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#11 Tongue twister: She sells sea shells

❗️Challenge yourself and practice your pronunciation with this tongue twister today.

▶️ She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells she sells are sea shore shells.

🇺🇿 Translation:
U qiz dengiz chig’anoqlarini dengiz soxilida sotadi. U qiz sotadigan chig’anoqlar dengiz chig’anoqlari ekanligiga ishonchim komil. Agar u qiz dengiz chig’anoqlarini dengiz soxilida sotsa, ishonchim komilki u qiz sotadigan chig’anoqlar dengiz soxili chig’anoqlari.

❗️Pay attention to:

🔘 Linking – Same or similar consonants and end-consonants with start-vowels are linked with one another:
She sells ͜ sea shells ͜ on the sea shore. The shells that she sells ͜ are sea shells ͜ I'm sure. So if she sells ͜ sea shells ͜ on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells she sells ͜ are sea shore shells.

👉@afandi_english👈 #tongue_twisters
#32 Our favourite mistakes: Vocabulary

▶️ Please translate the following sentences:
Davlat granti (byudjet) asosida o'qishni xohlardim, lekin faqat shartnoma (kontrakt) asosida o'qishga kira oldim.

Perhaps you think it is:
I wanted to study with a budget but I could only enter with a contract.

Well, it should be:
I wanted to study with a budget get a scholarship / stipend but I could only enter with a contract as a fee-paying student / by paying tuition.


❗️ Both budget and contract are used in business or government contexts.

❗️ A budget is an amount of money that is available to someone in a given period; governments and companies have budgets, but so do families and individuals. What’s your budget? means How much money can you spend on this?

❗️ Contracts are not made between universities and their students as students are not employed by the university. The money they pay are simply fees or tuition fees.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #vocabulary
#11 University Vocab: Rankings

❗️ The world loves Harvard and Oxford, no matter who makes these university rankings and how they are made. What’s there to be understood?

🔎 There are three big global university rankings: QS, Times Higher Education (THE) and ARWU (or “Shanghai”) Rankings. QS and THE are both published in Britain while the Shanghai Rankings are Chinese. QS is the most popular one but don’t forget that there’s no agreement on the ranks as they all use different criteria. So nobody can say that Oxford is definitely better than Cambridge or vice versa.

🔎 If you’re really interested in the quality of your future university you may want to check subject rankings. What matters more to your studies is the quality of your faculty and department, not the whole university. Besides, national rankings (not from the big three) can also give you some clearer ideas.

❗️Rankings can help us make decisions but we should be careful. Statistics and likelihoods are not guarantees.

👉@afandi_english👈 #uni_vocab
#10 YouTube Channel Recommendation: Bloomberg


📊 English Level: Upper

🔤 Subtitles: Available

💬 Topics: News, technology, business, future

💡 Content: Bloomberg has a good selection of videos for people who like to keep up with the times and are interested in recent developments. Check out their videos for good background information about all the issues that the world is talking about – also a great source of English.

👉@afandi_english👈 #youtube
#11 Learn how to learn: English! What English?

English is the world language but there are so many kinds of English. Which one should we learn?

Here is some advice:

1️⃣ Realise the reality. There are many Englishes and people in every country have their own kind. You don’t have to choose either British or American English. It is said that 80% of the world’s English users are non-native just like you, so there’s no reason to hide. Your goal is to be competent, not native.

2️⃣ Keep it simple. Perhaps in your family or at your school people admire you if your English is so good that they don’t understand you. It’s not like that abroad. The first priority is understandability. Avoid idioms when you’re not sure if they are used internationally.

3️⃣ Be yourself. When it comes to accent you should understand all but follow none. Nothing is worse than some wannabe, fake native accent. It only shows that you like other people more than your own.

👉@afandi_english👈 #learn2learn
#14 Spot Afandi and his donkey: OMG! Afandi at Burger King

Can you spot Afandi and his donkey in this picture?

❗️If you can, follow the instructions in #1 (see pinned message) and win 5,000 Paynet-soums!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_afandi
Congrats to Xabiba!!! 🥳
#4 Featured article: Globalisation on the head

📍 Nigerian women, not unlike other African women, love to experiment with different hair styles. Check out this article to find out in what weird ways this makes a great example of international trade.

👉@afandi_english👈 #article #economist
#33 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Afandi har doim yaxshi maslahatlar beradi.

Perhaps you think it is:
Afandi always gives good advices.

Well, it should be:
Afandi always gives good advices advice.


❗️ “Advice” is one of the abstract nouns that are uncountable, just like the following other words:
• feedback
• homework
• information
• knowledge
• music
• research
• slang

• vocabulary

❗️ If you really want to make these words countable you can sometimes add “a piece of …” before the uncountable word.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
#12 World Englishes: Euro English

❗️ Europe with its 500+ million inhabitants (excluding Russia) is a multilingual continent. Most of its countries are in the European Union and the EU has 23 working languages. Many Europeans speak several languages but English is still usually the first foreign language. It is no surprise then that Europeans tend to use English wherever they go in Europe.

🔘 Pronunciation: The sound of Euro English varies a lot depending on a speaker’s mother tongue.

🔘 Grammar: European languages share a lot of similarities, so Euro English speakers are quite good with this.

🔘 Vocabulary: French, Italian and Spanish speakers often use high-level vocabulary as they share these words with English. A French speaker might say something like I’m fatigued rather than I’m tired because fatigue is a normal word in French but a high-level word in English.

▶️ Check out what it’s like:
About English in the EU

👉@afandi_english👈 #world_englishes
#9 It’s a strange world: No meat, no milk, no eggs

Can you live without meat, milk, eggs and other animal products?

❗️You may think it’s impossible but actually many people do just that, not only in India but also in developed countries. Some even refuse to wear leather shoes! Find out what this movement is all about and why these people say no to eat animal products. Don’t call anyone crazy before hearing what they have to say!

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about Veganism:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture
#5 Go out and teach! Error correction

Students make lots of mistakes. Should you correct them or not?

🔎 The question is not whether you should or shouldn’t correct mistakes in general. As teachers we should decide which mistakes need correction. Distinguish between errors and mistakes. Errors are more serious as they are repeated and show a lack of knowledge.

🔎 Too much correction makes your students shy or fearful and too little correction makes them careless or overconfident. Both extremes are bad. Your students are also different, some demand more correction and some feel embarrassed when you correct them.

🔎 You want to be polite, so you don’t like to interrupt your students. This is a good time for you to take notes for feedback. Later when you look at your notes you can decide which errors to correct, and your students will pay more attention.

❗️Don’t think that correcting students is traditional and that modern teachers don’t correct their students.

#34 Our favourite mistakes: Pronunciation

▶️ Try pronouncing the following sentences:
She uses brushes when she washes dishes.
• She teaches languages with messages and speeches.

What can go wrong here?

❗️When adding -es after [s], [z], [ʃ] and [ʒ] sounds the [ə] is actually pronounced. Many students pronounce it like She us’s brush’s when she wash’s dish’s and She teach’s languag’s with messag’s and speech’s, which is not correct. A few more words for you to watch out for:
• judges
• matches
• oranges

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #pronunciation
#15 Spot Afandi and his donkey: Afandi on a ghost market

Can you spot Afandi and his donkey in this picture?

❗️If you can, follow the instructions in #1 (see pinned message) and win 5,000 Paynet-soums!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_afandi
Congrats to Dilafruz aka Burgutka 🦅!!!
*aka = also known as
#4 Education Video: What’s wrong with our education system?

❗️Education systems in every country have similar problems. What are they and why do we have these problems? A lot of that has to do with the development of education in previous centuries. Watch this video to find out what’s wrong, so you can do better as a student or a teacher!


#1 Travelogue Uzbekistan: Happy Birthday, Uzbekistan!

🆕 On today’s special occasion I’m bringing you new series of posts about travelling in Uzbekistan. Some Afandi fans followed senior travel expert Mr Hoffmann through the depths of Asia. Now you will have a chance to take a tour through the depths of Uzbekistan! Buckle up for some poorly taken photos, useful vocabulary and culture insights! All photos are original.

Foreign visitors to Uzbekistan would notice the slogan “O’zbekiston kelajagi buyuk davlat” (The future of Uzbekistan is that of a great country). But in recent years it has become less and less visible. I like to think that the future is finally here. Happy Birthday, Uzbekistan!

📍occasion = special event📍depths = deep points📍buckle up for sth = put a seatbelt on (in a car) = get ready for sth📍insight = understanding sth from inside📍slogan = a phrase that’s short and easy to remember

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan
#12 Tongue twister: Rural rearing

❗️Challenge yourself and practice your pronunciation with this tongue twister today.

▶️ Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

Rory jangchi bilan Roger tashvishchi qishloqdagi pivo zavodida noto’g’ri tarbiyalangan.

❗️Pay attention to:

🔘 Pronunciation – Make sure you don’t trill the r’s as you would in Uzbek or Russian.

🔘 Pronunciation – Be consistent with rhotic r’s ( The r’s after vowels, at the end of a syllable, are only pronounced in rhotic varieties of English, most noticeably in American English. But there are also rhotic dialects in Britain and non-rhotic dialects in America. The rhotic r’s in this tongue twister are: Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

👉@afandi_english👈 #tongue_twisters