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Strategist and former protest organizer.
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If I perceive Catholic hate or the celebration of death today, I’m going to block without hesitation. Protest elsewhere. My home will not be sullied. There will be no warning outside of this.
Trump loves me. Get over it!

I’m the most effective right-wing organizer in modern history. Top 10 ever! Stop the Steal!
Very cool. From the original and top Trump advisor. Thank you Roger.

Thank him here:
Happy New Year to all my Aussies!
My heart is so filled with LOVE. Our opponents stand no chance! Praise God
Humbled to announce that we have received Archbishop Viganò's blessing for a period of fasting and prayer to take place January 3rd, 4th, and 5th before the Epiphany on January 6th.

This is to ask for God’s intercession for America and the J6 Families.

I’d like to thank my lawyer Joseph McBride for remaining faithful to this calling on his life.

I am back. Spiritual War on. 🕊

@AliAlexander (@ali)
Founder of Stop the Steal
2023. Let’s go.
I’m going to divorce myself from cussing and also I’m done with alcohol. Don’t have an issue with either however it’s time to streamline.

Full Armor time.
Blessing: Texan driving in Los Angeles rain; being the only one who knows how to drive.

Curse: Being the only one on the road who knows how to drive.

Reminder: don’t drink and drive tonight. Please.
NOW: We are sharing with the public the letter from Archbishop Viganò blessing our January 6th fast (to take place on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th — not the actual 6th because it's a feast day). I hope you'll join this period of fasting and prayer for the victims of the Deep State and Deep Church. Evil must be battled spiritually first and last.

We received it 7 minutes after learning Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had passed. 🕊
Live stream started
Live stream finished (24 minutes)

(NOTE: This is one way to fast, but not the only way, among many different fasts our Brothers-in-Christ will be engaging in)

-Consider eating nothing but bread and water for 72 hours, starting Tuesday, January 3rd

-Only eat dinner, skip breakfast and lunch

-Skip snacks in between meals, only water

-No sugary drinks, like white monster, skip dessert

Words of wisdom on fasting:

St. Thomas Aquinas
“For we fast for three purposes: (1) to restrain the desires of the flesh; (2) to raise the mind to contemplate sublime things; (3) to make satisfaction for our sins. These are good and noble things, and so fasting is virtuous.”

St. Augustine
“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, kindles the true light of chastity.”
Some will go with one meal a day.

Others will go with no food, just water.

I know one major influencer who is going with tea and coffee only.

May God grant all those participating in the J345 fast stamina and His warm embrace.

Do not brag about the pains that will bring you closer to God. However, do encourage others to join the fast. I will be hosting a daily livestream to encourage my brothers and sisters.

@AliAlexander (@ali) ✝️
There is an army behind me supporting the things that make our movement(s) successful and productive. You'll never know most of their names—mostly at their request and because we battle an enemy targets the innocent like marriages, employment, and children.

I said it on November 4, 2020 and I'll affirm it now. We will change the world and They have underestimated what we will do next.

We choose flow not friction in 2023.

Thank you. This a mission not a show.
THANKS — Michael just donated $500 so we only need $1500 more to turn my 236 pages before the January 6 Committee into audio format.

Who wants to chip in tonight?

Anyone above $50 has the option to be listed as a producer.
Ye is more pro-life than Trump.