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To all people defending "illegal migration as an human right".

First, let we consider HOW such migrants are doing the illegal migration. We will share soon videos showing CRIMES! no matter if they are doing migration or not.

Second. Well, good luck to host 500 mio people in your countries (just related to 🇿🇦) ... since you cannot call "illegal migration an human right", but giving a shit to poverty! which is exactly the same! (and even homeless in your countries!). Many doing illegal migration do it because of poverty, not just because there was a disaster or a war ...

Obviously they do it even for discrimination etc. In this case the problem is the discrimination / missing human rights in such countries!

We first need to sentence ALL people behind such "Putin politic" allowing similar missing human / animal / planet rights ... instead of fighting for things that will not fix the issue.

Switzerland promises millions to help fight poverty and climate change in Africa https://perma.cc/BX95-NBWA
This still doesn't fix the missing rights ...

With more persons of working age and fewer children to educate, the improvements cascade across various indices of human well-being. For example, poverty rates come down significantly, with 19 million less people living in extreme poverty by 2030, 112 million less in 2050 and 95 million less by 2063. With its large and poor population, Nigeria is likely to experience a reduction of 37 million less extremely poor people in 2050 (2 million less in 2030) out of a total population that, by 2050, will likely count 367 million people (instead of 405 million in the Current Path).

While in 2019, 478 million people lived in extreme poverty, it is estimated that in 2021, 490 million people in Africa live under the poverty line of 1.90 PPP$/day https://perma.cc/55RA-UPJ9

World Poverty Map - How Many People Live in Extreme Poverty by Country https://perma.cc/GK2L-VC99
It's a SHAME how mothers and fathers are doing mothers and fathers in 2023!

It's time we change if we want to stop suicide, terrorism, criminality, rapes, discrimination, wars, and more!

It's time to learn how to communicate properly with your kids!

It's time to stop giving a shit to your kids and treat them like you treat animals ... where you open just the door and say "do what you need, we will wait here!".

It's time to change, because OUR WORLD IS TAKING REALLY A BAD DIRECTION!

It's better to make abortion instead of creating similar kids! that just generate suicides and death in other people ...

In one thing Breivik has no wrong at all, and he is sharing exactly what we think too. It's a shame how our new generation is evolving promoting such things! It's time to say BASTA! EDUCATE YOUR KIDS ONCE AT ALL!

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Acid Attack to a person?

Well for us IS A DEATH SENTENCE WITHOUT PAROLE! if the dude has been found with enough proofs.

Seriously are we still able to do such things?

It's time to stop to give criminals more human rights than innocent people!

No matter what. Even with a death sentence the damages are not fixed ...

but at least prevented

Backup by @WomenRightsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme
Media is too big

It's time that our governments provide us

- abortion support

- active and passive suicide

- consider suicide and trauma part of the sentence

but even traumas or panic related to self made suicides, exactly the feelings of someone doing this inhumane act.

- consider the topic poverty / missing rights /migration seriously
because this is another "form of suicide" ...

- consider all crimes that have a relation to suicide, from terrorism to rape to discrimination to abuse to wars to to

One thing our governments don't need to do? KEEP EYE CLOSED! because this will not fix anything!

Remember: no one left behind!
Just to make it clear, WE DON'T AGREE with🇺🇸🇪🇸 and 🇧🇷 laws at all!

Brazil is the largest and most highly populated country in Latin America and the Caribbean. This region has the most punitive laws for illegal abortion and yet the highest estimated frequency of abortions in the world: 44 per 1000 women compared with lowest frequency of 17 per 1000 women in the USA and Canada.

Only in three cases: risk to the pregnant woman’s life, sexual violence, fetal anencephaly

Despite Brazil’s severe legislation, 500 000 illegal abortions are esti- mated to occur every year among women aged 18–39 years, which equates to one in ve women, with half of these abortions resulting in emergency room visits due to complications.

By contrast, in countries that provide safe and legal abortions, only 2–5% of women require medical care afterwards.

The most women who are admitted to hospital after an illegal abortion are uninsured, representing a government cost of more than US$10 million every year.

In Brazil, people who have illegal abortions can serve up to 3 years in prison, while those who conduct abortions can serve up to 4 years.

It's a shame that human rights get sentenced with 4 years of prisons!

Germany for example

Die Schwangere bleibt zudem straflos, wenn der Schwangerschaftsabbruch nach einer Beratung durch eine anerkannte Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatungsstelle von einer Ärztin oder einem Arzt vorgenommen wird und seit der Empfängnis nicht mehr als 22 Wochen verstrichen sind (Schwangerschaft auf einem Sexualdelikt). In diesem Fall bleibt die Schwangere straflos, andere Beteiligte können sich dagegen strafbar machen.

Außerdem muss eine Ärztin oder ein Arzt, welche oder welcher nicht an der Beratung teilgenommen hat, den Schwangerschaftsabbruch innerhalb von zwölf Wochen nach der Empfängnis vornehmen https://perma.cc/R43H-XS3Y

Wer eine Schwangerschaft abbricht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft https://perma.cc/24U9-JDHM

So like said previously we don't agree at all with what is happening in America Latina!

It's just a shame! They really need to learn from Spain (or better from 🇳🇱!)

Todas las mayores de 18 años que quieran interrumpir su embarazo lo podrán hacer hasta la semana 14 de embarazo, sin dar explicaciones del motivo que les lleva a tomar esa decisión, eso sí, deberá ser una decisión tomada desde la libertad, sin coacciones.

Debes saber que el plazo de 14 semanas se amplían hasta 22 en el caso de que la vida o la salud de la madre embarazada corra peligro, anomalías fetales incompatibles con la vida, así como graves anomalías en el feto https://perma.cc/8MRF-KSFN

Netherlands: An abortion may be performed up to the time when the foetus is viable outside the mother’s body. Under the Criminal Code, this is 24 weeks. In practice, doctors apply a two-week margin of error, and stick to a time limit of 22 weeks

Or 🇦🇷: Argentina legalises abortion, joining a small Latin American group https://perma.cc/5MLK-AB2W

But is nothing new, since America Latina is well know for their "religious obsession" ... like some countries in Europe

The previous video was selected especially to make clear we don't say "people need to make abortion" if they don't want to do that or they have no idea ... Same for other things ... We never promote them. We just fight for the rights using science, stats and facts, not personal or religious opinions!

So in the video there was an happy end and the part about the suicide was made well too. At the end EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE THEIR OWN DECISION! (considering even negative points of abortion). What is important, is that not our government force people to keep babies, when we have no interest at all. Doesn't matter the reason, if the fetus is not healthy, they have no motivation or whatever.

We are not girls, so we talk as men!