Am Neumarkt 😱
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Machine learning and other gibberish
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#datascience #audliolization
This is the audiolization of the daily new cases for FR, IT, ES, DE, PL between 2020-08-01 and 2020-12-14. I made an audiolization video two years ago. As I am currently under quarantine and the days are becoming so boring, I started to think about the mapping of data points to different representations. We usually talk about visualization because there are so many elements to be used to represent complicated data. Audiolization, on the other hand, leaves us with very few elements to encode. But it's a lot of fun working with audio. So I wrote a python package to map a pandas dataframe/numpy ndarray to midi representation. Here is the package
#tools #writing
> "Very good english" is not very good english. Lose the very.

I ran into this hilarious comment on pie chart in a book called The Grammar of Graphics.

“To prevent bias, give
the child the knife and someone else the first choice of slices.” 😱😱😱
As human beings, we read or hear about facts of something. These are our priors. Our belief is then updated based on observation of data, aka, likelihood. Some people abide by the priors, they are the prior-people, while others are more like likelihood-people and easily change their belief based on observations.
There is a third type. They combine priors and likelihood. Change belief based on likelihood is prone to biases in data. By combining priors and likelihood, they have a better chance of getting to the right conclusion.
#data #covid19

UK gov has an official covid 19 API.

I found this funny typo in the documentation. 😂 The first one should be cumCasesByPublishDateRate.
what the f
ECDC has been like this for at least 2h.
Am I time travelling back to 2000? AND this is about disease prevention and controll not useless blogs...

A gatekeeper for learning

> Upon learning a hippocampus-dependent associative task, perirhinal inputs might act as a gate to modulate the excitability of apical dendrites and the impact of the feedback stream on layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex.

😲 In some sense, perirhinal inputs are like config files for learning.
#intelligence #paper #ML
Superintelligence Cannot be Contained: Lessons from Computability Theory

> We argue that total containment is, in principle, impossible, due to fundamental limits inherent to computing itself. Assuming that a superintelligence will contain a program that includes all the programs that can be executed by a universal Turing machine on input potentially as complex as the state of the world, strict containment requires simulations of such a program, something theoretically (and practically) impossible.
Forwarded from The Sociologist
补充一部讨论互联网审查的工作生产、全球影响、社交媒体加剧冲突等议题的德国纪录片 The Cleaners(原名 Im Schatten der Netzwelt,网络阴影之下)。Hans Block 和 Moritz Riesewieck 执导,他们也在 TED 上 讲述了 关于「数字清洁」(digital cleaning)的问题。不过我第一次看这部纪录片,是在 DW 的 YouTube 频道,分为 两集播出,目前均已失效,原因不明。一部讲述内容被删除的影片,自身却(或被)删除,不论是因著作权还是其他原因都表现出足够的讽刺。Internet Archive 上仍可找到 播出日存档 回看,也可 在此 下载观看。