Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
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Ceannaire Na hÓige Náisiúnaí
Candidate for Dublin South-West
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If nationalists had been murdered last Sunday, the Irish political establishment would still be silent, just as they have been silent about the demographic war waged on behalf of finance capital against the Irish people.
'Téann Focal Le Gaoth Ach Téann Buille Le Cnámh'

Words fly away with the wind but blows strike home to the bone.
I had the honour of welcoming my good friend and fellow nationalist counterpart in Finland Deputy-Chairman Juuso Siltanen as the 'akseli' delegate who joined us in Fermanagh for our recent 2022 Ard Fheis.

We exchanged opinions and views on our respective national struggles we face as both Nations and nationalist organisation's in the modern era.

We look forward to working closely with eachother in the foreseeable future, one thing is for sure is that Ireland and Finland will hold firm and weather whatever storm crosses our path.
Forwarded from Dáithí de Búrca
I had the great pleasure recently of leading a National Party delegation to Helsinki.

Invited by my friend Juuso Siltanen, Deputy Chairman of the Finnish nationalist organisation Uudenmaan Akseli (@uudenmaanakseli), we participated in the Finnish Independence Day celebrations.
The culmination of these celebrations was the 612 torchlight procession, where we marched down the streets of Helsinki to mark the 105th anniversary of Finnish independence from communist Russia.

We look forward to continued co-operation with nationalists in Finland and across Europe.
Ar Dheis ar Aghaidh!
An Irishman has recently died in the Lebanon, another Irishman used and discarded by the globalist order, another unneccesary death of our kin.

Another avoidable tragedy.

Why did this young man die? Why are Irish soldiers wasted in far off places and unfathomable conflicts, usually the outcome of too much diversity, while at home Ireland becomes a future candidate for multicultural failed state?

No one in government has an answer worthy of the death of one of our own.

The UN is just another supra-national entity, another appendage of a corrosive order, hostile to all things national and servant to finance capital.
Caleb's fundraiser has almost reached its final goal, all we need to do is show that small bit more support to finish it off before Christmas 💪🏻🎄

Forwarded from Geuzenbond
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Begin het nieuwe jaar goed met een nieuw nummer van ons nationalistisch jongerenblad De Stormlamp! Deze keer hebben we een artikel over componist Peter Benoit, een duiding van onze positie ten opzichte van Europese samenwerking, een vraaggesprek met Yan Mac Oireachtaigh van Óige Náisiúnach uit Ierland, een artikel over de rol van de geestelijkheid in het ontstaan van het nationalisme en meer. Zeker lezen dus!

Media is too big
"Get them out!" - Máirtín Ó Baoighealláin at Ballymun Protest

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What's most impressive is the sneering scum behaviour and tactics leftists use to bash the Irish in Ireland over the head. Using typically Irish Americans as the battering ram.

At the very same time saying being Irish is a matter of a piece of paper! Wild isnt it?

The same people who hold the Irish under duress to accept more Africans, Asians and Middle Eastern men to our homeland are quick to simultaneusly tear chunks out of Irish America for being Irish in another continent in a country they built.

God forbid they may not have a piece of paper certifying it 2 or 3 generations later.

The truth is the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealend all hold large chunks of our people and the fact is we at the National Party wont turn our backs on them like the passed regimes have. We care, we remember, we want to bring you back much to the dismay of leftists and the Irish government.

Óige Náisiúnach is everywhere.
Forwarded from Raphaël Ayma
Media is too big

🇮🇪 Encore un peu d'actualité irlandaise. Pour compléter ma cartouche-vidéo, voici un entretien entre moi et Yan, responsable de jeunesse du NP (principal mouvement proche de nos idées en Irlande). Au programme : détails sur l'affaire, la jonction entre manifestants-militants et même un peu de blocage musclé d'autoroute. 😁

🤙🏻 Yan nous confirme que la dynamique irlandaise n'est pas prête de s'essouffler, et que l'île pourrait bientôt connaître une reconfiguration politique intéressante.

👉🏻 Liens utiles :
⁃ Le canal de Yan : https://t.me/YanMacNP
⁃ Le site du National Party : https://nationalparty.ie
⁃ Les 9 principes du NP, brochure-programme phare du mouvement : https://nationalparty.ie/principles/