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Official Telegram channel for the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) in Rojava - Northern Syria Federation
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Minbic: Ji Tariyê Ber Bi Ronahiyê
بفلسفة المرة حياة الحرة سنطور حماية الذاتية لجميع النساء
With the Philosophy of "Women, Life, Freedom," We Will Develop Self-Protection for All Women.

To the Media and Public Opinion:

"The struggle of women for freedom, equality, and a dignified life is expanding worldwide. In contrast, the dominant capitalist system attacks women through violence, rape, and genocide, striving to protect its dominance.

Today, in India, the culture of violence and assault has reached its peak. In response to the heinous crime that occurred in the city of Kolkata, India, where a doctor was brutally assaulted and killed, women and the Indian people have risen up and organized mass protests, expressing their stance with the slogan 'Women, Life, Freedom.'

We, in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), condemn this atrocious crime and call on all women's organizations and movements to raise their voices against all forms of pressure, violence, abuse, and physical and mental oppression against women. The perpetrators and assailants must be held accountable.

We, in the Women's Protection Units, have waged an unrelenting struggle against the patriarchal system, represented by the mercenaries of ISIS and the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state in the occupied areas, with their occupation, genocide, violations, and looting. Under ISIS control, women suffered brutal violations, were sold as slaves in markets, and were deprived of all their rights. The great tragedy experienced by the Yazidi women still lingers in the memory of all humanity. We fought these mercenaries with great courage, determination, faith, and strong organization, resisting and defeating them. To free Yazidi, Christian, Kurdish, and Arab women from the brutality of ISIS mercenaries, we showed great resistance.

Today, the Turkish occupation state continues to target freedom-seeking women, leaders, and our fighters in the YPJ in northern and eastern Syria with its aerial attacks. In the occupied areas, Turkish occupation soldiers and mercenaries commit crimes of sexual assault, kidnapping, and massacres against women daily. Undoubtedly, we are resisting these attacks and horrific crimes in many ways, and we are strengthening our defensive forces.

We know well that the authoritarian culture of the patriarchal system is a global system with a long history. Today, women are assaulted in India, female fighters are executed in Iran, child marriage is legalized in Iraq, and in Afghanistan, women are deprived of all their human rights. Therefore, resistance against this system must be global, multilateral, and extremely strong. All struggling women, organizations, social institutions, and society as a whole must recognize this reality and stand against these attacks with one voice. The more organized society is, the more it can build its self-defense power. Undoubtedly, women need to protect themselves more than anyone else. This can be achieved through organization. An organized woman is a woman who can protect herself, all women, and society. Therefore, we, as women, need to protect each other, stand together, and support one another. In this sense, we find the uprising of women and the people in India to be of great value and meaning. If this uprising turns into a strong organization, it will be able to put an end to this oppressive ruling system.

There is no doubt that the philosophy of 'Women, Life, Freedom,' which was presented to us by Leader Abdullah Öcalan through hard work and struggle, has shown us the way to get rid of the concept of the authoritarian and oppressive man. We, in the Women's Protection Units, have adopted this philosophy as our foundation since the beginning of our struggle and fight for freedom. Over time, this philosophy has grown, resonating in the uprising of Jina Amini, in the uprisings of women around the world, and even today in the uprisings in India. Based on this philosophy, the women's revolution is becoming global, and it is time to build a democratic women's confederal system.
On this basis, we salute the great resistance of Indian women and express our support for them. In this sense, we call on the women of India and all women of the world to continue their struggle in all forms, organize themselves with the freedom philosophy of Leader Abdullah Öcalan, embodied in 'Women, Life, Freedom,' and build their defensive power."

The General Command of the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) issued a written statement today regarding the women's protests in India following the killing and assault of the Indian doctor on August 9th.

Down with masculinity and the culture of exploitation!
Long live the philosophy of 'Women, Life, Freedom!'
Long live the united women's struggle!
Long live Leader APO!
General Command of the Women's Protection Units (YPJ)
Dewreya Şehîd Sorxwîn Celal ya Akademiya Şehîd Hebûn Ereb Bi Dawî bû تخريج دورة التمشيط لمقاتلات وحدات حماية المرأة في أكاديمية الشهيدة هابون عرب، دورة الشهيدة سورخين جلال Graduation of the Combing Course for Female Fighters of the Women's Protection Units at the Martyr Habun Eren Academy, Martyr Sordwin Jalal Course👇
Ji Bo Malbatên Şehîdan Li Tabqa Civînek Hate Li Darxistin
تم عقد اجتماع لعوائل الشهداء في مقاطعة الطبقة بتاريخ
A Meeting of Martyrs' Families Held in Tabqa Province on👇
Gulîstan û Hêro Bûn Dengê Heqîqeta Gelê Xwe

Êrîşa dewleta Tirk a faşîst ya li ser Rojnamevanên jin Gulîstan Tara û Hêro Behadîn bi armanca planên dewleta Tirk ya îlhakê ya li ser Başûrê Kurdistanê veşartinê, hate pêkanîn. Hêzên hêrêma Kurdistanê û Iraqê li Başûrê Kurdistanê ji bo deskeftiyên Tevgera Azadiya Kurdistanê tune bikin, li gel dewleta Tirk ya ku beka ya xwe di qirkirina gelê Kurd û herêmê de dibîne, bi konsepteke pir alî êrîşên wiha yên terorî û dijmirovî pêk tînin. 👇
YPJ û QSD’ê li navçeya Çelebiyê Ji Bo Malbatên Şehîdan Civînek Li Dar Xistin
Di civînê de rewşa siyasî, xirab kirina ewlehiyê, erîşên demên dawî û sûcên dijmirovî yên faşîzma Tirk û çeteyên wê ku li dijî gelê me dide pêk tîne, hatin nîqaşkirin. Civîn bi tevlîbûyina Malbatên şehîdan, Rêveberiya Xweser û Fermandara YPJ’ê ya Herêma Firatê Zinarîn Qamişlo, Fermandarên Meclîsa Leşkerî ya Herêma Firatê ya Mehmud Qeremox û hate li darxistin.
قامت وحدات حماية المرأة وقوات سوريا الديمقراطية بعقد اجتماع لعوائل الشهداء في ناحية الجلبية
تضمن الاجتماع مناقشة الوضع السياسي، زعزعة الأمن، الاستهدافات الأخيرة، والجرائم اللاإنسانية التي ترتكبها الفاشية التركية ومرتزقتها بحق أهالينا. تم منح عوائل الشهداء فرصة لإبداء آرائهم ومقترحاتهم.حضر الاجتماع عوائل الشهداء، والإدارة الذاتية، وقيادة إقليم الفرات ممثلة بالرفيقة زنارين قامشلو, كما محمود قرموغ من قيادة المجلس العسكري و ابو جاسم من قيادة المجلس العسكري في عين عيسى ابو جاسم.
The Women's Protection Units and the Syrian Democratic Forces held a meeting with the families of martyrs in Al-Jalabiya district
The meeting included discussions on the political situation, security instability, recent targeting incidents, and the inhumane crimes committed by Turkish fascism and its mercenaries against our people. The families of the martyrs were given the opportunity to express their opinions and suggestions. Attendees included the families of the martyrs, the Autonomous Administration, and the leadership of the Euphrates Region, represented by Comrade Zinarin Qamishlo, Mahmoud Qarmough from the leadership of the Military Council and Abu Jassim from the leadership of the Military Council in Ain Issa.👇👇