Afandi English
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English teaching: @learn_2_teach

Travels: @hoffmanns_travelogue


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Suggestions: @jochenho
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❗️A special message for Asakanians❗️

You find yourself living in Asaka and you're looking for the best English teacher in town? Look no further, Afandi has spotted him for you!

Abdullo knows what he's doing. He has a degree in English, an international teaching certificate (CELTA) from Cambridge University and of course IELTS, too. He also took part in Hoffmann Afandi's teacher training!
Ko'pdan beri meni qayerda ishlayotganimni so'rayotganlarga meni bu safargi va yangi ish joyimni tanishtirmoqchiman: uyim. Rasmda ko'rib turganingiz mening yangi darsxonam va bu yerda o'z darslarimni olib borayapman. Bugungi holatga ko'ra uch toifadagi guruhlar mavjud:

IELTS guruhi - 8 o'quvchi
Elementary - 6 o'quvchi
Beginner - 5 o'quvchi

To'lovlar pre-intermediate va undan quyidagilar uchun 120 000 so'm va intermediate va undan yuqorilar uchun 150 000 so'm.

Keling va bizga qo'shiling. Hammangiz bilganingizdek darslarni Keymbridj sifatida tashkil qilaman.

: @endlesslyenergetic
#45 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Afandi gilosni yaxshi ko’radi.

Perhaps you think it is:
Afandi likes cherry.

Well, it should be:
Afandi likes cherries.


❗️ Cherries are perfectly countable. You can eat one cherry and then another one and then another one, so there’s no reason why you should use a singular noun here.

❗️ Some fruit are too big to eat one by one, and for those we would use the singular, i.e. melon, watermelon, pumpkin or pineapple. Like, how many watermelons can you eat?

❗️ “I like cherry” could be a correct sentence if you mean “I like cherry flavour”, e.g. What’s your favourite jam? – I like cherry.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
#1 Self-study: Tom & Savannah

🆕 Brand new on the channel: Materials for self-study! Learn English with interesting videos. You won’t believe how much English you can extract from a video if you go to the bottom of it. IELTS students – here is your source of 🔥free and natural English🔥!

How does it work?

🎈Print the script (pdf file), if there’s any way you can.

🍅Watch it lots of times while following the script.

🎒Use stop-and-go clarification and imitation.

🏮Do the suggested activities (Tasks 1-8).

🌹If possible, find a partner for some of the activities, perhaps from Afandi Chat?

The material is designed for higher levels (intermediate to advanced).

Today’s video is about world traveller Tom and his dog Savannah. Follow them on their amazing trip and pick up lots of new vocabulary and structures on the way!

👉@afandi_english👈 #self_study
#12 Travelogue Uzbekistan: Hotels are windows to the world

A proper hotel should welcome international guests with flags, right? But here's a dilemma – which flags should be chosen? There are many amazing nations that deserve our attention.

The choice is determined by symbolism. Hotels choose flags of big, important or prestigious countries – or whatever flags they can get hold of:

🇺🇿Uzbekistan = the biggest and most important and most prestigious 😜
🇷🇺Russia = big, important and prestigious
🇨🇳China = big and important but not so prestigious
🇬🇧UK = not big and not important but prestigious
🇰🇬Kyrgyzstan = not big and not prestigious but important as a neighbour

Now vote for your favourite!

📍proper = real, right 📍dilemma = a difficult problem 📍deserve sth = earn sth 📍determined = decided 📍symbolism = use of symbols 📍prestigious = being admired by people 📍get hold of sth = find and get sth

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan
Afandi English
In your opinion, which hotel has got it right?
Your vote probably says more about you than about the hotels.

You voted for Bog’ishamol? You have identified Uzbekistan’s key partners in economic development and geopolitics. You are perfectly aware that Uzbekistan’s future is in Asia.

You voted for Vella Elegant? Prestige is more important to you than economic reality. You see the world from an English learner’s perspective.

You voted for Plaza 2? You truly love your country and for you there can never be enough Uzbekistan flags. But you also seem to like authoritarian countries.

You voted for Orom? You just love different looking flags and random collections of them. Or maybe you hate all this political stuff and dream of No Man’s Land?

You voted for Hilton? Tashkent is obviously superior in your mind and an international hotel like the Hilton must know best. At the same time you look one way, and that is West.

Keep voting, guys! 🤓
#26 Spot Afandi and his donkey: Afandi immersed in rust and dust on Jahon Bozor

Can you spot Afandi and his donkey in this picture?

❗️If you can, follow the instructions in #1 (see pinned message) and win 5,000 Paynet-soums!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_afandi
Congrats to Khusniddin!!! 🥳🥳🥳
#13 It’s a strange world: Enclaves & Exclaves

Have you ever wondered about these strange pieces of land that belong to one country but are surrounded by another country?

❗️There are actually two words: “Enclave” and “exclave”. An enclave is a territory enclosed by another country; an exclave is a territory separated from the main part of the country. One territory can actually be both, depending from where you stand. Sokh, for example, is an exclave of Uzbekistan enclaved by Kyrgyzstan. But it gets even more, fascinatingly complicated than that! Check it out!

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about a town in Holland and Belgium that’s full of enclaves and exclaves:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #geography
#10 Afandi Quiz: What’s the word?

Today’s quiz is about a tough old Indonesian lady.

▶️Has she just killed someone? Is she defending her home? Is she about to escape on her motorbike? Is she guarding a crime scene? Or is she just posing for a photo? Well we will never know but we can still describe her.

👉@afandi_english👈 #word_quiz