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#6 World Englishes: Dubai English

❗️ Dubai English isn’t really one particular kind of English. It is rather an easy and basic (some would even say “broken”) kind of English with maximum tolerance for difference. As more than 80% of Dubai residents are foreigners, some of the accents heard most in Dubai include Indian English, Arab English and Philippine English.

🔘 Pronunciation: There’s a lot of trilled “r” pronunciation and in Dubai that’s perfectly acceptable.

🔘 Grammar & Vocabulary: Usually very easy and understandable; avoiding idioms that may not be understood by people from other countries.

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#7 World Englishes: Southern US English

❗️ People in the Southern United States (Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, etc.) not only have their own accent, they also have their own history.

🔘 Pronunciation: Southerners often make vowels longer and sound like two vowels; “red” may sound like reyd. But some vowels are also shortened, like “my” sounding closer to ma. Some words are also stressed differently, e.g. GUItar and POlice.

🔘 Grammar: They may skip some modal verbs, like I done it or You seen her? Some past forms are also non-standard, like knowed or choosed. Double negatives, like Ain’t got no time for this are also common.

🔘 Vocabulary: A famous southern greeting is Howdy!; for the plural “you” Southerners may use y’all; finally, ain’t is used as negative for any present form of ‘to be’ or ‘to have’.

▶️ Check out what it sounds like:
About a Chinese cowboy with a Southern accent

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#8 World Englishes: West African Pidgin English

❗️ About 75 million people in West Africa speak Pidgin – a mixed language that is made up of English and local African languages. It is mainly spoken in Africa’s most populous country Nigeria but also in Ghana and Cameroon. Pidgin is so big now that the BBC even started a Pidgin news service.

🔘 Pronunciation: The English [th] sounds are changed to [d] and [t], “this thing” is pronounced like dis ting; the letter “a” is often pronounced as a straight [a] or [e] rather than [ə] or [eɪ], e.g. “Africa” is [afrika] and not [æfrɪkə]; like in Black American English “ask” is pronounced [aks].

🔘 Grammar: Dey is a present tense marker, e.g. “I go” becomes A dey go; the English auxiliary "have" is don.

🔘 Vocabulary: “eat” and “food” are both chop; the question tag “…, isn’t it?” is abi?; "you guys" is una.

▶️Check out what it sounds like:
About the BBC in Pidgin
About an English lady speaking Pidgin

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#9 World Englishes: Indian English

❗️ 12-30% of Indians are fluent in English. That may not seem much but given India’s huge population, the number of speakers is 200 to 400 million, similar to the US. Indians are only going to speak Indian English to you, so better learn to understand!

🔘 Pronunciation: [t] and [d] sounds are retroflex, the tongue is curbed upwards and moves forward; the ‘th’ sounds [ð] and [θ] are replaced with [d] and [t], the [r] is trilled and the double vowels [eɪ] or [ou] are long single vowels [e:] and [o:].

🔘 Grammar: The ‘-ing’ form is used even for verbs like “know” and “understand”.

🔘 Vocabulary: “Less” can be an adjective (“My money is very less”) and there are double comparatives like “more better”; big numbers are different – 100 thousand is 1 lakh and 10 million is 1 crore; “yar” is the informal question tag “isn’t it?”.

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#10 World Englishes: Irish English

❗️ As an island with a population of 6.6 million, Ireland isn’t a very crowded place. Nonetheless, the Irish accent has fans around the world, as does Irish beer!

🔘 Pronunciation: Unlike British English, every ‘r’ is pronounced; some vowels are changed – aɪ as in “Ireland” becomes a short ɔɪ, aʊ as in “brown cow” becomes eʊ, əʊ as in “goat” becomes a long o:, ʌ as in “Dublin” becomes ʊ.

🔘 Grammar: Like in Uzbek, no plural is used after numbers in measurements, e.g. 5 minute, not 5 minutes; they also often add tags to the end of sentences, e.g. It’s raining, so it is.

🔘 Vocabulary: What’s the story? or just Story? means What’s going on?; What’s the crack? means Any news?; a common expression of surprise in Catholic Ireland is Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph!

▶️ Check out what it sounds like:
A tutorial
In real life

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#11 World Englishes: Pinoy English

❗️ Philppine, or informally “Pinoy”, English is a mixture of influences from the country’s history as first a Spanish and then an American colony, plus local languages and the national language Tagalog. English is big in the Philippines and lots of Filipinos work abroad, so you there’s a good chance you will hear this accent sooner or later!

🔘 Pronunciation: The [f] sound is pronounced as [p] and [v] is pronounced as [b]. The ‘th’ sounds are pronounced as [d] and [t]. The [r] is either trilled (‘rrr’) or made very American.

🔘 Vocabulary: Filipinos often confuse he and she and they have some expressions that may confuse us, e.g. comfort room or just CR means toilet, Go ahead! means See you later!, tasty means bread and open / close the light means turn on/off the light.

▶️ Check out what it sounds like:
A tutorial
In real life

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