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The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths - The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, by A Midwestern Doctor

โ€œWhen the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened, and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.โ€
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Kurds devastate airport in Paris to free a PKK Kurd who was about to be deported to Turkey. Several French police officers injured.
Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel (Mike Yeadon)
Just sent to me by a friend in Australia. Around 1 in 25 Australians are members of one or more groups which have come together. I donโ€™t know to what extent membership of more than one group may exaggerate the total. Nor can it be discerned to what extent members are aware of what theyโ€™re facing. Itโ€™s still encouraging.
Have a look at their website and member organizations.

Best wishes


Over 25 likeminded groups from across the country have come together to form a new alliance - the ALIGNED COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA (ACA).

The Council represents over 1 million Australians!!

๐ŸŽฏ Their goal is to push back against the WHO; to inform Members of Parliament, the general public, and to coordinate initiatives that focus on maintaining self governance.

The next important WHO deadline is the 27th May this year, if you'd like to know more about ACA ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

Forwarded from Anonyme Citoyen
Des agriculteurs du Gard bloquent la plateforme logistique de Carrefour ร  Nรฎmes aprรจs avoir forcรฉ les grilles de la DDTM. (Le rรฉveil du midi/ Luc Auffret)

Forwarded from Lawyers of Light
Dystopian hell.

Oxford want your papers please to travel around the city.

Abandon Oxford. It has fallen.
Forwarded from Lawyers of Light

"If you live inside the blue outline you will get 100 free passes a year".

"If you live in Oxfordshire outside the blue outline, you will get 25 free passes a year".

Free passes to leave your "zone" only 100 times. Fuck off you clowns. If people adhere to this they are absolutely moronic.
Forwarded from Lawyers of Light
"A team of researchers in Japan say that, based on the volume of evidence that has come to light about post-vaccination harms, medical professionals worldwide should be alerted to potential dangers in using blood derived from people who have had the jab..... "

"They say methods to identify and remove the contaminants are urgently needed, and propose a range of specific tests and regulations to deal with the risks".

"The lead author of the 20-page report, posted on March 15, is Jun Ueda, associate professor in the department of advanced medical science, Asahikawa Medical University. The highly referenced paper is a preprint, not yet peer-reviewed".

Would you have a blood transfusion if you knew the blood came from someone who had been jabbed? Do you think it's safe? These concerns were raised 3 years ago to cries of "tin foilers".
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Media is too big
Catherine Austin Fitts: "If you look at the people who are running this operation, they are slavers. They practice slavery; they believe in slavery. Slavery is the single most profitable business ever to date in the history of man on the planet."

"These guys can print money. They don't need your money. They want your land, they want your gold, and they want your kids. Those are the real assets they're after."
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
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โ€ผ๏ธEdward Griffin on the Federal Reserve:

"When I did my research on this topic I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve system does not need to be audited, it needs to be abolished.
The reason I say that is because if they audit the Federal Reserve system they would find out that it is doing exactly what it's supposed to do.. It's all out in the open...It's one of the greatest scams of all history. Out on the surface."

โ€œIt must be abolished for 7 reasons:

โ–ชIt is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives
โ–ชIt is a cartel operating against the public interests
โ–ชIt is the supreme instrument of usury
โ–ชIt generates our most unfair tax
โ–ชIt encourages war
โ–ชIt destabilizes the economy
โ–ชIt is an instrument of totalitarian control

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Dennis Meadows (WEF-Wissenschaftler und Club Of Rome-Mitglied) sagt wir mรผssen die Weltbevรถlkerung von 7 Milliarden auf 1 Milliarde reduzieren und hoffen, dass dieses Aussterben friedlich verlรคuft.

Hier das Gesagte im Wortlaut:
โ€žGlobal gesehen liegen wir so weit รผber dem Bevรถlkerungs- und Verbrauchsniveau, das dieser Planet verkraften kann, dass ich weiรŸ, dass es auf die eine oder andere Weise wieder nach unten gehen wird. Ich hoffe also nicht, dass man das vermeiden kann. Ich hoffe, dass dies auf zivile Weise geschehen kann, und ich meine auf eine besondere Weise. Ich meine auf eine friedliche Art und Weise. Frieden bedeutet nicht, dass alle glรผcklich sind, aber es bedeutet, dass der Konflikt nicht mit Gewalt, mit Zwang, sondern auf andere Weise gelรถst wird. Das ist es, was ich mir erhoffe.
Der Planet kann etwa eine Milliarde Menschen ernรคhren, vielleicht zwei Milliarden, je nachdem, wie viel Freiheit und wie viel materiellen Konsum man haben mรถchte. Durch mehr Freiheit und mehr Konsum muss man weniger Menschen haben. Und umgekehrt, wenn man mehr Menschen hat, kรถnnten wir vielleicht sogar 8 oder 9 Milliarden haben, wenn wir eine sehr starke Diktatur haben, die intelligent ist. Leider gibt es nie kluge Diktaturen, sie sind immer dumm. Aber wenn man eine kluge Diktatur und einen niedrigen Lebensstandard hat, kann man das haben, aber wir wollen Freiheit und wir wollen einen hohen Standard haben, also werden wir eine Milliarde Menschen haben. Und wir sind jetzt bei 7, also mรผssen wir wieder runterkommen. Ich hoffe, dass dies langsam und auf relativ gleichberechtigte Weise geschehen kann, so dass die Menschen die Erfahrung teilen und nicht einige wenige Reiche alle anderen dazu zwingen, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen. Das sind also meine Hoffnungen. Das sind ziemlich pessimistische Hoffnungen, aber ich meine, das ist es, was vor uns liegt

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Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel (Mike Yeadon)

Agreed. Please donโ€™t sign up for any new systems of digital ID. Itโ€™s a component in a mass murder machine.

Best wishes