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#48 Spot Something: Oisha’s deer

Can you spot Oisha’s deer in this picture?

❗️If you can you might win 5,000 Paynet-soums!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_something
Congrats to Shohista!!! 🥳🥳🥳 And big round of applause to our designers Shohista, Aisha and Omadbek! 💯👍
#6 culture shock.jpg
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#6 Infographic: Culture shock

▶️ Dealing with other cultures isn’t easy sometimes. Many of us are eager to go to a foreign country and think that once they arrive they will be happy ever after. Those who have been abroad know that it’s not so simple of course. Check out this infographic for more information!

🆕 Monday evening is discussion & debate time. Get right into it at Afandi English Chat and talk to your fellow English learners!

Today's discussion questions are:
🕔21:00-21:20 1️⃣ What is and what isn’t culture shock? What are the stages of culture shock?
🕐21:20-21:40 2️⃣ Have you ever had a culture shock? Or do you know someone who had?
🕦21:40-22:00 3️⃣ Is culture shock good for people? Why or why not?

👉@afandi_english👈 #infographic
#32 Afandi Quiz: Mysterious song

Today’s quiz is about a mysterious song from a mysterious country! Can you guess where it’s from? Pay attention to the language and style.

👉@afandi_english👈 #song_quiz
This song is from ...
Final Results
Sri Lanka
Afandi English
This song is from ...
Oh no!

👎 Colombia was wrong. Yes, the song is rhythmic like we expect Latino music to be but the language should have been Spanish. Latino songs also tend to be more lighthearted (=easygoing, cheerful) and not melancholic (=feeling sad).

👍 Mali was the correct answer. It’s the only African country in the selection and with just a hunch (=gut feeling, instinct) that this song is African you may have made a good guess!

👎 Sri Lanka was wrong. As a country located in South Asia, Sri Lankan music resembles (=is similar to) that of India.

👎 Oman was wrong. The country is part of the Arab world and a song from Oman would certainly be sung in Arabic.
University Vocab: The End

It’s been one year now that Afandi English is bringing you University Vocab, giving you all you’ve ever wanted to know about higher education. Time to review all 20 posts!

#1 Lectures vs Seminars
#2 Academic Literature
#3 Tuition Fees
#4 Assessment
#5 Time Off
#6 Online Education
#7 Undergraduates & Graduates
#8 Entering & Leaving University
#9 Coursework
#10 Undergrad Years
#11 Rankings
#12 Science, What Science?
#13 Degrees
#14 Academic Writing
#15 Course Modules
#16 Exam Types
#17 Higher Education
#18 Thesis Papers
#19 Teaching Staff
#20 Credentials

👉@afandi_english👈 #uni_vocab
#68 Our favourite mistakes: Speaking & Writing

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Mening ismim Abdullayev Abdullo.

Perhaps you think it is:
My name is Abdullayev Abdullo.

Well, it should be:
My name is Abdullo Abdullayev.


❗️ In English first names come first and last names come last. Simple as that. Saying your first name first doesn’t mean you’re a celebrity like “Yulduz Usmonova” (rather than “Usmonova Yulduz”).

❗️ Think of this difference as a cultural difference. Western culture is more individualistic and therefore puts the individual person’s name first. Non-western cultures are more collectivist and emphasize who the person belongs to.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #writing
#3 Corona: Paranoia

Let’s be honest. While people are suffering the corona crisis has also given us some pretty good laughs, and that is when people overdo it (=do too much) with their self-protection. This is what we may call paranoia – the false belief that everything and everyone around you is bad and only wants to harm you. Check out some beautiful shots of paranoid people from around the net!

#22 Tongue twister: Yummy footwear

❗️Challenge yourself with this tongue twister:

▶️ If Stewart chews shoes, should Stewart choose the shoes he chews?

Agar Styuart poyabzal chaynasa, Styuart u chaynaydigan poyabzalni tanlashi kerakmi?

❗️Pay attention to:

🔘 Intonation – strong / weak: Names, numbers, nouns and adjectives often sound stronger because they carry more meaning than other words. Verbs, function words and repeated words are usually not so strong.
If (function word)
Stewart (name)
chews (verb)
shoes (noun)
should (function word)
Stewart (repeated name)
choose (important verb)
the (function word)
shoes (repeated noun)
he (function word)
chews (repeated verb)

▶️ Now practice: If Stewart chews shoes, should Stewart choose the shoes he chews?

👉@afandi_english👈 #tongue_twisters
#34 Travelogue Uzbekistan: The White Gold

The cotton season seems to be a neverending one in Uzbekistan. You can find cotton in rather hostile habitats like in metro stations, on bridges or at bus stops. It seems that cotton is more than just a crop and that Uzbeks are very proud of it. Or should they?

Good reasons
Uzbekistan has the perfect climate for cotton, produces loads of it and all parts of the plant can be used. That should be a blessing. Cotton is not only a beautiful plant but also essential for the country’s textile industry.

Bad reasons
This crop has a complicated history, not only in Uzbekistan. Large monocultures have led to pollution and disasters like the vanishing Aral Sea. Cotton is also just a raw material, it doesn’t make the country rich if it’s not used there.

📍hostile = unfriendly 📍habitat = natural home 📍crop = farm plant 📍blessing = sth good that makes people happy 📍monoculture = growing only one kind of crop

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan