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Forwarded from WhipLash347
will get a big write up re-posted on the Silk Road shortly.

"Yellow Brick Road"
Biggest Child Trafficking route out of Wuhan to all parts of the world.
Forwarded from WhipLash347
Wuhan Deep State Central.
Big Pharma
Vaccine/Virus Labs
Adrenochrome Harvesting
Organ Harvesting
Silk Road
BTC - Child Trafficking Coin
All goes back to the Khazarians
Bill Gates & George Soros Labs.
Forwarded from Daniëlle
Watch the Waters

Undersea charities.
Connect them.
TerraMar is not unique.

Blue Prosperity - Waitt
Oceans 5:- Rockefeller
LDF - DiCaprio

Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation?
For 2 million to "Oceans 5"?


Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht?
Blue Prosperity.

Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer.
Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested.
Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer.

Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank?


Not much saving oceans.
Very much laundering money
Providing kids for the 'network'

This goes so much deeper......

Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar.

Listen to the video at 3.28


1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock chicken tates like fish.

Fish is code for Andrenochrome.

Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal.

The underseas charities are trafficking kartels run by the Elite.

International waterways fall under no jurisdiction.

Anyone can do anything under water.

Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell
Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation.
Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt.
Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation.
Waitt Found.=> Clint. Found.
Waitt Found=> Gates Found.
Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island.
Water Island => Biden Family.
Bridges, Bridges everywhere.
Forwarded from GhostEzra
Just research the black eye club for more info. No, those aren't punches.
Forwarded from WhipLash347
Terramar, Silk Road etc

These Elites feed you your own children.
Alice's Floor
Forwarded from Daniëlle (Danielle Stotijn)
You must understand that there is a Military Operation liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years.

Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom.

Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage.

Understand that this operation is all about cleaning up a evil matrix of corruption, human trafficking and toxic mind body pollution that has hijacked our planet.

The scenario,s that play out and come togheter will collapse that matrix will it has been imploding for years.

It will all come crushing down:
The financial market system
The political law enforcement system
The main social media system
The pharmaceutical drug system

The world as you know it will come to an end. It is only like this that we can start the new.

When we flip the switch
From Swift > QFS
From Maritime > Military > Natural law
From MSM / Mossad > Project Odin
From Toxic Drugs > Medbeds
From federal energy > Tesla
From € backed by nul > XRP fam backed by ISO metals

Understand the connection of all scenario,s playing out in front of your eyes:
- election fraude audits
- crypto Sec fraude & regulation
- Suez canal obstruction of Silk road
- Europe Defender 2021 Russia Ukraine
- Myranmar military take over
- Iran deal & Biden

It is all connected.
Q the plan to save the world
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
Big Pharma wants Trump dead.

They tried having him assassinated more times than I can physically count on my fingers and toes.

Let that little fact sink in.

This is why Trump needed to stay insulated. He needs to be 100% hands off and out of the public spotlight while special operators carry out the rest of the plan.
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
Once it is done. He will be back.

“The Best is Yet to Come” isn’t just a catchphrase. MJ said the same thing while he held the same red folder that Trump was holding on Eric’s birthday.

What’s in the folder?

Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
No. I’m stateside at the moment. I’ll be headed back when needed. For now, I rest easy until I get the call.
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
When I leave again BQQMS WILL BE EN ROUTE
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
Keep your heads on a swivel. Try & keep up.
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
Forwarded from QFrogman5326 (QFrogman5326)
Forwarded from Juan Q Seven ((🦁))
The 2020 Election Fraud will blow open worldwide and Trump will be Re-elected this is a mathematical Certainty! No doubts ! When is the big Q ? 🦁
Forwarded from The DEFCON Warning System (The DEFCON Warning System)
Iran rejects talks with the United States over its nuclear programme in Vienna.
Forwarded from Daniëlle (Danielle Stotijn)

Whistleblower General Flynn exposes the $50 B Gulen Terrorist Network:

• Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of Jihadist who later waved the flag of ISIS

• These jihadist actions were taking place in Turkey and Jordan.

• Obama with the help of the help of CIA, NATO and his jihadist cronies, were seeking to top Assad in Syria.

• Flynn can fry Mueller and 4 treasonous Presidents and take down the NWO agenda within America and at least the last 4 administrations

• The Russia hoax is nothing more than to target Flynn, push him out of the Obama administration and to surpress the Gulen terrorist Network to be exposed.

• These treasonous administrations created funding of ISIS for a coup in Turkey and growing the largest sleeper cell of terrorists in history.

• Bombshell: It was Bill Clinton who brought Gulen and his terrorist network to the United States. In 1998 Bill rolled out the red carpet and had him flown here in a private CIA plane. He knew full well that Gulen was wanted in Turkey and other nations for terrorist activities.

• Gulen owned over 200 charter schools, funded by the US and paid for with tax money.

• The US/Jihadist morphed into thr Arab spring, destabilized the middle east and created the orchestrated migration crises.

• Hillary took part in the launching of the Arab spring as secretary of state under the Obama administration.

• Flynn blew the whistle on the involvement in the Gulen terrorist Network of the Oboma administration and by default of HW Bush, G Bush, Clinton, the state department, FBI, CIA and the DOG.
Forwarded from Emily T