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Machine learning and other gibberish
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Mitchell M, Wu S, Zaldivar A, Barnes P, Vasserman L, Hutchinson B, et al. Model cards for model reporting. Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2019. doi:10.1145/3287560.3287596

The History of User Interfaces

I was playing with dalle-mini ( ).

So... in the eyes of Dalle-mini,

1. science == chemistry (? I guess),
2. scientists are men.

Tried several times, same conclusions.

It is so hard to fight against the bias in ML models.


Update: OpenAI is fixing this.

Fotios Petropoulos initiated the forecasting encyclopaedia project. They published this paper recently.

Petropoulos, Fotios, Daniele Apiletti, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, Mohamed Zied Babai, Devon K. Barrow, Souhaib Ben Taieb, Christoph Bergmeir, et al. 2022. “Forecasting: Theory and Practice.” International Journal of Forecasting 38 (3): 705–871.

Also available here:

The paper covers many recent advances in forecasting, including deep learning models. There are some important topics missing but I’m sure they will cover them in future releases.

the Library of Statistical Techniques (LOST)!

> participants who spent more than six hours working on a tedious and mentally taxing assignment had higher levels of glutamate — an important signalling molecule in the brain. Too much glutamate can disrupt brain function, and a rest period could allow the brain to restore proper regulation of the molecule

I became a beta tester of DALLE. Played with it for a while and it is quite fun. See the comments for some examples.
Comment if you would like to test some prompts.

I find this work counter intuitive. They took some descriptions of the optimization in machine learning and trained a transformer to "guesstimate" the hyperparameters of a model.
I understand that human being has some "feeling" of the hyperparameters after working with the data and model for a while. But it is usually hard to extrapolate such knowledge when we have completely new data and models.
I guess our brain is doing some statistics based on our historical experiments. And we call this intuition. My "intuition" is that there is little generalizable knowledge in this problem. 🙈 It would have been so great if they investigated the saliency maps.