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Ostersonntag, Heidentor, Carnuntum, Niederösterreich c Gerhard Hallstatt 12.04.2020

"Im Zug hatte ich in meinen Notizen zum Heidentor geblättert und dem kleinen Osterhasen manches vorgelesen. Einst glich es einem großen Würfel mit einer Seitenlänge von fünfzig Fuß, der nach den Himmelsrichtungen ausgerichtet war. In den vier senkrechten Seiten hatte er Torbögen. Heute aber war von diesem Würfel fast nichts mehr übrig, ,alea iacta est‘ – der Würfel ist gefallen. Nur ein einzelner Torbogen hatte den Zahn der Zeit, der Geschichte, des Christentums überlebt. Heute erschien das Heidentor nur noch als ein Schatten seiner selbst, denn ,zu Lebzeiten‘ war es purpurrot und anthrazitgrau bemalt – Archäologen hatten Reste von Farben auf dem Mauerwerk entdeckt."

Blüte im Wasser. Blossom in water. Setagaya-Park, Vienna, Austria c Gerhard Hallstatt 23.03.2023



"Sein Körper indessen richtete sich auf und stemmte sich der schweifenden Seele entgegen. Fieber und dumpfer Schmerz durchdrangen ihn, als würden ihm dicke Goldfäden eingenäht, und Kiyoaki hatte das Gefühl, sein Körper sollte zu einem gestickten Brokat verarbeitet werden." (Yukio Mishima, Schnee im Frühling, Kapitel 52)

"The only force to counter this wayward urge in his heart was his body itself. He was in the grip of an aching fever. A heavy gold thread had been strung through every part of it, embroidering his flesh with pain and heat." (Yukio Mishima, Spring Snow, chapter 52)

Gold und Schnee im Frühling. Gold and spring snow c Gerhard Hallstatt 07.03.2023

Allerseelen: Mond und Möwe. Geräuschprinzessin. Klangkapsel 019.


"Inside Klangkapsel / Sound Capsule 019 you will listen to the Allerseelen composition Mond und Möwe / Moon and Seagull, recorded by the Italian sound designer Stefano Bertoli (Waldorf Iridium) and Gerhard Hallstatt (all other instruments). (...) You are surrounded by several moon paintings on dark blue cardboard by the artist and astronomist Maria Clara Eimmart (1676 - 1707) who painted in her youth hundreds of times the natural satellite of the earth. She was the first and maybe still is the only female moon researcher - selenographist or selenologist. Unfortunately she died very young at an age of 31. (...)." (Gerhard Hallstatt 15.04.2023)

Waldorf Iridium: Stefano Bertoli.
All other instruments: Gerhard Hallstatt.
Recorded at Haus zur letzten Latern.
Mastered at Dungeon Studio (Rhenania) by Marcel P.
Allerseelen: Mond und Möwe. Geräuschprinzessin. Klangkapsel 019.


"Inside Klangkapsel / Sound Capsule 019 you will listen to the Allerseelen composition Mond und Möwe / Moon and Seagull, recorded by the Italian sound designer Stefano Bertoli (Waldorf Iridium) and Gerhard Hallstatt (all other instruments). The interior is illuminated by moonlight, from time to time you will see the shadows of seagulls. You are surrounded by several moon paintings on dark blue cardboard by the artist and astronomist Maria Clara Eimmart (1676 - 1707) who painted in her youth hundreds of times the natural satellite of the earth. She was the first and maybe still is the only female moon researcher - selenographist or selenologist. Unfortunately she died very young at an age of 31. Some of her moon paintings are now in the Museo della Specula in Bologna, but most of them are in St Petersburg as part of the estate of her father Georg Christoph Eimmart who was an astronomist too. Mond und Möwe is also a part of the Allerseelen project Geräuschprinzessin / Otohime / Sound Princess. Oto is the Japanese word for sound, ohimesame means princess - but in mythology, Otohime is also a daughter of the Japanese sea god. The Allerseelen Geräuschprinzessin project is a work in progress. All of these instrumental compositions somewhere in a field of force between ambient and industrial will be published one day as a special release." (Gerhard Hallstatt 15.04.2023)

Waldorf Iridium: Stefano Bertoli.
All other instruments: Gerhard Hallstatt.
Recorded at Haus zur letzten Latern.
Mastered at Dungeon Studio (Rhenania) by Marcel P.

Stefano Bertoli:


Painting: Maria Clara Eimmart, Museo della Specula, Bologna, Italia.

Stundenglas / Hourglass is a special subscription project by the Austrian project Allerseelen that has been active for many years in a unique field of force between ritual music, industrial music, neofolk and krautpop.

The subscribers receive in 52 weeks 52 sound capsules. These are exclusive compositions, live recordings, soundscapes or works in progress with a certain timeless quality. Each mp3 has a length between 30 and 300 seconds, available via e-mail or WeTransfer.


Rehe wie Blüten
als bewege sie der Wind
scheinbar schwerelos

roe deers like flowers
as if moved by the wind
seemingly weightless

Gerhard Hallstatt



Photo: Rehe wie Blüten. Roe Deers like Flowers c Gerhard Hallstatt 26.01.2007
Gerhard Hallstatt, Wienerwald c Margit M (frei-bewegen, Trance & Dance) 21.04.2023
"Ich liebte meine Heroen, wie eine Fliege das Licht; ich suchte ihre gefährliche Nähe und floh und suchte sie wieder. 1 loved my heroes as a fly loves the light; I sought their dangerous nearness and fled and sought it again. " (Friedrich Hölderlin: Hyperion)
Allerseelen: Dein Flug. Ein Fluch. Ikarus. Klangkapsel 020.



"Klangkapsel / Sound Capsule 020 contains one of three versions of the song Ikarus by Allerseelen: Dein Flug. Ein Fluch. Ikarus, in English: Your Flight. A Curse. Icarus. The tragedy of this hero who came too close to the sun has been for centuries an essential ikon for hundreds of painters and poets - and it has been for a long time a fascinating topic for me too as a symbol for artists and visionaries that ended up mad or found an early death because their spiritual adventure and mission was too strong for their psyche and physis. There are artists, musicians, visionaries, writers that appear like eternal mountains, full of balance, patience, peace - and there are those that lived like volcanoes with their imbalance and impatience, their passion and even sometimes self-destructive violence. Ikarus died because he ignored the warning of his father Daedalus who had built two pairs of wings out of feathers and beeswax. His vision and wish took him too close to the sun, and the wax in his wings melted like honey. This could also be a kind of tragic love song that differs in a German translation from the authentic Greek myth: The sun is female in German whereas the Greek Helios is male, Maybe Ikarus was too much in love with the sun. Maybe the sun loved him too much. So his flight may even have been a successful sacrifice." (Gerhard Hallstatt 26.04.2023)

Electric guitars: Jörg B.
Lyrics, Tonkunst, Vocals: Gerhard Hallstatt.
Mastered at Dungeon Studio (Rhenania) by Marcel P.
Artwork: Gerhard Hallstatt.

"Ikarus - Dein heißes Wachs ein heller Wahn - Dein Flug ein Fluch, gewollt - Ikarus - Du fieberst im Licht - Du willst so hoch hinaus - Ikarus - Frau Sonne ruft - berührst ihr blondes Licht - Ikarus - spielst mit dem Feuer"

"Icarus - your hot wax a flight of folly - your self-sent curse - Icarus - you sweat in the light - you want to fly so high - Icarus - Lady Sun calls you - touch her blonde radiance - Icarus - you´re playing with fire" (Translation: Simon Collins)

"Ich liebte meine Heroen, wie eine Fliege das Licht; ich suchte ihre gefährliche Nähe und floh und suchte sie wieder. 1 loved my heroes as a fly loves the light; I sought their dangerous nearness and fled and sought it again. " (Friedrich Hölderlin: Hyperion)

Stundenglas / Hourglass is a special subscription project by the Austrian project Allerseelen that has been active for many years in a unique field of force between ritual music, industrial music, neofolk and krautpop.

The subscribers receive in 52 weeks 52 sound capsules. These are exclusive compositions, live recordings, soundscapes or works in progress with a certain timeless quality. Each mp3 has a length between 30 and 300 seconds, available via e-mail or WeTransfer.


Allerseelen: Dein Flug. Ein Fluch. Ikarus. Klangkapsel 020.



Electric guitars: Jörg B.
Lyrics, Tonkunst, Vocals: Gerhard Hallstatt.
Mastered at Dungeon Studio (Rhenania) by Marcel P.
Artwork: Gerhard Hallstatt.

"Ikarus - Dein heißes Wachs ein heller Wahn - Dein Flug ein Fluch, gewollt - Ikarus - Du fieberst im Licht - Du willst so hoch hinaus - Ikarus - Frau Sonne ruft - berührst ihr blondes Licht - Ikarus - spielst mit dem Feuer"

"Icarus - your hot wax a flight of folly - your self-sent curse - Icarus - you sweat in the light - you want to fly so high - Icarus - Lady Sun calls you - touch her blonde radiance - Icarus - you´re playing with fire" (Translation: Simon Collins)
Gerhard Roth, Der Plan. Damböckhaus, 1810 m, Schneeberg, Niederösterreich c Gerhard Hallstatt 04.05.2023

Gebetsfahnen, Windpferde. Prayer flags, wind horses. Fischerhütte, 2049 m, Schneeberg, Niederösterreich c Gerhard Hallstatt 05.05.2023

