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In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya. [HASSAN Family]
They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ[DRUZE]
6 Yrs later they merged with Skull n Bones. Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.
The UK Royals arteficially inseminated by the Rothschilds had taken control of the Satanic Sanussi[HASSAN]Family of Libya.
See the Sanussi Family [BLACK FLAG]
ISIS was already created, it was just merged over.
Skull n Bones_ISIS Assassinated JFK.
See JFK meeting Crown Prince HASSAN of Libya & King HASSAN 2 of MOROCCO.
See Obama's first year of Presidency 2009.
Green Day released a song called Know Your Enemy.
They told you ISIS will rise & don't be blinded by "Lies in your eyes.

Zbigniew Brzezinski created Tim Osman/OBL in late 70s.
I think the 1st arrest will be Osama Bin Laden. It would be the one to shock the world.
It was a fake trophy kill body double killed. Obama paid off Iran to hide him in Northern Iran.
Seal Team 6 knew the truth.
Obama/Biden had them go to Afghanistan. Organised for them to be shot down. Some survived. Ie Aaron Vaughn. This then leads into Benghazi. It opens up September 11 2001.
Talking about opening up PANDORA's Box. "GOLDEN TICKETS"
Then in 2015.
The Vengeful One by Disturbed.
It came out 1 yr before Trump run for Presidency.
Watch the film clip.
Its all about someone coming to KILL THE MOCKINGBIRD.
V For Vendetta
Look who writes this book.
Forwarded from Frida
Born on: Saturday, December 21, 1850 Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A
Day 21….777
21 December 1850 = 16th of Tevet, 5611 “Hebrew Calendar”.
Day 16 …1+6 = 7.
21 December 1850 = 16th of Safar, 1267 “Lunar Calendar”.
Day 16 ..1+6 = 7.
The Libyan Government had confirmed to me that the remains of “William Wallace Lincoln” had been sent to the United States.
William Wallace was brought to Benghazi – Libya in 1863, they changed his identity , was raised by The Sanussi Royal family of Libya and lived in that Country for the rest of his life.
He was known as “Omar Mukhtar”, the great freedom fighter who fought against The Italian Military invasion of Libya from 1911, until his arrest near Caves Valley (180 Km east of Benghazi), on Friday [11th September 1931] when he was defending those Holy Valleys of Marcus the Evangelist, Valley of The Bible and Mary’s Lake in the region of Cyrene “280 Km east of Benghazi”.
He was transferred to face trial on Tuesday 15th September 1931 held by The Italian Military Tribunal in Benghazi, the trial ended in just one day.
He was sentenced to Death. They Hanged him on Wednesday 16th September 1931,(age 81) in The Town of Solluk 50 Km south of Benghazi “US Peridous”- Libya..
P.S. William Wallace Lincoln was born on the 16th day of the Hebrew Calendar, and on the 16th day of the Lunar Calendar. His father is The 16th President of USA….They killed him on The 16th Day , on the 31st Year….
At that time The President of USA was Herbert Clark Hoover (31st President).
Remember: “Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Savior” in Moscow was destroyed by “Joseph Stalin” on December 5th,1931..(D5) mentioned in Q post.
Remember: “Orthodox Messiah”, written in Hebrew, gives (777): he, mem, shin, yod, heth, daleth, taw and yod, giving 5+40+300+10+8+4+400+10 = 777.
William Wallace Lincoln, had 3 daughters “Mary, Gallia and Saieda”, and one Son. His only Son was shot in the head & killed by The Italian Military Police in downtown Benghazi in 1942.
His daughter “Mary” married a “ Prince “ originally from “The Golan Heights” , his name is “Said H Issa Kahlooni” and was born in The Orchards in The Governorate of Mount Lebanon.
He arrived The ((Port of Derna)) Libya on March 1911 coming from The Port of Beirut Lebanon. They had 2 Sons (Older son was born on : July 25, 1915..& (Younger son was born on May 29, 1917) , they were known later in life as Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr & John Fitzgerald Kennedy > “The 35th President Of The United States of America ”….
Kidnapped from Benghazi, Libya and handed over to mafia boss’ family, Joseph Kennedy [BOTH OF THEM WERE KILLED].
..P.S The ((port of Derna)) “20 Km west of Those Holy Valleys mentioned above.”
The “Kahlooni” family descend from an ethnic minority called the “Druze” , and they inhabit the Golan Heights.
This family originally from the Towns of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams in (The Golan Heights- Israel)…
The Town of “Kahloonia” in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]…
The Druze are the descendants of “Jethro” ,The Priest of Midian in The Bible & “Torah” (Exodus 2:18).
The 16th President Of The United States of America “Abraham Lincoln” , descend from The Kahlooni family.
Remember: “Q” recent post about [Bloodline]..
Remember: JFK’s autoimmune disease is a (Genetic Disease)…> Both Parents are Lincolns (Kahlooni).
Remember : Trump’s Golan Heights Declaration…
Remember : The (3) Daughters of William Wallace Lincoln (777)…
Remember: His Daughter “Mary” gave birth to her Son “JFK” on 29th May 1917…(16) days after the first apparition of The Virgin “Mary” to the (3) Girls in Fatima Portugal on 13th May 1917….(See above ,the significance of the number 16 to William Wallace Lincoln (777).
Forwarded from Frida
In 1917 , Raoul Auclair points out that when the Virgin Mary appears in Cova da Iria in Portugal, on August 13, 1385, this country was then (777) years old. And 532 years later, that is to say on May 13, 1917, took place the first appearance of Fatima.
The Tomb Guard marches exactly 21 steps down the black mat behind the Tomb, turns, faces east for 21 seconds, turns and faces north for 21 seconds, then takes 21 steps down the mat and repeats the process. (The number 21 symbolizes the highest military honor that can be bestowed, the 21-gun salute).
William Wallace Lincoln….is 777 = 21
“Lebanon,” known in Latin as Mons Libanus, was the name of a mountain. The Hebrew word ”laban” means white. Because the mountain was covered with snow, and because its soil had a light coloration, the ancient Phoenicians and other nomadic tribes called [The Mountain ”Lebanon]” -<<<< ”the white mountain.”
IMPORTANT: Family of Prince SAID H ISSA KAHLOONI [JFK’S real father] lives in The Orchards in The Governorate – [Mount Lebanon]-Republic of Lebanon…
Lebanese Independence Day on 22 November [1943]. 1+9+4+3 = 17
22 November 1963 , >> JFK was assassinated.
Forwarded from Daniëlle
What you need to know about Iran, Isreal and the US

The agreement between Israel & the UAE is a step towards peace.

Will #Iran ever make such a move? It depends on how we define “Iran."

The Iranian people have no enmity against Israel, the U.S. or the world.

The mullahs do not represent us Iranians.

This is a 41-year old lie.

Iranians hate the mullahs’ regime, symbolized in their supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

In recent years there have been nationwide uprisings & protesters are seen setting fire to posters of Khamenei while chanting "Death to the Dictator!"

While some politicians & MSM may glorify Qassem Soleimani & describe him as a "popular general," a "divine" figure & a "national war hero," watch how people in Iran tear apart a poster of his image along with Khamenei.

Iran’s regime claims to support the people of Palestine.

This is another 41-year old lie.

The mullahs are known to provide at least $360 million a year to Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Palestinian woman criticizes Hamas:
"Hamas officials' children drive in luxurious cars, but I have 4 unemployed sons. All of Gaza are unemployed because of Ismail Haniyeh & Yahya Sinwar. These officials care nothing about the poor people's necessities. We have the right to live."

More footage of #Iran-backed Hamas forces raiding the homes of Palestinians in Gaza.

Palestinian protesters are demanding better living conditions & saying, "We have the right to live!"

Tehran provides $100 million/year to Hamas terrorists.

This is the meaning of the mullahs of #Iran exporting extremism:

Tehran provides $100 million/year to Hamas (and their filthy ideology).

Hamas security forces attacked the students of Al-Azhar University today.

‎More recently in Lebanon, the people are chanting very significant slogans.

‎The world should listen to the brave people of Lebanon:
‎"Beirut, free, free! Iran, out, out!"

‎"Terrorist! Terrorist! Hezbollah, terrorist!"

‎⁦ ⁩
Will peace between Iran and the U.S., Israel and the world ever be possible?

Of course. But not with this regime.

But no, that doesn’t mean we want war. Not at all.

We just want an end to the appeasement policy that the mullahs’ thrived from especially during the Obama years & continue to enjoy from the Europeans.

Chamberlain appeased Hitler. And the rest is history…

Unfortunately, the Europeans seem not to learn from their own past.

End the appeasement & we’ll take care of the rest.
No need for a single bullet shot.
No need for boots on the ground.
No need for a single tax payer dollar or euro.
Forwarded from Daniëlle

Currently dismanteling....the Vatican.

The black pope was taken out in may 2020 under operation Europe Defender.

Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.

1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

The Black pope is THE ANTICHRIST

Why is it significant that the first Black Pope settled in the first foothold of the Arabs/Moors?

The arabs and north africans have always worshipped the #SUN and #SATURN.

Sun worship = #Egyptian beliefs.
Saturn Worship = Islamic beliefs

#Jesuit symbolism is centered around the sacred sun symbols dating back to Nimrod of Nebuchadnezzar.

Now how did sunworshipers infiltrate the #catholic church?

It started with the #Christian hero, Constantine I.
In 400AD Constantine and the Byzantine empire took over PHOENICIA, created a new province that lasted just long enough to legalize "Christianity". The Pagan gods of Rome.
And sun worshipers were united under the newly legal "Christianity" called Roman Catholicism.

Basilicas are the most important buildings in the Vaticans operation with the largest being #StPetersBasilica in the Vatican.

Serpent symbolism is all over the pope especially at the basilicas. St. Peter's Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.

WHAT DO THEY WANT? Simple; to rule. But how?

Rules - They create rules that were not originally here on earth. The jesuits have used the #Basilica to deceive man.
They have infiltrated every political, religious and educational realm.

The imposed rules and spells on this earth can be determined by who is able to enforce them. Any rules/laws that can be enforced by man are always subject to corrupt RULE OF LAW.
Since man can always be corrupted by fear and money.

That is why the bible says "Money is the root of all kinds of evil". This corrupt system has corrupted the RULE OF LAW. Meaning that each person is held to the exact same standard as another.

When #Obama & the #democrats frequently talked about the "Rule of Law". They are speaking to their leaders about the illegitimate rule of law that has been ruling over earth.

The Phoenicians were the worlds experts in sea travel and trade. They are now the logistics partners of the Vatican in Human Trafficking and other nefarious items. There are a lot of dots to connect regarding Maritime Law, Birth Certificates & how they are designed to keep.

Think about the symbolism of the ""land" of the dead" (the ocean). The king of the waters (Phoenicia/Ancient Beirut) has enslaved the seed of woman (the Childeren) by a serpent(The Vatican).

The BeirutBlast back in august revealed a massive network of underground tunnels that were not on any city plans. The #BeirutExplosions were a message from Christ the Messiah to Satan. The seed of woman and the christ are crushing the head of the serpent in front of our eyes.

the image of the BASILISK serpent and the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion are major biblical indications of the end times!

#Italygate = the start of the destruction of the #pope and the #vatican

Forwarded from Daniëlle