Afandi English
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Travels: @hoffmanns_travelogue


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Cheers to our designers of today - Oisha, Dinara and Avazxon! 😎👍👏
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#1 Know Yourself: 4 Social Styles

🆕 What does it take to live a better life? It takes making better decisions. How do we make better decisions? By knowing ourselves. Let Afandi English help you with that.

▶️ Many attempts have been made to categorise people in types of personality, some of them more useful than others. A very practical one is David Merrill and Roger Reid’s Social Styles model. When you learn about this model you can realise something about yourself and the people around you.

❗️Take the test below to find out which style you are!

👉@afandi_english👈 #know_yourself #psychology
7 World Food: Fufu from 🌍West Africa

▶️ Fufu is …

... made with:
Traditionally cassava (=a tropical root vegetable) flour but alternatively semolina (=not fine but coarse wheat flour) or corn flour can also be used. It is boiled and formed into a big round shape, usually one for one person’s meal.

... eaten with:
Different soups as well as meat, fish and vegetable stews (=a semi-soupy dish that is cooked for a long time).

Fufu is traditionally eaten by hand.

Healthy or not? 🟢
Easy to make? 🔴
Cheap enough? 🟢

👉@afandi_english👈 #world_food
#67 Afandi Quiz: What’s the word?

Hyenas (=meat-eating dog-like animals in Africa) and vultures (=ugly big meat-eating birds) love to eat meat but don’t usually hunt for themselves. They rather finish off the meat that is left over by real hunters like lions, leopards or cheetahs (=fast-running, lion-like animals).

👉@afandi_english👈 #word_quiz
What do we call animals (or humans) who live off the waste of others?
Final Results
Afandi English
What do we call animals (or humans) who live off the waste of others?
Well done!

👍 Scavenger was correct. Scavengers don’t produce anything, they don’t hunt, they just take what’s there and are not necessarily picky.

👎 Lavender is a plant that has beautiful and fragrant purple flowers. A proprietor is someone who owns a business. A forager is someone who goes around and collects things to eat. A ranger is someone whose job it is to look after a forest. A gatherer is similar to a forager, i.e. someone who gathers edible things.
#104 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar & Vocabulary

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Universitetga kirmoqchiman.

Perhaps you think it is:
I want to enter to university.

Well, it should be:
I want to enter university.


❗️ The Uzbek -ga is not always translated as to in English. It all depends on the verb. Here are some more verbs that do not need to:

admire to sb advise to sb answer to sb attack to sb call to sb congratulate to sb marry to sb respect to sb
admire sb advise sb answer sb attack sb call sb congratulate sb marry sb respect sb

access to sth attend to sth face to sth join to sth
access sth attend sth face sth join sth

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar #vocabulary
Afandi English
#1 Self-study: Tom & Savannah 🆕 Brand new on the channel: Materials for self-study! Learn English with interesting videos. You won’t believe how much English you can extract from a video if you go to the bottom of it. IELTS students – here is your source…
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#20 Self-study: Steppes to the West

▶️ Today’s video and handout are about a Mongolian young lady who went on a long journey from Mongolia to London with a bunch of camels. Find out why and pick up some English on the way!

You may say that this Mongolian lady’s English isn’t 100%, but no worries, you will find good English in the handout. And regardless, as a competent English speaker you can deal with any accent in this world. 😉

❗️If you think this is good material for your self-study, please follow the instructions in #1 👆 and the instructions on the handout below 👇.

👉@afandi_english👈 #self_study
Media is too big
#25 Movie Time: Muriel’s Wedding (1994)

▶️ Today’s movie is an 🇦🇺Australian tragicomedy (=a film or theatre play that’s both sad and funny) about a chubby (=a little bit fat) young lady who dreams of getting married but isn’t quite ready for it. Watch to find out how she manages!

👉@afandi_english👈 #movie #international_films #comedy #drama
#69 Travelogue Uzbekistan: What is English?

We all learn English at school. But what English actually?

The language of England
The Union Jack tells us it’s all about the UK while Big Ben, the Tower Bridge and the red double decker buses refer to London. All of the UK and London – let’s just call that “England”.

The language of English-speaking countries
Native speakers come from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and then it gets complicated. Irish people are white, so let’s count them in. South Africa? India? Oh no.

A language of Uzbekistan
English looks really cool, not only on storefronts and people’s clothes but also in schools. It also sounds cool during demo classes. The best decoration ever!

Problem: Uzbek meets Indian. Uzbek struggles and blames Indian. Business doesn’t take off. Whose fault? Uzbek English teachers’! They fail to prepare their students for dealing with different Englishes.

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan