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➤ Rockit Academy Moldova empowers digital innovators, promotes innovation, share knowledge & connects to global opportunities.

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Orice criză deschide noi oportunități. Despre modele de creștere exponențială (creștere de 100% anual și mai mult) aveți posibilitatea să învățați la workshopul care va avea loc la Courtyard by Marriott pe 10 septembre. Timp de 4 ore vă veți inspira, lucra la propria vstrategie pentru organizația voastră și veți avea parte să vă conectați cu ceilalți 14 participanți la workshop, dar și cu 6000 membrii din comunitatea OpenExO. Fiecare participant va primit și un certificat și o carte în format digital.
Un nou produs Academia Rockit despre educație, cultură digital, inovații, tehnologii și creativitate. Invitații sunt oamenii care au idei interesante, care nu discută neapărat agenda zilei, dar privesc Mai Departe.

Aveți feedback, sugestii de subiecte, invitați? Scrieți la @artgx https://youtu.be/8fZXXTcs-_8

Un nou eveniment online recomandat pentru 29 septembrie, vom aborda teme legate de democratie, alegeri si cum tehnologia influenteaza si schimba aceste industrii.
Broadcasting from Moldova Business Week 2020: Rodica Verbeniuc:

"The Invest Moldova Agency has assumed the role of guiding the local business community in the process of transformation and adaptation to the new economic reality. We re-evaluated our resources, identified the things that make us unique and translated them into an authentic business approach, turning restrictions into opportunities. The pandemic did not stop us, on the contrary:
-We launched platforms through which foreign investors can connect with Moldovan enterprises and build partnerships.
-We created a group of experts, including foreign investors in Moldova, to help our business community through the crisis.
-We provided support for the promotion of local products through trade platforms and international fairs, generating direct exports of over 33 million euros.
-We contributed to the launch of 5 new investment projects.
-We are confident that you will discover excellent investment and partnership offers presented by local companies, as well as many compelling reasons to grow your business in a sustainable way here in Moldova"

Dereck J. Hogan, US Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova at Moldova Business Week 2020

"Despite the pandemic, our business priorities in the Republic of Moldova have not changed, we focus on the development of bilateral trade and investment. We connect Moldovan companies and investors with international partners, bringing capital and resources to grow businesses, to expand markets, to generate higher profitability, but also to promote Moldovan products in the world. As the Republic of Moldova embraces smart technologies and moves to 5G to attract investment, we urge the authorities to ensure the necessary conditions for business relations to be conducted in safety, transparency and trust. We encourage authorities and entrepreneurs to work with Western companies to build a healthy business climate, signalling to potential investors that Moldova is a safe place"

Michio Kaku, physicist, writer, futurist at Moldova Business Week 2020

"When I think of the Republic of Moldova, I think of a rocket, which is close to launching, but not yet ready, although it has everything you need. It is a relatively young nation, full of ideas and enthusiasm, with all the ingredients needed for economic and social success: a world-renowned wine industry, fertile soil, mild climate - ideal conditions to start a business. To be propelled towards a bright economic future, the Republic of Moldova must reduce taxes and regulations on companies, encourage young people and, most importantly, promote the development of science and technology, which are the engine of prosperity."

Massimo Meloni, investment and enterprise policy expert:

Moldova should focus on stimulating additional post-investment services (administrative, operational, strategic), offered to both local and foreign investors, not just to keep them in these difficult conditions, but also to convince them to reinvest those who are already familiar with the climate.

Secondly, Moldova already has a relatively extensive regime of free economic zones, which it could during this period remodel into multifunctional zones, based on the excellence of infrastructure and business facilitation.

Third, to direct efforts to attract investment to projects that can help the country achieve its goals of digitalization and sustainability.

And, last but not least, to improve the global investment climate, with a focus on relevant legislation.

Stefan Kratzsch, industrial development officer, UNIDO:

In #Moldova, many segments could benefit from Impact Investments - those made to generate social and environmental impact, not just profit. One area would be to capitalize on digitalization, which can provide better resource management and create a social and environmental contribution.

Another sector that could be interesting for impact investors is organic farming, and Moldova uses only 4% of its arable land for this purpose. In addition to the ecological dimension, it is a good opportunity to conquer new markets, as consumer requirement change, they become more aware of how food is produced and its traceability.

eGov Moldova launches mPower

Let's say you are abroad, but you need to pick up a document from an institution in Moldova. Usually, you have to empower someone through a power of attorney. It implies identifying a notary, paying for notary services and sending a power of attorney to Moldova. MPower (https://mpower.gov.md/#/en/main) from the e-Government comes to simplify this process. All you will need is to log in to the platform, to choose the type of power of attorney, to enter the data of the person you are empowering, to sign electronically and voila! In total, it will take you 5 minutes.

Newsrooms in Moldova cover only 15 - 35% of expenses, from advertising revenues.

Irina Ghelbur presented at the Media Forum 2020 the estimation of the advertising industry in the Republic of Moldova, valued at 24 million euros (excluding VAT), of which the share of the digital segment is 6.2 million Euros.

At least 65% (we would say that up to 80%) of this budget goes to Google and Facebook and 35% (2.17 million Euros) reach advertising agencies and local publishers. After reducing discounts and commissions offered to agencies, the de facto gross amount to publishers is reaching 1.6 million Euros. 50% goes to the sales houses that manage the inventory for the groups of sites (example Simpals & ProDigital)

Approximately 813,000 euros are distributed between media institutions outside the sales houses: Unimedia, Diez, TV8, Newsmaker, Agora and other smaller media outlets.

🇺🇦🇬🇪🇲🇩 Call for applocation from Alliance of Democracies #DemTech fellowship is established against the backdrop that all technological innovations can embrace democracy as a design and business principle.

A four-month virtual and in-person program that seeks to equip DemTech entrepreneurs from emerging democracies with the know-how of starting and scaling successful, democratically driven ventures.

Six carefully curated DemTech entrepreneurs from Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova will go through two phases of the fellowship. Application cycle for the 2021 DemTech fellowship program is open and will close on January 15th, 2021, you can apply here - https://bit.ly/33QnXSg

Scholarship opportunity to attend DataFest Tbilisi 🇬🇪 for free.

DataFest Tbilisi is an annual international conference about data, technology, and communications, bringing together the data community from around the world, to inspire and encourage and create meaningful connections.

1. Journalists and civil society activists can attend DataFest Tbilisi for free. Here is the registration form: https://bit.ly/ApplyforDFT2020
2. Human rights defenders can also attend DataFest Tbilisi for free. Here's the registration form: https://bit.ly/HumanRightsDefenders_DataFest

+7k followers in one day. President #MaiaSandu in pole position from day 1
Forwarded from Moldova Europeană
Prieteni, bine ați venit pe canalul meu oficial de telegram https://t.me/maiasandumd!
Aici vor fi publicate informații concise și relevante despre activităţile noastre la Președinție. Vă invit să vă abonați pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi informații.

Друзья, добро пожаловать на мой официальный телеграм-канал https://t.me/maiasandumd!
Здесь будут публиковаться краткие сообщения и новости о моей работе и о деятельности аппарата президента. Приглашаю вас подписаться – так вы будете получать самую свежую информацию.
The most recent BATI study conducted on 35 websites monitored by Gemius (an international research and technology company from Poland) indicated that only 36% of Moldovans that use the internet are shopping online. Clothing and accessories are the most common goods purchased online after the utility services and then cosmetics and beauty care products.

55% of respondents indicated they have a monthly income smaller than 200 euros a month, so this is an alarming sign when we talk about the buying power of Moldovan online audience. A possible reason is that the respondents have been covering only 25 news websites and platforms like Odnoklassniki, Mail.ru and 999.md but that determine us to ask the opportunity to open and develop an e-commerce platform in Moldova.
Forwarded from GO VIRAL
The Story of Stuff

Have you ever wondered how things you buy get to you and where they end up after you get rid of them? A book by Annie Leonard explores the impact our purchases make on ecosystems, communities and our own health.

We are led believe that more shopping leads to wellbeing and a stronger economy. This book uncovers a system that is designed to turn natural resources into garbage and poisonous gas at an amazing rate.

Вы когда-нибудь думали о том как товары добираются до ваших рук и куда они деваются потом? Книга написанная Энни Леонард исследует воздействие наших покупок на природу, народы мира и наше собственное здоровье.

Нас убедили в том что активный шоппинг ведет к процветанию человека и всей экономики. Эта книга показывает систему, которая превращает природные ресурсы в мусор и ядовитый газ с ошеломительной скоростью.
Who is responsible?

The quality of people's lives and job creation for young people in Moldova is primarily the government's responsibility.

When it comes to environmental protection and ensuring gender equality, the duty belongs to every citizen.

According to this study, young people think that the private sector could create jobs and provide growth opportunities for young people in addition to the government's efforts.
In 2020, 75 startups from Estonia raised a total of 440 million euros in various rounds of investment.

8 startups were sold, which led to the fact that several founders of Estonian companies have available funds to reinvest in other new projects.

Every child is different from another, and this must be supported by their parents. The generations of the '90s grew up in different conditions, when everyone had to be educated in the same way, and you had to be good at all subjects in school.

Diana Ivanov says she gives her children a different education than the one she received. The influencer stated in the podcast "Mai Departe" with Artur Gurău that those who have small children now should help them discover their individualities and support their talents.

Find the latest episode of the podcast with Diana Ivanov on your favorite app or on the YouTube channel of Europa Libera Moldova - https://buff.ly/36jzgDN
