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Afandi English
Which island nation is this song from?
Fair enough!

👍 Palau was the right answer. The language is Palauan which bears some similarity to Tagalog (Philippines) and Malay. In terms of style the song is more melodious than rhythmic and there are a bunch of people singing, all of which is typical for the South Pacific region / Oceania.

👎 Malta was wrong. The small nation is situated between Italy and Tunisia and is culturally mostly European but has significant Arab influence. The Maltese language is actually more similar to Arabic than Italian. Trinidad & Tobago was also wrong. Music from the Caribbean would be sung in a European language and much more rhythmic. Seychelles was also wrong. This nation’s culture is a mixture of European and African influences.
#81 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Hukumat muammoni hal etishi kerak.

Perhaps you think it is:
Government should solve the problem.

Well, it should be:
The government should solve the problem.


❗️ There is always only one government in one country, so it’s definite.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
Afandi English
#1 Self-study: Tom & Savannah 🆕 Brand new on the channel: Materials for self-study! Learn English with interesting videos. You won’t believe how much English you can extract from a video if you go to the bottom of it. IELTS students – here is your source…
Media is too big
#15 Self-study: The cup stacker

▶️ Today’s video and handout are about Trey, a boy from Texas who is one of the world’s fastest cup stackers. Check out how crazy and professional at the same time people can be about such a weird thing as cup stacking.

🔤 Subtitles provided.

❗️If you think this is good material for your self-study, please follow the instructions in #1 👆 and the instructions on the handout below 👇.

👉@afandi_english👈 #self_study
#47 Travelogue Germany: Political stickers

Walk through any university town in Germany and you’ll find these little stickers on lamp-posts, traffic light poles, bus stops and so on. It’s a form of political activism. What are the messages? Mainly these three:

Capitalism makes rich people richer and poor people poorer and is therefore the root of all injustice in the world. Bring back communism!

There are two ways to save the climate – back to nature or geoengineering. Let’s choose ‘back to nature’ and criticise consumers and governments!

Wouldn’t you like to live in a country without government or in a world without countries? Oh and no police either. Total freedom, that is!

📍lamp-post = poles to hold street lights 📍pole = long stick made of metal or wood 📍activism = trying to change society for the better 📍geoengineering = changing the climate with technology

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #germany
#26 YouTube Channel Recommendation: Business Insider

📊 English Level: Advanced

🔤 Subtitles: Mostly available

💬 Topics: Business, economics, technology, news, psychology

💡 Content: Business Insider is an excellent source of up-to-date knowledge about all kinds of modern phenomena and trends, from Elon Musk’s riches to why gold is so expensive. Most videos relate to money matters in some way, and for some of us that’s probably a really good way of getting to understand the world. It is especially good preparation for those hoping to study business abroad or at some point engage in international business.


👉@afandi_english👈 #youtube
#22 It’s a strange world: Pyramid of Needs

Can we be nice and kind to each other if we don’t have food or a house?

❗️ Possibly not, because all humans have some basic needs that have to be satisfied first, and there they come in a particular order. A model was proposed by Maslow, an American psychologist, and is well-known popular science.'s_hierarchy_of_needs

▶️ Here’s a video about Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#45 Afandi Quiz: Cultural Misunderstanding

Today’s quiz is about a cultural misunderstanding in the following situation:

▶️ Jesper from 🇩🇰Denmark is a talented young professional who has recently taken up a job at a bank in New York, 🇺🇸USA. He is very focused on his job but also wants to be a good colleague. Unfortunately, he could not leave a good impression at the first business lunch with his colleagues. Why?

👉@afandi_english👈 #culture_quiz
Afandi English
What went wrong?
Oh, too bad!

👎 Danes and other Northern Europeans don’t frequently touch their friends. Personal space may be even bigger for Americans but there’s no major difference between Europeans and Americans.

👎 Saying “yes” and “ok” isn’t a cultural thing but a strange personal habit that not many people have.

👍 In America it is considered bad to consume alcohol in public, and especially in a professional setting like a business lunch. Out on the street you also shouldn’t be seen holding a can of beer or a bottle of wine; those have to be covered. In Europe there is no such taboo (=sth that you shouldn’t do in a particular society).

👎 What to do with chicken bones is decided by table manners (=rules how to behave when eating). There are only minor differences between Europeans and Americans, and spitting out anything is generally considered rude.
Media is too big
#2 Short Film: The Neighbours’ Window

🆕 Once a month on a boring Wednesday evening Afandi English will bring you a short film for some mid-week entertainment.

▶️ There’s a saying that goes “The grass is always greener on the other side” – people always desire what they don’t have but don’t realise what good things they already do have. Watch this short film for a good example of this.

👉@afandi_english👈 #short_film
#82 Our favourite mistakes: Pronunciation

▶️ Try pronouncing the following words:
• Britain
• captain
• certain
• curtain
• fountain
• mountain

What do these words have in common?

❗️ The unstressed -ain is pronounced like something between [ə] and short [ɪ]:
• barg-ɪ-n
• Brit-ə-n
• capt-ə-n
• cert-ə-n
• curt-ə-n
• fount-ɪ-n
• mount-ɪ-n

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #pronunciation
#2 World Food: Tacos from 🇲🇽Mexico

🆕 In this series of posts Afandi English brings you the best food this world has to offer. Knowing the world’s famous dishes is not only minimum knowledge of the world, of course you can also imagine what it might taste like or even try to cook it at home.

▶️ Tacos are ...

... made with:
Meat and/or vegetables of any kind (typically beef or chicken, beans, tomatoes, onions, lettuce) in a flat bread made from corn or wheat flour.

... eaten with:
Salsa (the Spanish word for ‘sauce’) made of tomatoes, guacamole (a green avocado sauce) and cheese, either grated (=cut into stripes) or as sauce.

Healthy or not? 🟢
Easy to make? 🟡
Cheap enough? 🟢

👉@afandi_english👈 #world_food