am reminded that the deepest, darkest moments of the coming winter conjure up the most wonderful memories for me.

From childhood I recall the following: the smell of evergreen fir in the house, snow crunching under footsteps, the crackle and pop of an open fire, the smell of my father’s cigar (he was not a smoker per se, but would light up just once a year in the house; thus the Yuletide memory is anchored to a gently smouldering King Edward coronet); a visiting uncle would open a bottle of dark ale at my nan’s house and there would be food and conversation and laughter and warmth.

I have this same feeling of comfort when I am standing deep in the woods with Odinist comrades as we...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase P R Reddall's Towards Awakening here: