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"Anthony Fauci has spent 191 billion dollars for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity"

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OPINION PIECE: Pride is a political movement and like all movements it canvasses for change, in the case of ‘pride’ to change all that is fundamental in society. ‘Pride’ is about deconstructing and reconstructing the family in a totally different image, it’s about replacing centuries old morality with a new way of living that is passed off as a value system. It is totally intolerant of all criticism and it deals with criticism by closing down debate by bullying and haranguing those it disagrees with. It labels critics using hostile and unflattering language all aimed at discouraging scrutiny or criticism.

But ‘pride’ is aware of a rising level of criticism against its politics, particularly in the European Union, once a bulwark of liberalism whose motto might well have been ‘anything goes’. Times are changing and ‘pride’ knows it must change too. In a grotesque attempt at widening its reach to more normal strata within society it is attempting to align with intersex people. Intersex is a medical term that refers to people born with ambiguous genitalia, a rare chromosomal or genetic abnormality that generally needs surgical correction. This intervention must be carried out sensitively and in a timely manner so that the child can be brought up as either male or female. Nobody chooses to be intersex, that is determined pre birth.

However problems can arise when a person is assigned what is professionally decided as the most appropriate sex taking everything into account. But a tiny number of people born intersex may conclude that the wrong sex was decided on and that the surgery performed failed to align with their sex that was medically decided upon.

The case of Christiane Völling is a case in point. Born with ambiguous genitalia but with XX chrosomes she was raised as a man. During an appendectomy it was discovered that she had a full set of female reproductive organs. At the age of eighteen they were removed to confirm her masculinity. She subsequently transitioned to become female and successfully sued for damages. The point is she was always female and what happened surgically should never have happened although it was with the right intentions. Christiane Völler was always a woman, she did not choose to be a woman.

The homosexual lifestyle is a choice and people should be free to live whatever lifestyle they wish once it doesn’t impinge with mainstream living or try to change the fundamental building blocks of society. But to normalise ‘pride’, the ‘pride’ movement it is now attempting to align with people born intersex. As a result it has altered its flag to represent the intersex community. This is to expand their non binary philosophy, that sexuality is a continuum and it is not of our choosing. Intersex fits well into the LGBQTI+ agenda as it genuinely is of nobodies choosing but that does not lessen the fact that the LGBQT lifestyle is a lifestyle of choice whatever about actual sexual orientation which should be a non political private matter. Respect everybody regardless of orientation but reject ‘pride’ and its corrosive agenda.
Soros and the Kiev Regime… Supping With the Devil

"The contradictions of the Kiev regime are head-spinning. The incumbent president, Zelensky, is reportedly of Jewish heritage. Yet his regime is propped up by Nazi-toting paramilitaries such as the Azov and Aidar Battalions that form the backbone of the Ukrainian armed forces. Zelensky’s financial patron is Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky who is also Jewish, yet Kolomoisky bankrolls Neo-Nazi paramilitaries.

Western governments who claim to be custodians of “democracy” and “freedom” have been pumping billions of dollars of weaponry to the fascist regime in Kiev headed up by a Jewish president. The Western governments and media try to square that contradiction by asserting that Zelensky’s regime is a “democracy” and by covering up the facts of its Nazi conduct. The arming of Ukraine since 2014 by the United States and other NATO members is recklessly pushing a world war with Russia. Western so-called democracies are aligned with fascism in an incipient war against Russia that could end in a nuclear catastrophe. For those paying historical attention to the real causes and geopolitics of the Second World War – the interplay of Western powers and Nazi Germany – and the subsequent Cold War, the present confrontation may come as no surprise.

The relations of one Western public figure with Ukraine are particularly awing in their incongruity. George Soros, the American billionaire philanthropist, was an early supporter of political change in Ukraine following its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Through his Open Society Foundation, Soros funneled millions of dollars to promote the Maidan “revolution” takeover in Kiev. Soros worked hand-in-hand with the U.S. government and its CIA regime-change agencies, such as National Endowment for Democracy and USAID, to create “civic society groups” and a litany of media organizations that pushed anti-Russia views.

Soros’ Open Society Foundation to this day proclaims to “stand with Ukraine” and accuses Russia of waging an “assault on democracy”. The OSF has a fundraising target of $45 million which it says will be used to “protect Ukrainian civic society”.
The reality behind Soros’ virtue-signaling rhetoric is that the Kiev regime is dominated by Nazi forces that are intent on smashing any dissent and free speech, as the repressive new media laws demonstrate.

Even Soros-funded Western non-governmental organizations such as Reporters Without Borders and the U.S.-based Committee for the Protection of Journalists have condemned the shocking assault on free speech by the Zelensky regime.

This is not just an unfortunate matter of keeping bad company. Soros and the U.S. State Department, along with then Vice President Joe Biden, were instrumental in bringing the Kiev regime to power in 2014. They were instrumental in building it up as a rabid anti-Russia spearhead that repudiated the 2014-2015 Minsk Peace accords and fomented the present war with Russia.

Soros, who over many years has publicly expressed a deep personal antipathy toward Russian President Vladimir Putin, appears to have deftly used Ukraine as a geopolitical playground to promote his personal and business interests. The billionaire capitalist has his eyes on the privatization of Ukrainian industries in energy and agriculture. Of course, Washington and NATO’s imperialist interests dovetailed neatly with the apparent philanthropy."
Forwarded from Abby Wynne
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