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Finally we've had a short, sharp shower and the mountains are visible again as are some patches of blue sky and a clear sun. 💖
Do people like the "emoji reaction buttons"? I don't know how to activate it but I'm not sure I want to. They reduce people's inclination to comment and interact in my opinion.
Forwarded from Mairead
Latest UK MHRA Yellow Card Data to 30th March 2022 (released to the public on 7th April 2022)

Overall Totals: Total Reported Deaths and Injuries 1,477,322 with 2,082 Deaths, reported by 451,277 people

1. Blood Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 27,388 with 21 Deaths
2. Cardiac Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 27,600 with 363 Deaths
3. Congenital Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 225 with 3 Deaths
4. Ear Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 18,554 with 1 Death
5. Endocrine Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 893 with no Deaths reported
6. Eye Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 24,466 with no Deaths reported
7. Gastrointestinal Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 134,170 with 35 Deaths
8. General Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 414,938 with 673 Deaths
9. Hepatic Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 833 with 10 Deaths
10. Immune Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 6,373 with 7 Deaths
11. Infections: Total Deaths and Injuries 34,919 with 236 Deaths
12. Injuries: Total Deaths and Injuries 19,545 with 4 Deaths
13. Investigations: Total Deaths and Injuries 19,616 with 5 Deaths
14. Metabolic Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 12,442 with 5 Deaths
15. Muscle and Tissue Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 174,222 with 3 Deaths
16. Cancers / Tumors (Neoplasm): Total Deaths and Injuries 955 with 30 Deaths
17. Nervous System Disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 283,771 with 325 Deaths
18. Pregnancy Conditions (includes miscarriages as injuries!): Total Deaths and Injuries 1,161 with 20 Deaths
19. Null: Total Deaths and Injuries 346 with 1 Death
20. Psychiatric disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 31.082 with 7 Deaths
21. Renal & urinary disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 4,480 with 15 Deaths
22. Reproductive & breast disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 57,280 with 1 Death
23. Respiratory disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 55,818 with 215 Deaths
24. Skin disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 100,507 with 3 Deaths
25. Social circumstances: Total Deaths and Injuries 801 with no Deaths reported
26. Surgical & medical procedures: Total Deaths and Injuries 2,193 with 1 Death
27. Vascular disorders: Total Deaths and Injuries 22,744 with 98 Deaths

Only 1-10% Reported
These are just the short term injuries and deaths

Link to MHRA Data: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions
Forwarded from Mairead
UK - MHRA- Harm to Children from Covid-19 Injections

Data to 30th March 2022 (released 7th April 2022)

The MHRA has now disclosed that:

3,700 children have now reported injury, harm or death following a Covid-19 injection, includes 72 cases of myocarditis, pericarditis or related, (see pages 15 and 24 of the document linked below)
• Details of the deaths of children and the number of injuries being suffered by children are not being disclosed by the MHRA.
• It is estimated by the MHRA that only somewhere between 1% and 10% of all cases of harm, injury or death are ever reported to the Yellow Card Scheme – as such the true number of cases could be 10-100 times more than this number.

The long term impact of these experimental injections is currently unknown

MHRA reports that a total of 5.4m Covid-19 injection doses have been administered to children: 3.3m first doses, 1.9m second doses and over 200k booster injections.

In addition, the UK govt is also now mixing the brands of Covid-19 injections given to children as more Moderna booster doses have now been administered than the total number of first doses of Moderna injections given

Link to data :
Something to unwind to this Friday. ⤴️ May your weekend be a time to relax and rejuvenate 💚

In Spain, the populace successfully overturned spiralling utility bills by staging a "silent protest" and stopping using all power for 10 minutes. In response, the Spanish PM agreed electricity prices would remain the same as they were in 2019. We can do this too!

So, on
*10th April
*At 10pm
*For 10 minutes - switch all power off. No plugs on, no lights, no kettle or other electrical items (using phones or laptops that have already been charged is ok).
If millions of us did this, it would make a huge impact!
*Please copy and paste (don't 'share', as this drastically limits visibility) this message on your social media platforms*
10th April, 10pm, 10 minutes - #poweroff

Join and Share➡️

https://t.me/greatbritishbird 🇬🇧
This is in the main why I also don't share such material or jump on the latest viral meme. 🙏 ⤵️
Forwarded from OffGuardian (official)
We get asked why we don't share the latest shock/horror 'atrocity' video to emerge.

Ok - here's why.

We try to be a source of fact and/or analysis. We think it's important to remain focused on the data, particularly during times of great polarisation and emotionally charged conflict.

At such times we feel it's important to avoid sharing potentially manipulative fact-free or fact-lite, unverified claims or allegations from any person, channel or outlet.

There's a ton of such material out there right now. All designed to bypass critical thinking and elicit pre-planned visceral/emotional responses.

If you want to see it you can join one of the hundreds of channels sharing such stuff every day.

You will NOT be seeing it here, and now you know why.

"No competent government or C-suite player ever needs to stoop to using propaganda: it is a sign of failure. Propaganda has but a single purpose: to mask the ineptitude of those in power who are now trying to deflect attention away from their own failures and clean up the mess to hold on to those paper crowns they stole. Censorship is as much emotional abuse as is gaslighting -- any mechanism meant to hide reality from our perceptions is a violation of the right to find our own answers to our own problems."
Anyone up for turning all electrical appliances and plugs off tomorrow at 10pm for 10 mins?

I should add this is in the UK!! ⬅️

It's supposed to be a way of pressuring the companies and government to back down on energy price hikes.
Interesting analysis by Gonzalo Lira. I know most of us here don't fall for this poop, but if you know anyone who is perhaps it's sharable?

It's a short vid. He shows how there appears to be a "set" where different actors speak to camera... appearing to be fighting when in fact it's all just propaganda.
Forwarded from Mr. Ognev
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A report by the film crew of the Italian TV channel La7 from Kramatrsk, where they were allowed to film the fragments of the 9M79-1 rocket of the Tochka-U complex. The rocket fell on the forecourt of this settlement, killing more than 50 civilians. The footage shows the serial number of the product, the numbers of which are from the same batch as the missiles that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already used in Donbass. Reference: according to the LostArmour service, the Sh915 series ... was previously used by the Ukrainian military in the following settlements:
09/04/2014 Khartsizsk (Sh915622);
02/02/2015 Alchevsk (Sh91565);
02/13/2015 Logvinovo (Sh91566, Sh915527, Sh915328);
03/19/2022 Berdyansk (Sh915611);
03/17/2022 Melitopol (Sh915516).
Forwarded from Mairead
US VAERS - Data to 1st April 2022

Chart shows the number of cases of SEVERE HARM reported in children aged 5-17 years from 1990 to 1st April 2022.

Cases of severe harm following vaccination in children aged 5-17 years:

Cases of severe harm in children in 2020: 866
Cases of severe harm in children in 2021: 8513
Cases of severe harm in children for first 3 months of 2022: 2,849

Only 1-10% are reported

Long term consequences unknown

Bless Piers for always being in the thick of it and trying to educate and open dialogue with the "opposing side". Are people too far gone in their indoctrination to be open to real facts? I hope not 🙏 ⤵️
Media is too big
We had a good morning engaging with XR protestors today (9/4/22) Thank you to those protestors that were open to hearing our scientific understanding of what's going on and about our views on fighting real pollution. Some weren't open and wouldn't even take a leaflet with facts on. The majority of XR though clearly care a lot about the future of the planet, they've just been lied to.

We are keeping channels open with representatives and hope to organise a debate soon.

To download Piers Corbyn's scientific paper "Man Made Climate Change Does Not Exist" go to weatheraction.com

Thank you to everyone who came down to help.
