Abby Wynne
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A place where we can speak truth. Focusing on empowerment, mental, emotional and spiritual health. As above so below. God is here.

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I know there are many Abby imposters out there. They are not me. I do not give financial advice. I do not ask you for money. Please always check and verify anyone that claims to be anyone with any sort of social media following - not just me! And never ever give anyone money - unless you know them personally. They’re getting harder to spot and we all need to be more vigilant.
Would you trust this person to keep his promises? Harris thinks we are living in a democracy. And his signature isn’t his full name - he wants to be our friend. Something sloping decidedly downhill about his face and his signature. Interesting.
I’ll be live with Honey on her YouTube channel tomorrow at 3:30pm Irish time 10:30 am Eastern 🤩👌🏻
“We need changes in legislation that no-one will ever be restricted from their loved ones again or be allowed to die alone.”

UK's Covid-19 inquiry to begin sittings in Belfast
From Ayse Leflef

So today I was talking to a very normal looking person, a man in his 50’s and we started chatting about the weather… as you do… and we both agreed how incredibly cold and rainy it has been this year etc etc.

He looked at me and said “dare I say, it, but it could be “climate change”” he said jokingly…

without a flinch I said “well, I’d say it has more to do with all the geoengineering going on…”

He interrupted me and said “ah, no, don’t tell me you’re “one of those” who believes in all that”

Without changing my energy, without feeling triggered or defensive, I simply said. “I’ve read many scientific articles on the subject”…

… to which he was taken aback… and he said “oh, like in Dubai”, and I said “yes, like in Dubai and in many places in the world now”…

… and then, through my tone he could feel the truth of what I was saying… he shrugged his shoulders and didn’t know what to say… then he eventually said “well, if there’s scientific evidence to prove it, it must be true”…

And he wandered off… thinking to himself…

I kind of feel bad sometimes for telling people these things, but I truly believe that if people discuss what’s happening in the world in an open calm and honest logical manner, without fear… that we will be better off than living in ignorance or denial. It is better for us all collectively to see the truth, than to be hiding from it.
From Darren Cousins

Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. We just don't know the existence of most of them.

Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information.

Keep a list of sites you never heard of. - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free.
April went out with a bang! M9.5 is .5 away from an X Class flare. Wow.
I’m going to do a tarot card reading for the month of May. I will post up the cards shortly. My sense of the energies of this month are that is going to be different for everybody depending on where you are on your journey.

What I want you to do is sit in stillness for a few minutes and connect to your heart, connect to the Earth and connect to the Sun. Set an intention for this month and then ask the cards, “what do I need to know now?”

Do this before you choose. Let’s chat about the results together! It’s going to be very interesting. I can feel it already.
From Amanda Lorence

There has been, overnight, another TIMELINE JUMP (shift). It’s an individual jump, based on which LIGHT NODE YOU, (I emphasise ‘YOU’), are ENERGETICALLY experiencing from.

We are always, EACH, experiencing on and near different POINTS OF LIGHT (Light Nodes), that are also different frequencies. Thus the many perspectives and experiences inside The One.

I also feel to share the following data offerings (1-4 below), that I have already shared over the years supporting you, that may sometimes be forgotten:

1] When we jump (shift) timelines, we are each jumping to our own next point of light (Light Node).

2] At SOUL LEVEL, each Soul has created a human avatar this lifetime for a unique, different reason and purpose to each other individual. Some are to have the one state of consciousness this lifetime.
Each have their OWN timing of ‘awakening’ to being and knowing there is more to them than this physical human and physical reality. And so to honour and respect people’s own timings. Time is linear.
The oscillation of energy is ‘SEEMINGLY’ (within illusion), speeding up within each human body. This has the effect of a seemingly quicker awakening, shifting far more quickly into higher states of consciousness, than the ‘time’ it has taken many that have been traversing their awakening journey for a long period of linear time.
Some will have chosen to rise into universal perspectives, stay a while in that focus and some will want to remain for this lifetime in a focus of Universal/Galactic nature where their Soul Mission is of that focus of one/many universal/galactic aspects. Much shall be built and created from that perspective, as we go.
Some chose at Soul Level before incarnation to remember thus become One with God and serve from that consciousness state, outside of the many holographic games. Yet they see, all at once, everywhere, in all moments, the many holographic games and thus perspective’s within God’s Creation.

3] The majority of humanity are still in their Soul Mission 1: Either on the Yellow Brick Road, or unaware of the Yellow Brick Road (analogy as in the movie The Wizard of Oz).
Far less, but scattered throughout this world are some that are currently IN their Soul Mission 2. But more and more and more will complete Soul Mission 1 at their divine timings, as we go, one at a time, yet together.
And so to allow, honour with non ego interference, each one’s Soul Mission 1 or 2. For we are each responsible for our own Soul’s Mission(s). All is within God.

4] Every light node has a different frequency, which we each experience from. There are infinite Light Nodes. And so there are the many perspectives, that are always residing inside of the ONE perspective. That which is God. If you have chosen pre-incarnation to re-MEMBER God’s perspective, you will, complete Soul Mission 1 whilst living, and then step by step remember HOW to birth God’s Dreamings that serve the WHOLE, through your Human Avatar’s devotion with God.

Just to add as NEW DATA:
When you are in Soul Mission 2, at some point, you will remember (master) how to jump timelines. You always knew, you just forgot. You only remember how to jump LIGHT NODES when you are predomiently OUTSIDE of the perceptive, influence and illusion of ‘TIME’. Where you remember within you, HOW to ENERGETICALLY jump from one Light Node to another. As is God’s Will/Your Will…your Soul Mission. Timeline jumping will become instant for you, where there is no sense of seemingly tredding the steps more ‘slowly’ to shift frequency, light nodes, and holographic ‘rooms’. In the former STATE of consciousness and that process in Soul Mission 1, it seemingly was far slower under the perspective and thus influence of, illusionary TIME. So in many ways, timeline jumping could not be fully mastered in Soul Misson 1. Until within Soul Mission 2. Full mastery and USE of timeline jumping is for the HIGHEST GOOD OF THE WHOLE, so not for individual person benefit or desire.

For individual support, links below of my own explanations of:
Shifts and Light Nodes:

Soul Mission 1 and Soul Mission 2. Please, please bare in mind this video information is over a year old. Much has happened since, but will help some people that complete Soul Mission 1 either now or in their ‘future’ timings. (Available also on Utube dated 01 May 2023 of last year, for cc language translation):

Just for your frequency UPLIFT, I share my ‘Wake Up’ Tune of TODAY. Within the lyrics, when it uses the words HOUSE and ROOM, to understand the higher frequency meaning that the ‘House’ is God’s House, not a material physical house. And the ‘Room’ refers to the many rooms we each can experience within, where ‘rooms’ are infinite holographic realities. Which in ancient times was explained by Jesus when he taught that well known phrase: My father’s HOUSE has many ROOMS”.

Choose the links that support you. Or just leave them be. All is perfect and in truth, so simple. It becomes easy and simple within you, as you go. I can not share everything I am now aware of. It’s too much data. And much of my inner focus is in the silence. I only ever hope that what I know to share, at right timings, supports even just one person on their path. As we are here on this planet, together. All are loved.

In gratitude and with this Love,
Amanda Lorence
01 May 2024
Monthly overview tarot reading

Pick a card. I’ll share a clarification card and the reveal soon.
Prisma Vision Tarot

The reveal is in the comments here, and the clarification cards will be in my next post.
Clarification cards for everyone

When I was drawing the clarification, it ended up being another four cards 🤩

These four cards are for everybody.

It’s a general overview of the energies for May. I will leave a video message about these in the comments.
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Spotted on instagram… wow it’s really getting out there innit!