ZMINE Official
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Announcing ZMINE Official NFT 📣
In collaboration with our partner @dinoparkio and @zfarm_finance
Starting 20th June, 03:30 UTC, users will be able to purchase ZMINE DINO profile NFT at
Stay tuned for more updates! 😎
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ZMINE Mining Result Summary
01-15 Aug 2021
Mining Profit: 1.08729690 BTC
16-31 Aug 2021
Mining Profit: 1.16450772 BTC
Alternative Hardware Usage Profit: 0.01875123 BTC
Total Profit: 2.27055585 BTC
Send to ZMN⇌BTC: 100%
Amount: 2.27055585 BTC
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Past Amount: 23.55557594 BTC
Upcoming Amount: 2.27055585 BTC
Estimate Updated Amount: ~25.82 BTC
The Intrinsic value of ZMN for ZMN⇌BTC will be updated on the 16th of every month.
Notes :
- As ZMINE will continuously focus on ZMN token and defi business, We will settle new business via our partner and put profit of every business in ZMN⇌BTC.
- For new generation of graphic card mining business, We are now partner with Eternite Technovation to utilize our unused hardware and collect monthly fee via profit sharing model. More information at Eternite Technovation (
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ZMINE Mining Result Summary
01-15 Sep 2021
Mining Profit: 1.14674373 BTC
16-30 Sep 2021
Mining Profit: 0.90185077 BTC
Alternative Hardware Usage Profit: 0.02835001 BTC
Total Profit: 2.07694451 BTC
Send to ZMN⇌BTC: 100%
Amount: 2.07694451 BTC
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Past Amount: 25.82556179 BTC
Upcoming Amount: 2.07694451 BTC
Estimate Updated Amount: ~27.90 BTC
The Intrinsic value of ZMN for ZMN⇌BTC will be updated on the 16th of every month.
GPU Portal Report
GPU Redemption in Aug 2021
- GTX1060 (Not pass for mining) x278
- RX470/570 (Not pass for mining) x562
- RX480/580 (Not pass for mining) x161
Total Redemption: 5,544,575 ZMN
This amount of ZMN token will be kept for the burn on Oct 16, 2021
Notes :
- Not pass for mining gpu are graphic cards in dead stock that out of warranty and unrepairable for more than three months. Redemption gpu in this category are not affect our current mining capacity.
- The intrinsic value of ZMN token are steady growth as graph below and will surpass 200,00
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Round 10: 16 Sep 2021 - 15 Oct 2021
Previous round: 25.82556179 BTC
Incoming: 2.07694451 BTC
Transfer fee: −0.0005 BTC
Updated ZMN⇌BTC balance: 27.9020063 BTC [1]
Total redeemed : 5.69708358 BTC [2]
Total returned : 2.79229443 BTC [3]
Active Contract : 1.15890217 BTC [4]
Expired Contract: 1.74588698 BTC [5]=[2]-[3]-[4]
BTC for calculate intrinsic value: 26.15611932 BTC [6]=[1]-[5]
ZMN circulate supply before burn: 131,898,158.77 ZMN [7]
Today ZMN token circulate supply reduce: 7,752,773 ZMN [8] from
A. This round redeemed fee: 81,700 ZMN
B. Expired ZMN collateral on BSC: 2,120,000 ZMN
C. ZMN in BSC Burn Address between 16 Sep and 15 Oct 2021: 5,551,073 ZMN
ZMN circulate supply after burn: 124,145,385.77 ZMN [9]=[7]-[8]
Updated intrinsic value of 10,000 ZMN : 210,689.42 satoshi (+13.68% MoM) [6]/[9]*10^12
- Since ZMN enter Binance Smart Chain on May 2021, More than 15M ZMN token are burned which is worth around 460 BNB at this time
- ZMN⇌BTC application will be paused at 00:01 - 23:59 UTC time on 16th of every month to update intrinsic value
ZMINE Staking Pool Annoucement
Starting Nov 2021, 10% of profit per month will be rewarded to ZMN-BTCB LP staking pool on
- All staking pool will have 5% deposit fee(All ZMN will be burned, other pair will be collected as operation fee)
- First reward will come from Oct 2021 profit which paid out in BTCB form
- Staking pool will open for deposit and rewarded on 17 Nov 2021 (Block number will be annouced later)
- Percentage profit for staking reward and other parameter values may adjust again later, accordingg to furthur situation
ZMINE Mining Result Summary
01-15 Oct 2021
Mining Profit: 0.75894152 BTC
16-31 Oct 2021
Mining Profit: 0.83480107 BTC
Alternative Hardware Usage Profit: 0.02846069 BTC
Total Profit: 1.62220328 BTC
Keep for ZMN-BTCB LP Staking Reward: 10%
Amount: 0.16222032 BTC
Send to ZMN⇌BTC: 90%
Amount: 1.45998296 BTC
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Past Amount: 27.90200630 BTC
Upcoming Amount: 1.45998296 BTC
Estimate Updated Amount: ~29.35 BTC
The Intrinsic value of ZMN for ZMN⇌BTC will be updated on the 16th of every month.
Notes :
- ZMN-BTCB LP Staking Pool will open for deposit and rewarded on 17 Nov 2021 (Block number will be annouced on 16 Nov 2021)
ZMINE Official pinned «ZMINE Mining Result Summary . 01-15 Oct 2021 Mining Profit: 0.75894152 BTC . 16-31 Oct 2021 Mining Profit: 0.83480107 BTC . Alternative Hardware Usage Profit: 0.02846069 BTC . Total Profit: 1.62220328 BTC . Keep for ZMN-BTCB LP Staking Reward: 10% Amount:…»
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Round 11: 16 Oct 2021 - 15 Nov 2021
Previous round: 27.90200630 BTC
Incoming: 1.45998296 BTC
Transfer fee: −0.0005 BTC
Updated ZMN⇌BTC balance: 29.36148926 BTC [1]
Total redeemed : 6.02786593 BTC [2]
Total returned : 2.81336337 BTC [3]
Active Contract : 1.15890217 BTC [4]
Expired Contract: 2.05560039 BTC [5]=[2]-[3]-[4]
BTC for calculate intrinsic value: 27.30588887 BTC [6]=[1]-[5]
ZMN circulate supply before burn: 124,145,385.77 ZMN [7]
Today ZMN token circulate supply reduce: 1,470,500 ZMN [8] from
A. This round redeemed fee: 500 ZMN
B. Expired ZMN collateral on BSC: 1,470,000 ZMN
ZMN circulate supply after burn: 122,674,885.77 ZMN [9]=[7]-[8]
Updated intrinsic value of 10,000 ZMN : 222,587.44 satoshi (+5.65% MoM) [6]/[9]*10^12
- ZMN-BTCB Staking pool will open for deposit around 17 Nov 2021 07:00 GMT
- Staking reward will start distribute on bsc block #12725000 (
ZMINE Official pinned «ZMN⇌BTC Report Round 11: 16 Oct 2021 - 15 Nov 2021 . Previous round: 27.90200630 BTC Incoming: 1.45998296 BTC Transfer fee: −0.0005 BTC Updated ZMN⇌BTC balance: 29.36148926 BTC [1] . Total redeemed : 6.02786593 BTC [2] Total returned : 2.81336337 BTC [3] Active…»
Inroduce ZMINE Staking Pool
Starting today, you can stake ZMN-BTCB LP to earn BTCB reward via our platform at
To start staking, you have 2 choices to create ZMN-BTCB LP as below
1. Manual create on
This method required additional BTCB that equal value of your ZMN token that you want to stake. After create ZMN-BTCB LP > go to our staking page > Enable Staking > click MAX or put amount that you want to stake > Click Stake
2. Auto conversion tool
With this method you can start staking with only ZMN token in your wallet. Thanks to ZMN⇌BTC system, Auto conversion tool will redeem some of your ZMN token to BTCB with no repayment plan then create ZMN-BTCB LP token and start staking for you. Anyway, please remind that this conversion tool may result in higher or lower value than market rate because it based on the intrinsic value of ZMN token.
Notes :
- Staking reward will start distribute on bsc block #12725000 (
- When staking ZMN-BTCB LP you will also earn 0.17% of trading amount for any trade that occurs between ZMN and BTCB on
ZMINE Official pinned «Inroduce ZMINE Staking Pool . Starting today, you can stake ZMN-BTCB LP to earn BTCB reward via our platform at . To start staking, you have 2 choices to create ZMN-BTCB LP as below . 1. Manual create on This…»
ZMINE Mining Result Summary
01-15 Nov 2021
Mining Profit: 0.77801328 BTC
16-30 Nov 2021
Mining Profit: 0.76725054 BTC
Alternative Hardware Usage Profit: 0.0599681 BTC
Total Profit: 1.60523192 BTC
Keep for ZMN-BTCB LP Staking Reward: 10%
Amount: 0.16052319 BTC
Send to ZMN⇌BTC: 90%
Amount: 1.444470873 BTC
ZMN⇌BTC Report
Past Amount: 29.36148926 BTC
Upcoming Amount: 1.444470873 BTC
Estimate Updated Amount: ~30.80 BTC
The Intrinsic value of ZMN for ZMN⇌BTC will be updated on the 16th of every month.