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✈️📖💡📢🙋🏻‍♂️AEGEE | European Students’ Forum

AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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Have you ever wanted to create your own campaign but you didn’t know where to start? Choo chooo! Europe on Track 8 and AEGEE-Leiden are here to help you!

Get on board the #ActivismExpress and learn about all the steps you need to follow in order to start your own campaign. And, there is more… Our guests are youth activists, so this is going to be an unique opportunity for you to ask them questions!

Hey, but there is even more… you’ll also meet a member of the European Parliament!

All throughout the weekend, there will be six sessions spread over the three days. Each session will last about 2 hours so that you can have some time outdoors or have some rest in between!

You will be able to attend this event from all over the world, because it is online and there is no fee. So save the dates 14th to 16th of May because then you’ll be starting your trip towards activism!

Deadline to apply: 3rd of May 2021 - 23:59 CET

Application Link ➡️

Dear AEGEEans,

You can get involved with Where Does Europe End? 2.0 by filling in our survey!

If you are interested in having a direct impact and have your voice heard, you can fill out our survey. It only takes a few minutes to complete and the results from this survey will be used to write a policy paper and will be instrumental in the results from the project.

Please also share within your local so we can maximise responses!

Link for the survey ➡️

If you'd like to get in touch or learn more about our project, you can check out our website at or send us an email at

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

· Editor-in-Chief ⠀
· Creative Director⠀
· Photo Database Manager⠀
· Research and Statistics Manager⠀
· Editors⠀
· Journalist⠀
· Proofreaders⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Thursday 6th of May at 23:59 CET here 👉

Only one week left!!

Are you an interested AEGEEan willing to learn more about how the Chair Team works? Would you like to support us during the upcoming Agora? Then apply now and become a part of our team!

As Chair Team Assistant you will have the following tasks (you can pick up those you are interested in):

Assist with secretary tasks by taking the minutes on your own during a Prytanium and work out the minutes of this session after the Agora has finished
Help out with the streaming of the sessions
Manage the platform for visitors
Assist a Chairperson of a session with managing the Agora platform and coordinate participants who have been granted speaking rights
Support the Chair Team with on-the-spot tasks

Application link ➡️

Note: Being a Chair Team Assistant does not mean you will need to be available during the entire Agora! You are free to choose how much you wish to help, according to your availability.

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀
· Journalist⠀
· Proofreaders⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Thursday 6th of May at 23:59 CEST here 👉

AEGEE-Erfurt is having a "Sustainability Month" where we want to raise awareness about different topics concerning sustainability and climate change.

Expert Input on Renewable Energy: 17th of May, 8 pm
As a follow-up to the workshop concerning Renewable Energy, we invited some experts on photovoltaic, wind energy and renewable natural gas. They are going to give you an input on the benefits but also disadvantages and critique of those energy sources.

Trash-Challenge: Make Europe Clean with AEGEE-Erfurt!
We invite Antennas to participate in our trash collecting challenge. We want to contribute to a cleaner Europe and help to keep your city and the nature clean.

How to avoid Food Waste? – in cooperation with “Foodsharing”
We are currently in the planning process for an interesting event about food waste which will provide helpful tips on how to save food and give an insight into the organisation “Foodsharing”.

For more information, follow ➡️

Hey AEGEEans!

The fulfillment form for the Action Agenda 2020-2021 is open and waiting for YOUR input!
If you:

have worked on activities relevant to the Focus Areas
contributed to the Action Agenda 2020-2021
want to showcase the work you did and its impact
your time is NOW

Follow the link to the form below and submit you contributions!

Find the form here ➡️

Deadline is April 30th, 23:59 CEST!

Have you ever thought of applying for any position inside CD? To utilize your leadership skills as future President? To become the Financial Director and use your own financial magic to help the whole Network? Or do you want to take care of every member, experience working daily on projects or deal with the thematics part of AEGEE? You should consider becoming a member of Comité Directeur.

Probably your feelings and thoughts are on the rollercoaster now. If you still have doubts and concerns then stop: this session will be the right place for you!

We are inviting you to join the Questions and Answers time with the Comité Directeur where our current CD members will present their work and what they have been doing during the year. They will answer your questions about life as a CD member and share some tips and tricks with you!

Facebook event ➡️

Come and join us on 6th of May at 19:00 CEST via Google Meet on the following link:

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Thursday 6th of May at 23:59 CEST here 👉

#EUROPECAFE Happening tomorrow Tuesday at 8pm CEST!

How has the pandemic influenced the environment? Have the numerous lockdowns had a positive or negative effect on wildlife?

In this Europe Cafe organised by the Climate Emergency of AEGEE-Europe and AEGEE-Praha, we will take a look at some numbers describing the status of the environment during this period and have a discussion about if it's really a benefit or not for our Planet and which measures we can continue using to give a break to our lovely Mother Earth.

Find the Facebook Event for more detailed information here ➡️

⁣Have you ever thought of applying for any position inside CD? To utilize your leadership skills as a future President? To become the Financial Director and use your own financial magic to help the whole Network? Or do you want to take care of every member, experience working daily on projects, or deal with the thematics part of AEGEE? Then you should consider becoming a member of Comité Directeur. ⠀

Probably your feelings and thoughts are on the rollercoaster now. If you still have doubts and concerns then stop: this session will be the right place for you! ⠀

We are inviting you to join the Questions and Answers time with the Comité Directeur where our current CD members will present their work and what they have been doing during the year. They will answer your questions about life as a CD member and share some tips and tricks with you! ⠀

Find the Facebook event here:⠀

Come and join us on 6th of May at 19:00 CEST via Google Meet:

It is finally here! On 12th and 13th May, the WDEE 2.0. team will take you for a ride into another daring thematic conference, re-examining our narratives of European history and geography.

Once again, you will have the opportunity to interact with real professionals during our interactive workshops, listen to interesting presentations and much more!

So what do you think? In how far are we Europeans defined by our borders and geographical quarrels? How do we manage to work together in the contested border regions? Is there such a thing as one shared European history/ historical responsibility (e.g. colonialism)? Are we the sum of our (hi)stories and stereotypes?

Come along and let us know your views on all of these intriguing questions!

Please go ahead and apply till 10th May 23:59 CEST, by using the following link ➡️

More about this event can be found on Facebook ➡️

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Thursday 6th of May at 23:59 CEST here ➡️

Are you interested in developing new ideasin AEGEE? Do you want to share cool ways how we can improve on what we do in AEGEE?

Come join the event to help brainstorm and get your voices heard! It will be an inspiring event to help look for innovative ideas to create a better AEGEE!

The event is open to all AEGEE members. All different levels and experiences are encouraged to attend! It will be a team effort, where we help each other to develop brand new initiatives and come up with out of the box ideas.

Find all the info in our event, register before the places fly, and be there on the 22 of May for our 🚀 Next stop: Innovation!

For more detailed information follow facebook event here ➡️

Application link here ➡️

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Thursday 6th of May at 23:59 CEST here ➡️

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Monday 17th of May at 23:59 CEST here ➡️

Dear Agora participants,

It is our pleasure to announce the opening of the Pre-Agora Voting for the Spring Agora 2020.

Until the 16th of May 23:59 CEST you will be able to cast your votes!

All the relevant information was sent to your emails and the proposals can be found in the system ➡️

For any question feel free to contact us at

The favourite music show for some of us, a great entertainment event for others, or maybe nothing special for someone else. Either way, Eurovision 2021 is coming and it takes place in Rotterdam this year!

The AEGEE contact in Rotterdam is thrilled to announce its first European event, open for the whole network - watching the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 on May 22nd at 20:30 CET.

We will start off with a short quiz about Rotterdam and Eurovision, watch the show together and have a separate voting body - the professional AEGEE jury distributing points and announcing the internal AEGEE hit which will mark the next AEGEE parties! If you are in the mood for a drink, you can also join the Eurovision drinking game we have prepared too.

We, the AEGEE contact in Rotterdam, would have really wished to welcome you in Rotterdam in person, but since that's not possible we will bring the Eurovision spirit to the comfy couches.

Facebook Event ➡️

We have an amazing learning experience offer for you! Would you like to contribute to the main publication of AEGEE-Europe? Would you love to help AEGEEans to share their stories, events, and all the achievements that we got as an organization? ⠀

Then, this open call is for YOU! This is your turn to contribute to the creation of the next Key to Europe, which will reach all over Europe through our locals and, also will find its place on the shelves of other organizations, our partners and external stakeholders. ⠀

Open positions to create the next Key To Europe 2020-2021: ⠀

Editor-in-Chief ⠀
Creative Director⠀
Photo Database Manager⠀
Research and Statistics Manager⠀

You can check last year's Key to Europe on our website 👉

In case you are interested to join this team to have this great experience, please submit your application until Monday 17th of May at 23:59 CEST here ➡️

𝐄𝐔 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫 - 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

🔹 Are you looking for an exciting new career in a dynamic, fast-paced environment?
🔹Do you want a chance to make a difference for Europe?

Then look no further than the EU institutions!

They offer you a stimulating and challenging workplace. The EU welcome applicants from all walks of life, so a career with the EU means working with a diverse and multicultural group of colleagues.

In this seminar, EU experts will tell you all about Who they are, What they offer, Who they are looking for and How to join. Don’t miss it!

Join seminar on the 𝟐𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐭 𝟏𝟔:𝟎𝟎 𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐓 via the Zoom platform.

Zoom link ➡️