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Sun Tzu
was a Chinese General, Military Strategist & Philosopher (544 BC). His work 孫子兵法 is considered the art of warfare and is used today in politics, business, sport, media- & modern warfare. Here are some quotes:

→ All warfare is based on deception. So if we can attack, we must appear incapable; if we use our forces, we must appear inactive. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe that we are far away. When we are far away, we must make him believe that we are near.

The whole secret is to confuse the enemy so that he cannot fathom our real intent.

Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like lightning.

Do not repeat the tactics that have brought you victory, but let your methods be regulated by infinite circumstances.

One mark of a great soldier is that he fights on his own terms, or doesn't fight at all.

Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.

Great results can be achieved with small forces.

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, you will suffer defeat for every victory you win. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will perish in every battle.

As desperate as the situation and circumstances may be, do not despair. When there is everything to fear, fear not. If you are surrounded by dangers, fear none of them. If you have no resources, rely on resourcefulness. When you are surprised, surprise the enemy.

The highest art of war is to defeat the enemy without fighting.
Media is too big
🇺🇸 Palestine was not an empty piece of land before Israel
🇷🇺 Палестина до Израиля не была пустым куском земли
🇪🇸 Palestina no era un pedazo de tierra vacío antes de Israel
🇦🇪 لم تكن فلسطين قطعة أرض فارغة في زمن ما قبل إسرائيل
🇮🇱 פלסטין לא הייתה פיסת אדמה ריקה לפני ישראל
Anunnaki, Greys, Reptos & Insectoids

The life threatening Greys, Reptos & Insectoids are "only" slaves of the Anunnaki. Anunnaki are the actual "Sumerian Gods" who proclaimed themselves "chosen people Israel" through Isaac-Jacob-Israel.

After Israel's expulsion (not the Hebrews', later derogatorily called "Palestinians", descendants of Issak-Esau), they migrated as "Khazarian Mafia" in Eastern Europe, robbed themselves the country "Khazaria" by plundering - approx. today's Ukraine, Poland & Kazakhstan, before being expelled by the Russians, murdered the English royal house in 1666, enthroned Khazars & founded the "City of London" as starting point for their world colonial empire.

Thence they infiltrated nearly all royal houses and governments - until today. They use the Greys etc. to guard DUMBS and children, whose adrenochrome they need continuously to survive, but their slaves get none. Only their minions from the top echelons of politics, parma, business, media and showbiz, as bribes as well as for blackmail.

At most the acting President and Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump could achieve that these Greys, Reptos and Insectoids either cooperate with us humans or at least redirect their bred aggression against their originators, the Khazarian Mafia, which demons these beings can "smell" from afar.

1🇺🇸 | 2🇺🇸🇩🇪🇷🇺🇫🇷🇪🇸🇦🇪🇨🇳🇮🇱
Tanakh (Torah), Old Testament, Demons & Jesus

The Tanakh (Torah) / the Old Testament has nothing to do with an invented "Word of God", but is a history book. However, it says nothing about whether certain names are persons, peoples or other placeholders. At least in most places, where it becomes extensive and detailed concerning names of descendants e.g., it is falsified. Since the Khazarian Mafia has plundered or burned down all libraries worldwide, it is, however, actually one of few remaining public history books, beside maybe some not falsified editions of the Edda.

Jesus was by no means a man of religion. He was the only one to teach in the Temple of Jerusalem, for which they immediately wanted to stone him. However, he was able to change spheres and simply disappeared. His change of spheres have been handed down three times: When he the first time taught in the Temple, then, when he strongly attacked the Pharisees and they wanted to throw him off a cliff, and after the "feeding of the 5,000" when the people wanted to crown him king by force. Every time he simply disappeared.

Jesus was constantly in conflict with the laws of "Jehovah". Most often he was accused because he always healed also on Sabbath. In the end, he was sentenced to death in the Temple of Jerusalem on the basis of the laws of "Jehovah".

Jesus called the "Anunnaki" "Demons," strictly speaking a much more appropriate term for them. He was - similar to President Trump today - probably the most determined Demon Hunter. Both of them did not only fearlessly go into the Dragon's Cave to kill it - both of them seem to be born in the Dragon's Cave. Jesus called the Temple of Jerusalem - where the Satanic Rituals were committed on children - "Murderer's Pit." To the Pharisees who said to him, "How do you speak to us, our Father is Jehovah himself," Jesus said, "Jehovah was a murderer and a liar from the beginning".

At the end, Jesus set a trap for the Anunnaki by letting them have their way - and they fell into it. They messed with him (in my opinion they nailed themselves to him) - and now they can't get away from him until their Final Dissolution. Moreover, Jesus could prove to them that death had no power over him - and since then they already knew that they have no possibility to win. They have already lost. But, of course, they still don't want to admit it and believe they can continue to get away with their camouflage, deception and worldwide media lies.

At the beginning, by the way, a "Triune" "God" was actually propagated, consisting of the three Anunnaki Leaders Enki, Enlil and Marduk. How "triune" they'd actually been, however, one can see at the Flood which took place soon, in which two of them wanted to drown their apparently bred (probably rather re-educated) brood. However, one of them wanted to save the people, presumably Marduk - the Flood went mightily wrong anyway, but also because of him (think at "Noah").

Anyway, today you can recognize only two of them, Enki and Enlil. "Rockefeller" and "Rothschild" are their names now. They are the Core of the genocidal Khazarian Mafia and the "Askenazi Jews", camouflaged as human beings, as "Jews" and optionally as "Nazis" (Ukraine), together with tens of thousands of clones under faked families, names & histories. Tom Hanks' birth name, e.g., was Michael Rockefeller, Zuckerbergs' name was Rockefeller, Hillary "Rodhams'" real name was
Rockefeller, etc., etc.

Angela Merkel, Soros, Chrchill, Stalin, Marx, Lenin, etc., on the other hand (who don't exactly seem as hyper-elegant as Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie or George Clooney) were Rothschilds.

Some passages from
Nazis infiltrated the World

Okay, what are "Nazis" actually? None other than the genocidal demons Anunnaki, camouflaged as human beings and as Askenazi "Jews". In fact it's the Khazarian Mafia, that owns, among other things, 95% of all fake mass media and therefore determined and abused all major narratives for centuries.

The real Demons have declared the Hebrews ("Palestinians") and earlier the Germans to be "Demons", - while camouflaging themselves as "Semites", needy of protection.

And not only the whole world swallowed this, but also the Hebrews and the Germans themselves - until yesterday!

Original 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇦🇪 🇨🇳 🇮🇱
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Adolf Hitler: Goyim Revolution

If you replace "Jews" with "Israelis" (who call themselves Ashkenazi "Jews") you'll have the key. "Jews" are not a People, not even a religious affiliation. There were "Edomites" (called "Orthodox Jews”) living peacefully together with their Canaanite Brother People, the "Palestinians".

These Israelis=Ashkenazim(Anunnaki)=Khazarian Mafia, have stolen the Palestinians' land, holding them captive in small segregated enclaves. And besides, there is only an invented "Star of Jews" since the "Star of Remphan" is the Satanic Symbol of Israel - peoples' mortal enemy. Moreover Israel liefully claims to be a "Jewish State."

The Khazarian Mafia first twisted the identity of the "Edomites" and then stole their identity - committing all their own nameless genocidal crimes camouflaged under false flags; mostly under the false label "Jews".

"Goyim Revolution" used these terms just as they were used in the past, that is: twisted. However, they are right about everything else.

JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang

Yes, they will lose everything, including their lives. And their descendants will have to pay for their damage caused up to the 4th generation.

JAG brought the first 100 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians (& some criminal FEMA assassins from Maoui) to Camp Blaz, Guam on August 27th and sentenced 10 of them already to death by hanging in a single military tribunal on Aug. 27th. Five of them already were hung on Sept. 13th, all at the same time.


🇩🇪 | 🇷🇺 | 🇪🇸 | 🇫🇷 | 🇦🇪 | 🇨🇳 | 🇮🇱
Ukraine Coat of Arms | Demon Seal | Khazarian Tamga
Герб Украины | Печать Демона | Хазарская Тамга
Ukraine-Wappen | Dämonen-Siegel | Khasaren-Tamga

See also → t.me/Zuerst_Deutschland/374
Media is too big
Israeli “Iron Dome” defense is a hoax
الدفاع الإسرائيلي عن "القبة الحديدية" خدعة
دفاع "گنبد آهنین" اسرائیل یک فریب است
הגנת "כיפת ברזל" הישראלית היא מתיחה

🇺🇸 Israel's fake "Iron Dome" doesn't intercept "Hamas rockets", the latter just self-destruct in the air. "Hamas" was founded and is run by Israel, as are its "Hamas fireworks rockets" without warheads.

🇦🇪 إن "القبة الحديدية" المزيفة التي تمتلكها إسرائيل لا تعترض "صواريخ حماس"، فالأخيرة تدمر نفسها بنفسها في الهواء. "حماس" أسستها إسرائيل وتديرها، وكذلك "صواريخ حماس النارية" الكبيرة بدون رؤوس حربية.

🇮🇷 "گنبد آهنین" جعلی اسرائیل "راکت‌های حماس" را رهگیری نمی‌کند، این دومی فقط در هوا خود تخریب می‌شود. "حماس" توسط اسرائیل تاسیس شده و اداره می شود، همانطور که "راکت های آتش بازی حماس" بدون کلاهک آن.

🇮🇱 "כיפת ברזל" המזויפת של ישראל לא מיירטת את "רקטות חמאס", האחרונות רק השמדה עצמית באוויר. "חמאס" נוסדה ומנוהלת על ידי ישראל, וכך גם "רקטות הזיקוקים הגדולות של חמאס" ללא ראשי נפץ.

Letitia James is now on her final trip to Guantánamo

United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested New York Attorney General Letitia James of treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors following an investigation that began shortly after she and her criminal associates filed a frivolous lawsuit against the Trump Organization, a JAG source told Real Raw News...

Source:🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇨🇳 🇦🇪 🇮🇱
The six-pointed Star of Remphan numerically equals 666 and is the Supreme Symbol of the Satanic Demons, camouflaged as human beings = Anunnaki = self-proclaimed Babylonian "Gods".

Solomon of ancient northern Israel (Isis-Ra-El) used it in worship of false gods and to invoke the powers of Satan. The Antichrist Beast of Revelation, the Roman Catholic Church, uses it.

That it was a "Jews' Star" is a Babylonian Language Confusion that many a man has fallen for. Quite the opposite, it's a Satanic Sigil.

The Anunnaki Rockefeller-Rothchild Cabal uses it to boost their demon power, trying to poison everything, to extinguish all life on earth and to steal the world's wealth.

"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, And the star of your god Remphan, Figures which ye made to worship them: And I will carry you away beyond Babylon." – Acts 7:43 KJV.

Source: t.me/RealCombatLVL
The Palestinian Military are Al-Qassam Brigades

Qassam are not "Hamas terror units" but the Palestinian Defense Brigades. In contrast to Israel, which mainly kills children & women, they only attack invading Israeli military. They protect women & children, while removing them from illegal settlements out of their territories.

Zionists own 95% of worlds media and spread their confusion also via Al Jazeera, pretending that Hamas, which Israel itself founded, was a terror organization and Qassam its terror unit. So do Zionist-run US, En, EU, Egypt, Jordan...

Al Jazeera offers 2 versions: 1. Hamas came to power 2007 by winning the parliamentary elections. 2. Hamas drove out Fatah & its Al-Asifa fighters & smaller splinter groups of PLO in a small war. 2017 saw an agreement between the supposedly hostile, both Zionist-controlled parties.

As elsewhere, there is an almost impenetrable Babylonian Language Confusion in Palestine. It goes along with deception, bribery, threats, murder, faked names, terms & history.
Testimony of an Israeli journalist:

"The number of our soldiers killed is no less than 2,985 soldiers, and the number of wounded is 11,600 soldiers. I was shocked and cried. Curse you, Netanyahu and Biden, have involved Israel in a war that everyone warned them about.

I advise all my brothers, relatives and friends to leave Palestine, as it is the curse of God upon the children of Israel because we killed innocent people and committed massacres, even massacres against the children of Gaza.

The curse of Gaza will haunt us.”

עדות של עיתונאי ישראלי:

"מספר ההרוגים של חיילינו הוא לא פחות מ-2,985 חיילים ומספר הפצועים הוא 11,600 חיילים. הייתי המום ובכיתי. ארור אתכם, נתניהו וביידן עירבו את ישראל במלחמה שכולם הזהירו אותם מפניה.

אני מייעץ לכל אחיי, קרובי וידידי לעזוב את פלסטין, מכיוון שזו קללת אלוהים על ילדי ישראל, כי הרגנו אנשים חפים מפשע וביצענו מעשי טבח, אפילו מעשי טבח בילדי עזה.

קללת עזה תרדוף אותנו".
Real Raw News reports:
Maui FEMA Official beaten to death at GITMO

The former FEMA Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks, whom U.S. Marines arrested in August, was beaten to death at Guantanamo Bay, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported on August 22, White Hats apprehended the FEMA official Hooks after linking him to atrocities FEMA personnel committed against Hawaii citizens while Maui burned...

👉🏻 Continue reading
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What are the White Hats actually?

It is the true Army of Mankind, the Army of Life, without special external badges, regardless of nationality, regardless of whether they are fully aware of it or not. The unconditional supporters of the White Hats are also included, insofar as they have at least inwardly become true warriors.

The emphasis is on "warriors", 'cause that was the lesson we learned through the demons, that we humans can only live (survive) as true warriors. Those who prefer to live like sheep or snails cannot yet overcome this hurdle.
Ceasefire between "Israel" and Palestine?

"Hamas" was founded & is run by Ashkenazi Israel. If Israel pretends to conclude a ceasefire with "Hamas", it is making a ceasefire with itself!

Israel lies whenever it opens its mouth! If Israel "agrees" to a ceasefire, it is, in our opinion, in any case a trap: they will not only use it to station and better position their ground troops and to expand their fortifications.

Moreover, Israel will stage a fireworks spectacle every day and every night with its fake "Iron Dome" in order to lull the world public and its own population into (even greater) desire for "revenge" against the Palestinian "terrorists". 'Cause Israel intends to act even more cruelly against the Palestinian civilian population in the future!

Israel has corrupted not only the governments of all surrounding Arab states, but also that of Palestine itself! In our opinion, a fake "ceasefire" that Israel will certainly break and blame for it on the Palestinians should receive no attention!

وقف إطلاق النار بين "إسرائيل" وفلسطين؟

تأسست "حماس" ("HAMAS") ووتدار من قبل إسرائيل الأشكنازية. إذا كانت إسرائيل تتظاهر بإبرام وقف لإطلاق النار مع "حماس" ("HAMAS")، فإنها تعقد لإطلاق النار مع نفسها!

إسرائيل تكذب كلما فتحت فمها! إذا "وافقت" إسرائيل على وقف إطلاق النار، فإنه، في رأينا، فخ على أي حال: لن يستخدموه فقط لتمركز قواتهم البرية ووضعها بشكل أفضل وتوسيع تحصيناتهم.

علاوة على ذلك، ستنظم إسرائيل معرضا للألعاب النارية كل يوم وكل ليلة مع "القبة الحديدية" المزيفة من أجل تهدئة الجمهور العالمي وسكانها إلى رغبة (أكبر) في الانتقام من "الإرهابيين" الفلسطينيين. لأن إسرائيل تنوي العمل بقسوة أكبر ضد السكان المدنيين الفلسطينيين في المستقبل!

لقد أفسدت إسرائيل ليس فقط حكومات جميع الدول العربية المحيطة ، ولكن أيضا حكومة فلسطين نفسها! في رأينا، لا ينبغي أن يحظى "وقف إطلاق النار" المزيف الذي ستكسره إسرائيل بالتأكيد وتلقي باللوم على الفلسطينيين في ذلك!
Shadow of Ezra on X (Twitter), 23.11.23

Donald Trump has updated his cover photo on Truth Social.

Red, white, and blue face paint, as we head towards the last battle.

His cover photo shows (White Hat-) Military.

The storm is upon us.

ظل عزرا على X (تويتر)، 23.11.23

قام دونالد ترامب بتحديث صورة الغلاف الخاصة به على موقع Truth Social.

طلاء الوجه باللون الأحمر والأبيض والأزرق ، بينما نتجه نحو المعركة الأخيرة.

تظهر صورة الغلاف الخاصة به (القبعة البيضاء-) العسكرية.

العاصفة علينا.
141.1 KB
Countries with Rothschild Central Banks
Países con Bancos Centrales Rothschild
Länder mit Rothschild-Zentralbanken
الدول التي لديها البنوك المركزية روتشيلد

As of May 2022
German ألماني Alemán 德语 Deutsch
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The Yemeni Armed Forces announce

that they will target all of the following types of ships:
1. Ships carrying the flag of the Zionist Entity
2. Ships operated by Israeli companies
3. Ships owned by Israeli companies.

The Yemeni Armed Forces also call on all countries of the world to
1. Withdraw its citizens working for the crews of these ships
2. Avoid shipping on or handling these ships
3. Inform your ships to stay away from these ships.

That very day Yemen seized Israeli #Galaxy Leader in the Red Sea.

November 19, 2023 AD
Source t.me/wassim_syria

(Did you see Yemeni & Palestinian flag together on heli & ship?)
Feel your way in

1. one of these or both a German face?
2. one of these sort of "leaden" heavy?

Real Raw News:

White Hats in Action:
Marines Kick FEMA Out of Tennessee

United States Marines on Monday unceremoniously ejected FEMA from Tennessee, where agents of the criminal agency had hoped to terrorize and loot God-fearing citizens whose lives turned to shambles after a freak winter tornado outbreak struck parts of Nashville and Clarksville Saturday night...

Continue reading...

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