Не быть новому порядку . No to New World Order. Аркадий Мелконян
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Resist the New World Disorder. Old Friends News. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aXggpBDoY1rX/
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Оказывается Батька то не при чем был когда гайки затянули на Белоруссов!! Вот где собака зарыта!
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Sen. Rick Scott: "With his recently announced unconstitutional mandate for private businesses, 'King Biden' is saying government knows best, is taking choice away from families in Florida and across the country."
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Forwarded from Siri HopeDeLucia
My brother and his wife got the first dose and said it was so bad they didn't want to get the 2nd..then they got very sick and both them and their kids tested positive for covid. All four were very sick. My retired parents wouldn't dare tell me if they were feeling sick because I've been so angry with them for getting the vaccine. I hear from a lot of people that the vaccinated are complaining about feeling fatigued, dizzy etc. and everyone has got a cold now, so I think the only people I know who are not sick is me and others I know who are unvaccinated.
Forwarded from James C86

The pandemic aka the(plandemic)

The events that have taken place over the past 19 months have all been in the pipeline for numerous years maybe even centuries.

Strategic planning over multiple event scenarios and outcomes that our philanthropist overlords roll out on the human population without your vote or say so. To fit their specific agenda and reduce the carbon emitters or useless eaters in the words of klaus schwab and his friend bill gates👹

So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John Hopkins institution, Bill and Melinda gates foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA all with the help of your corrupt local government agencies and politicians!

Agenda 21

Agenda 30

Agenda 50

cyberpolygon 2021

Covid 19 - The great reset klaus Schwab.

Event 201

Operation Dark Winter

Operation crimson contagion.

Operation lockstep Rockefeller’s.

operation Cygnus uk gov

Uk influenza preparedness plan

National pandemic influenza plan

Spars pandemic (2025-2028)
The next event.

Pandemic influenza vaccine storage (March 2020)

Coronavirus act 2020(slavery act)

All this brought to you by the pharmaceutical global drugs cartel, they care so much about your health they plan how to cull you years in advance. Stay ahead of the game be informed people know the plans so you can counter the agenda and narrative.

Stay strong stay healthy stay ahead of the globalist plan!

Вот как Азверы относились к нашим пленным!!!!
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Scuffles as ‘Anti-vaccine passport’ protesters harass MP Michael Gove having lunch in Westminster. Footage of ‘anti-vaccine passport’ protesters harassing Michael Gove on the streets of Westminster this afternoon. The MP appeared to be out for lunch. #London #londonprotests
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That’s who the Trump is!!!
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