Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project.”

— Guillaume Faye
The Kingdom of Heaven: Unfashionable Observations on the October Crisis, an essay by Alexander Wolfheze, published by Arktos.

Alexander Wolfheze points to the Traditionalist diagnosis of the late-stage Middle East conflict and the approaching choice between radical Archaeo-Futurist therapy or textbook eschatological euthanasia.


To those committed to the now ennobled — because blood-baptized — causes of Eurasianist and Multipolarity movements, to those whose Global South liberation struggles now align with these movements, to those who, since 22 February 2022, have sacrificed some, much or all on the ‘Ukraine’ front of the Last War of the World Island, and to those who are now already engaged in Holy War in the Holy Land, all their struggles interlocked now, there can be no doubt as to who stands on the right side, and who stands on the wrong side. To them, it is clear that globalist Tower of Babel projects such as Neo-Khazaria and Neo-Zion are doomed to failure, because they lack a grounding in long durée power equations and because they reject recognition of divine providence. They who have ‘eyes to see’ will recognize the right and wrong signs by which choices should be made. Thus, they will not join those who, in the cause of ‘BlackRock’ portfolios and ‘gay disco’ values, chose to take up arms against Russia on the fields of Little Russia. Nor will they join those who, in the cause of some ‘psytrance festival’ revellers breaking Shabbat and forgetting Simchat Torah on the fields of Re’im, indulge in the mass slaughter of innocent men, women and children just because they live on...

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Rome and Athens: The Eternal Foundation of Europe, an essay by Georg Immanuel Nagel, published by Arktos.

Georg Immanuel Nagel rejects the claim of Israeli nationalist Yoram Hazony that European culture is based on Judaism.

Yoram Hazony is an Israeli citizen, a modern Orthodox Jew, President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem, and is considered a fanatical Zionist. His book The Virtue of Nationalism was controversially discussed by the mainstream. Particularly in the United States, his often very peculiar theses seem to find an audience. Hazony’s excessive Jewish nationalism has now led him to make some statements that are as absurd as they are revealing.

Europe Is Said to Descend from ‘Israel and the Bible’

‘There was always a problem with the academic study of “classical antiquity,” which was built around the assumption that the West was descended from Greece and Rome — but not from Israel and the Bible’, Hazony wrote on Twitter. He considers this thesis to be ‘anti-Semitic’. Wow! Hazony is...

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"National Conservatism is a ghost, an impulse, a will-o’-the-wisp fluttering in and out of the Beltway Right. Conservatism can’t win on its stated policy preferences of entitlement cuts, foreign interventionism, and upper-class tax breaks. It must appeal to nationalist symbols and anti-leftist sentiment to generate populist energy."

James Kirkpatrick, Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right

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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
In his last book, The Hour of Decision, Oswald Spengler warned that Western Faustian Culture was in the process of collapse, under attack from both within and without.

On the inside, Spengler saw the rise of the Left as a threat to the traditional values and institutions of Western civilization. He argued that the Left’s emphasis on egalitarianism, collectivism, and materialism was corroding the spirit of individualism and creativity that had been the driving force of Western culture for centuries.

On the outside, Spengler saw the rise of non-European peoples as a threat to Western dominance. He argued that these peoples were more numerous, more vigorous, and more adaptable, and that they would eventually overwhelm Western civilization.

Spengler’s warnings were prescient. In the decades since his book was published, the West has indeed faced a number of challenges, from the rise of the welfare state and identity politics to the globalization of the economy and the rise of China. These challenges have weakened the West both economically and culturally, and have led to a decline in its global influence.

Whether Spengler was right about the ultimate fate of Western Faustian Culture is still an open question. But his warnings about the dangers of the Left and the rise of non-European peoples are worth heeding. The West must find a way to renew its spirit and adapt to the changing world around it, or it may indeed face the fate that Spengler predicted.

Purchase The Hour of Decision here:
Cite Your Sources!, an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.

P R Reddall contends that as we evolve spiritually, we become more discerning and perceptive, making decisions based on our inner guidance rather than superficial information.

Some years ago, while acting as an online tutor for a home study course on Odinic mythology, I had a conversation with a student in regard to a point which was made in the course. This particular point was certainly not a popularly held view, but it was one which our organisation put forth as correct.

Upon explaining this point, I was asked to ‘cite the source’. Having the luxury of time (as this was a conversation conducted via email), I pondered the query and decided to...

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AI and the Apocalypse, an essay by Eric Orwoll, published by Arktos.

Eric Orwoll examines the intersection of biblical prophecy and technological advancement, questioning whether the rise of advanced artificial intelligence could herald the coming of either Christ or the antichrist as predicted in the scriptures.

As a young Christian, it felt uncanny that, after two thousand years, Israel was not only once again a state, but forces there were actually seeking to rebuild Solomon’s temple for the second time, which, if accomplished, I was told, would signal the apocalypse. The 1990s in general had eschatological overtones, with Fukuyama’s promise of the “end of history” echoing uncritically and a unipolar global system of governance on the ascendant; a New World Order seemed inevitable. At the same time, in evangelical circles, all of this was taken to be a fulfillment of Revelation’s prophesies, and cautions were made against the mark and number of the beast; their omens were seen in barcodes, serial numbers, social security numbers, digital currency, and...

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We are delighted to announce the addition of 9 new ebooks to our continuously expanding online store:

1.) Jason Jorjani, Psychotron

2.) Virginia Abernethy, Born Abroad: A Patriot's Tale of Choice & Chance

3.) Edgar Julius Jung, The Significance of the German Revolution

4.) Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West vol. 1

5.) Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West vol. 2

6.) Alexander Dugin & Nicholas Rooney, Talking to the Wolf: The Alexander Dugin Interviews

7.) Julius Evola, A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism

8.) Guillaume Faye, The Colonisation of Europe

9.) Alain de Benoist, On the Brink of the Abyss: The Imminent Bankruptcy of the Financial System
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part One, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...

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Sahra Wagenknecht: Left-Wing Populist, an essay by Constantin von Hoffmeister, published by Arktos.

Constantin von Hoffmeister discusses the unique political trajectory of Sahra Wagenknecht, a key figure on the German left, who is now introducing right-wing elements into her new party to bridge the gap for German voters disillusioned with the mainstream political landscape.

Sahra Wagenknecht, born in the German Democratic Republic as the daughter of an Iranian father and a German mother, is a prominent figure in Germany’s left-wing political sphere. She recently revealed plans to establish a new political party. Wagenknecht, well-known for her role in The Left, a party with origins in East Germany’s Communist Party, intends her party to resonate with a significant portion of German voters who feel alienated by conventional politics.

“In these times of global political crises, it seems Germany might be facing its worst government in history,” Wagenknecht said. “A growing number of people are uncertain about...

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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“The white world is governed primarily by idiots – if it is governed at all, which one is entitled to doubt.”

Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision

Purchase The Hour of Decision here:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
Today’s edition of the propaganda magazine Der Spiegel: “Ban the AfD? How democracy can defend itself against the enemies of the Constitution.”
When Your Enemy Knows Best, an essay by Christopher Jolliffe, published by Arktos.

Christopher Jolliffe talks about the liberal West’s internal enemies and external rivals.


In an age of renewed geopolitics, when the unipolar liberal international order we have taken for granted for decades seems under genuine threat, this is the mantra the West’s recently resurgent rivals are following. We are in trouble, as the West plays whack-a-mole on three separate fronts, and all of Fukuyama’s past optimism about the final victory of liberal democracy seems a little premature, as even he now admits. For this we might be grateful: to genuine reactionaries, a liberalism without challengers is a solution only in the final sense. Our problems are deep and abiding and, in the Spenglerian view, entirely internal. Unfortunately for those who dream of Kant’s world republic, those rivals seem to...

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“Today only the person who no longer believes in a happy ending, only he who has consciously renounced it, is able to live. A happy century does not exist; but there are moments of happiness, and there is freedom in the moment.”

Ernst Jünger, The Glass Bees
The West Has Made Islam Its Enemy, an essay by Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.

Alexander Dugin describes how the Islamic world is consolidating against the collective West, of which Israel is a part, over the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza.


But events in Israel, the Hamas attack, and the retaliatory genocide of Palestinians by Israel have opened another frontline. Now the West, through its unconditional and one-sided, biased (as in Ukraine) support of Israel, despite the egregious nature of the IDF’s crimes against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, has entered a phase of confrontation with the entire Islamic world. Thus, another pole has come to the forefront — the Islamic one. In the face of what Israel is doing in the Gaza Strip and in the rest of the Palestinian territories, and considering past injustices against the population of Palestine, driven into ghettos and reservations on their own land, the Islamic world cannot but...

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