Afandi English
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#27 Know Your World: Culture classes for immigrants

▶️ Ever since the refugee (=sb escaping from a bad situation, esp. wars) crisis of 2015 Europe hasn’t been the same. Should refugees understand the locals or locals understand the refugees? Watch this documentary about Muslim immigrants in 🇳🇴Norway.

🔤 Subtitles provided.

👉@afandi_english👈 #know_your_world #documentary
#97 Afandi Quiz: Cultural Misunderstanding

Today’s quiz is about a cultural misunderstanding in the following situation:

▶️ Omar is a low-budget (=spending little money) travel blogger from 🇲🇾Malaysia. It is his first trip to Europe. In 🇪🇸Spain he visits a so-called “feria” – a big festival celebrated in a small town. He is really excited about it but also disturbed by one thing.

👉@afandi_english👈 #culture_quiz
Afandi English
What’s the problem with the Spanish festival?

💡 Our Malaysian traveller is irritated (=annoyed, disturbed) by the fact that all shops are closed, forcing him to eat expensive food in restaurants. Go anywhere in Asia, celebrations are rarely so holy that people don’t go about (=do sth as usual) their business. In most parts of Europe, however, shops also close on Sundays.
#130 Our favourite mistakes: Writing

▶️ Please translate the following items:
Andijon davlat universiteti
Oksford universiteti nashriyoti
Jahon savdo tashkiloti

Perhaps you think it is:
Andijan state university
Oxford university press
World trade organisation

Well, it should be:
Andijan State University
Oxford University Press
World Trade Organisation


❗️ Proper nouns in English are capitalised. If they consist of several words then all of the words are capitalised, not just the first word (unlike in Uzbek).

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #writing
#5 Travel Notes: Christian Armenia

▶️ Think what you want about religion but I find it fascinating to observe people at their most spiritual moments. 🇦🇲Armenia is situated in the mountains. Mountain dwellers (=people who live in the mountains) around the world have always been more likely to preserve (=keep) ancient traditions and not follow current changes around them. Visiting an Armenian church or monastery (=religious building where monks or nuns live) therefore feels a little bit like travelling through time as well. It is quite unlike anything you find in the hustle and bustle (=noise and activity of a crowded place) of Europe or America.

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #armenia
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#13 Must Watch: Hong Kong by Night

▶️ Switch off all the lights around you and embark (=start a journey, esp. on a ship or plane) on a nocturnal (=in the night) drone flight through sleepless Hong Kong. Impressive and humbling (=making you feel small) at once.

👉@afandi_english👈 #must_watch
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#43 Movie Time: Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

▶️ Today’s film is a 🇬🇧British drama based on George Orwell’s dystopian (=having a bad vision of the future) novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell wrote it in 1948, imagining what the world might be like in 1984 if things go very wrong. In this bad future people are kept in poverty and ignorance. They are brainwashed and under government surveillance (=watching and checking people) at all times. Even their language is changed to prevent them from thinking. Nineteen Eighty-Four serves as a warning for people to defend their freedom. In our age of technology, crises and mass hysteria (=many people getting crazy about sth) Orwell’s novel is ever more relevant.

Beware of (=warning sb to be careful) some strong scenes.

🔤 Subtitles provided.

👉@afandi_english👈 #movie #british_films #drama #future
Get ready to spot Afandi again at 9:30pm today ❗️
#107 Spot Afandi and his donkey: Afandi in Kadiköy, 🇹🇷Istanbul

Can you spot Afandi in this picture?

❗️ You might be the lucky winner of 5,000 Paynet-soums!

How? Spot Afandi, mark him in the picture and send it to @jochenho. The time limit is 30 minutes. Not sure what Afandi looks like? Check the pinned message above!

🆕 If you win you have 30 minutes to claim your prize. If you don’t we’ll find another winner!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_afandi
Congrats to Muhammadali!!! 🥳💯🎊

And thanks for the lovely designs, Abdulahatty, Avazxon and Monaa! 💥🔥
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#3 Know Yourself: Are you smarter than others?

▶️ Scientists have tried to correlate (=connect two facts) intelligence with certain characteristics and behaviours. See what they’ve come up with (=have an idea) and check how many boxes you tick!

👉@afandi_english👈 #know_yourself #infographic #psychology