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St Francis Xavier spent his final days at the small island of Shangchuan, off the Chinese coast, hoping to spread the Gospel in China. However, he met an untimely demise before reaching the mainland.

St Francis Xavier’s body is today, enshrined in the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa – where he rests in honour of the staggering missionary work spanned across a decade.

The Archdiocese of Bombay wishes all Churches and Institutions dedicated to St Francis Xavier a Happy Feast! 

December 4
Second Sunday of Advent

The Jews were familiar with the ‘call to repentance’, repeatedly made by their religious leaders, so why is it that John the Baptist’s call evoked such a great response? The answer is found in the Gospel – John’s life embodied his message. His clothing and food reflected his simple lifestyle, while his nature revealed one who had encountered God. His words of praise for the one who was to come, clearly indicated that he had no selfish ambition. And so when a man like John rose up to speak, he didn’t need extraordinary oratory skills, for his life-style spoke louder than his words.

History is witness to several such personalities, who didn’t make long speeches to convince people of the values they professed, because their life-style witnessed their beliefs. A closer look at our own lives will reveal several values that we have picked up from our parents, not through any of their preaching, but simply because they lived it.

Remember... most often the only Bible that people will read is our lives!
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Rom 15:7

Facing a new situation? Ask yourself: what would Jesus do?
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Spend a minute in prayer on this Second Sunday in Advent.
December 5
Monday of the Second Week of Advent

No matter how far you may have strayed, if only you look back, you will see God coming to save you! The readings and the Psalm of today echo this message of hope.

The first reading addressed to the disillusioned exiles in Babylon, offers consolation and hope, with the promise that God will restore all of creation to its pristine order. And we see this exemplified in the Gospel text.

Over and over again in the Gospel according to Luke, we see Jesus liberate people – those who have been physically sick, mentally impaired, socially branded, enslaved by sin – making them whole again. All of those who come to Him broken, are filled with the urgency to proclaim God's Kingdom, as they are restored to the world they live in.

In today’s Gospel we also hear about the faith of friends who help bring their companion from the captivity of sin to the freedom of forgiveness that Jesus offers.

Is there any part of me that’s broken? What prevents me from coming to the Lord seeking to be made whole again?
"We have seen extraordinary things today."
Lk 5:26

Go the extra mile, and you will witness the extraordinary!
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As we prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, here is a wallpaper for your mobile phones for the Second Week in Advent.

#Advent #Peace
December 6
St Nicholas

In the Old Testament, the covenantal relationship that God shared with His people was described through many analogies, one being that of a shepherd and his sheep. This is because the people understood the care and sacrifice the shepherd would go through to ensure that the sheep were provided for and protected.

In the Gospels we hear the same analogy used by Jesus in describing His relationship with the people of Israel. In John 10:11 Jesus says “I am the Good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.” And Jesus did that. In today’s Gospel from Matthew, Jesus speaks of the faithfulness of the shepherd. A good shepherd, He says, will never want any of his sheep to be lost. And although the sheep may not know the consequences of being lost, the shepherd is aware that the sheep cannot survive when cut off from the shepherd and other sheep. Likewise, this passage helps us better understand that our sins not only threaten our relationship with God but also become a hindrance in relating to others.

This Advent, can we level all the mountains and valleys that hinder our relationship with God and others.