Sayed Modarresi السيد مهدي المدرسي
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Sayed Mahdi Modarresi
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Begin your day with a salutation of heavenly bliss to Hussein (and use the attached photo as a background image for your phone)
♦️Want to be among the most devoted, most pious, and richest people?

من وصايا رسول الله لأمير المؤمنين (صلوات الله عليهما وآلهما) : يا علي، أحب العمل الى الله ثلاث خصال :من اتى الله بما افترض عليه فهو من اعبد الناس ,ومن ورع عن محارم الله فهو من اورع الناس ,ومن قنع بما رزقه الله فهو من اغنى الناس

وسائل الشيعة (آل البيت) - الحر العاملي - ج ١٥ - الصفحة ٢٤٦

📖 The Holy Prophet said to the Commander of the Faithful (in a long narration known as the Counsels of the Prophet to Imam Ali): “O Ali! The most beloved deeds for God are three attributes:

🔹Whoever comes before God having fulfilled the things obligated upon him is among those who worship him the most,
🔹And whoever abstains from the things forbidden is among the most pious of people,
🔹And whoever is satisfied with what God has given him is among the richest of people.
Beautiful calligraphy of immortal wisdom: 🔸The Holy Prophet said, “only supplication reverses [divine] decree, and only good deeds increase one’s lifespan”
🔸Do you find it difficult to forgive others? A little introspection would help. See the issue from this vantage point:

📖 #ImamAli: “Show mercy to those beneath you, to receive mercy from the one above you.. and compare the transgression of others toward you with your own transgression toward God, and their need for your mercy, to your need for God’s mercy”

قال أمير المؤمنين علي عليه السلام: "إرْحَمْ مَنْ دُونَكَ يَرْحَمْكَ مَنْ فَوْقَكَ، وَ قِسْ سَهْوَهُ بِسَهْوِكَ‏، وَ مَعْصِيَتَهُ لَكَ بِمَعْصِيَتِكَ لِرَبِّكَ، وَ فَقْرَهُ إِلَى رَحْمَتِكَ بِفَقْرِكَ إِلَى رَحْمَةِ رَبِّكَ"

عيون الحكم و المواعظ: 77، علي بن محمد الليثي الواسطي، القرن السادس الهجري
❇️ Sincerity is key to maintaining our faith during the occultation and the era of confusion:

🔸“He [Imam Mahdi] will emerge following an absence and confusion, such that no one shall hold on to his faith except those who are sincere; the ones connected to the spirit of certainty, those who have pledged loyalty to our authority and God has inscribed belief unto their hearts and has supported them with a Spirit from Him” – Imam al Baqer

امام باقر علیه السلام:
يَخْرُجُ بَعْدَ غَيْبَةٍ وَ حَيْرَةٍ لايَثْبُتُ فيها عَلي دينِه اِلا الُْمخْلِصُونَ الْمُباشِرُونَ لِرُوحِ الْيَقينِ، اَلَّذيـنَ اءَخـَذَ اللّهُ مـيـثـاقـَهـُمْ بـِوِلايـَتـِنـا وَ کـَتـَبَ فـي قـُلُوبـِهـِمُ الْايـمـانَ وَ اَيَّدَهـُمْ بـرُوح مِنْهُ

(بحار الانوار ج 51 ص 110)
Imam al Sadeq said, "A believing woman is rarer than a believing man. And a believing man is as scarce as red sulfur” (in reference to the alchemical Sorcerer's Stone, denoting the rarest and most sought after of all things)

Sisters, know your worth, cherish your faith, keep your values, lead the way. You're too precious to melt in the digestive tract of a godless pop culture

🔹عن قتيبة الأعشى قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (عليه السلام) يقول: المؤمنة أعز من المؤمن ولا مؤمن أعز من الكبريت الأحمر، فمن رأى منكم الكبريت الأحمر.

المصدر: الكافي الشريف ٢:٩٧
🔸“Sitting in a mosque is better for me than sitting in paradise, because paradise pleases me, while [being in] a mosque pleases my Lord” – Imam Ali
عن علي (عليه السلام ) قال : الجلسة في الجامع خير لي من الجلسة في الجنة، لأن الجنة فيها رضى نفسي والجامع فيه رضى ربي

وسائل الشيعة للحر العاملي
Media is too big
🔹Sayed Mostafa Modarresi: “To understand why those horrible events transpired against Lady Fatima and the family of the Holy Prophet, we must look at previous nations, because history repeats itself..”
Media is too big
🕋 The #10DayChallenge with Salat al Wutayrah, the easiest and shortest of the Nawafil prayers. 📺 Watch to learn about its incredible rewards and benefits and get started tonight
The current #10DayChallenge is this:

Pray the Wutayrah prayer after Ishaa. It’s two cycles of prayer you perform while sitting down.
🔸By popular demand: Do you feel that you have a weak memory? Recite this beautiful supplication after each prayer.
As winter ❄️ starts, let’s make the most of the extended nights and short days in rebuilding our relationship with God.

Imam al Sadeq said, “winter is spring time for believers; the night is extended for them, so they benefit from that to stand [in prayer], and the day is shortened, so they take advantage of that for their fasting”

عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الشتاء ربيع المؤمن يطول فيه ليله، فيستعين به على قيامه، ويقصر فيه نهاره، فيستعين به على صيامه

المصدر: أمالي الصدوق ١٤٣
والبحار - العلامة المجلسي - ج ٩٣ - الصفحة ٢٤٩