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Folks - Make sure to catch the replay of last night’s Eye Of The Storm if you haven’t already!

It was a banger as not only did we pay tribute to Dan “The Man” Scavino all throughout and dive into some fire comms from Trump but we also went over my latest Substack article which was a pretty deep dive into current comms and where I think we may be headed. So if Black Swans, The Insurrection Act and Devolution interest you, you may wanna check this episode out!

Forwarded from Burning Bright
One of the Macro concepts I believe is slowly being programmed into the American Collective Mind is that of Proxy Candidates and Proxies in general.

On the world stage, these include puppet presidents from Zelenskyy to Biden himself, but more recently and immediately, the GOP debates and primaries have made it strikingly apparent to all but the most dimwitted of voters that political parties and candidates are little more than shells for the systematized interests that back them.

With regards to the DeSimp and Vivekian shill parades, it was always less important to focus on the candidates and more important to focus on the players backing them, both financially and, perhaps more importantly, narratively, a contingent that includes most of the blue check Con Inc. brigade we call out with regularity.

When it comes to Nikki Haley, by hook or by crook, she's being used to expose the fact that the Uniparty is very real, and is unified against Trump, which means it's unified against us.
Forwarded from Burning Bright
Last night's episode of Story Hour was a good one, as we intro'd by explaining how you can combat the threat of the Lich Queen of MAGA, Nikki Haley creeping around in your bushes before transitioning into a discussion on media psychopathy and the construction of the False Reality.

We also explained why Normies aren't stupid; they're just cowards.

Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
NEW: House Homeland Security Committee moves forward with Mayorkas impeachment articles. Date set for Tuesday, Jan. 30.

The House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday scheduled its markup of articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors" over his handling of the border crisis.

The markup is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 30, after a year-long investigation that included multiple interviews, 10 hearings and six reports, committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., said.
Forwarded from Pimp tite
Has a bitcoin mine facility ever collapsed, and killed 70 people 🤔 ...
Forwarded from Insider Paper
BREAKING: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott releases statement outlining states' rights to constitutional self-defense when dealing with a "lawless president"

Follow @insiderpaper
Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
The Stupidity of Hanlon’s Razor

From the article:

Hanlon's razor:

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

It's a fallacy.

Think: "The greatest trick the devil played on man was convincing him he didn't exist."

Russian Defector and former KGB agent, Yuri Besmnoff, describes with shocking detail and authority, how successful the Soviets were in using stupid people to pull off their malevolent agendas.

Continue reading:

Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Stormy Patriot Joe)
Media is too big
Go to the 2 hour 1 min mark
Get ready to be blown away
by this truly awesome dig by @Absolute1776
Even if you seen his substack on it. It’s worth listening to him walk thru it

What was going to be a simple thread has now turned into a 5,000 word article containing no less than a dozen videos and numerous links.

Go big or go home, right?

How did a Soros tweet end up linking to Black Swans, The Insurrection Act, 11.3, Devolution, 2020, 2024, and J6 right along with plenty of Q-Drops to go with it?

I reckon you’re gonna have to read to find out. 😉

Forwarded from Ryan DeLarme (Vigilant News, Post-Liberal) (Ryan DeLarme)
The current administration's border policy in a meme.
Multiple states coming out in support of Governor Abbott and Texas, saying they will provide whatever help needed to secure the southern border.

Y’all smell that?

We got us a potential Constitutional Crisis brewing that just went from the back-burner to the front-burner in a hurry.

This gon’ get dasting.
Ok who did this 😂
Forwarded from O'Keefe Media Group
Media is too big
D.C. SWAMP EXPOSED PART 1 - D.C. Blackmail

DC SWAMP EXPOSED PART 1: A Capitol Hill intern reveals how members of Congress are coerced to vote a certain way through blackmail and extortion after affairs & sex parties: “Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither”

O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe has discovered that nothing is as it seems when it comes to Congress Members’ voting patterns, the staffers they hire, or their activity outside of Congress.

Meet Titus Warren, a Democrat working for Republicans in Congress. These Republicans do not care about Warren’s political views or the potential of him tipping off the other side. In fact, Titus states that he “loves” Nancy Pelosi and believes that Donald Trump “needs to die.”

Forwarded from O'Keefe Media Group
DC SWAMP EXPOSED. PART 1 - D.C. Blackmail:

A Capitol Hill intern reveals how members of Congress are coerced to vote a certain way through blackmail and extortion after affairs & sex parties: “Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither”

O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe has discovered that nothing is as it seems when it comes to Congress Members’ voting patterns, the staffers they hire, or their activity outside of Congress.

Meet Titus Warren, a Democrat working for Republicans in Congress. These Republicans do not care about Warren’s political views or the potential of him tipping off the other side. In fact, Titus states that he “loves” Nancy Pelosi and believes that Donald Trump “needs to die.”

Still, his employers don’t seem to care how he thinks. While Titus says he keeps these details to himself, he is “sure” that his boss knows his political views, considering the fact that a photo of Nancy Pelosi sits proudly on Titus’ desk.

“Every time I see her, or we run into each other, you know, sometimes I’ll even go into her office, then I’ll just go in her candy bowl,” said Titus before confirming that Pelosi knows him and “loves” him as he “loves” her.
Titus also boasted that he gets to attend “a lot of embassies and a lot of events at the White House” and that he loves Joe Biden.

When asked how Republican constituents might respond to his viewpoints, Titus said, “If they do [care], they can kiss the crack of my ass because I don’t care.”

What’s worse is that most Congressmen in D.C. don’t actually think for themselves but rely on staffers like Titus and their advisors to guide them in decision-making. Or they rely on outside influences, such as blackmail, which uses their sexual wrongdoings while “serving” the American people.

Titus was able to provide us with good intel on the inner workings of Congress and how members of both parties are coerced to vote a certain way through what he called a vote “suggestion.” But these so-called suggestions aren’t suggestions at all; they are much more nefarious ways of blackmailing members of Congress who have engaged in affairs on their spouses or downright sex parties with other members, according to Titus. “There’s a lot of things that I see with my own eyes,” he told James O’Keefe.

“Madison Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither,” said Titus as he explained that most Congress Members are married, but “they have affairs with other congresspeople… And they have like parties and stuff.” Titus then confirmed that these alleged parties get “hot and heavy.”

Though he said he’s never gone to one of these parties or been invited, Titus contends “that is a fact” and an open secret. “It happens a lot more than people think,” he noted before telling us that he thought it was a fiction or a “joke” before he began working in Congress.

“A majority of members that come late are 9/10 times hungover from the [sex parties] the night before,” Titus added.

These parties are then used to gain leverage over the officials to pressure them to vote for the Swamp’s preferred policy and against unfavorable policy.

But this leverage is not only used to change votes in Congress. It seemingly applies to election season, too, as Titus explains, “If you ever run for office, and you’ve been where I am, you would use that as leverage to win your campaign.”

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, Madison Cawthorn revealed in March 2022 that he was invited to a “sexual get-together” or an “orgy” at a D.C. elite’s home. He also alleged that “some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country” were often doing cocaine right in front of him. This caused a stir within the House of Representatives. Cawthorn was then smeared as a liar, threatened with consequences by then-Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and removed from Congress in the next election.

We reached out to Madison Cawthorn for his reaction to Titus’ bombshell assertions:
Forwarded from O'Keefe Media Group
CAWTHORN: “Well, I mean, I’ve never been to a party like this; I got invited to them. My instant reaction to that is, you know, especially the blackmail piece that it seemed like this individual was talking about in this piece, that’s something that I experienced firsthand. It’s kind of a laden threat. It’s kind of just an understood thing in Washington. It’s not something that’s ever really said to you, but it’s well known that people can always have leverage points on you.” “People only want to put you in compromising situations so that they can have leverage over you so they can control your vote.”

Titus said the media either does not know about this blackmail scheme or “they’re not allowed to run these stories.” It would seem more likely the latter.
Titus further related this sexual conduct in Congress to former Democrat Staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski, who was terminated by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) after the staffer’s hardcore gay sex tape filmed in the Hart Senate Office Building surfaced. “That actually did not happen the day it came out,” said Titus, indicating that the sex tape was filmed months earlier and used as leverage against Senator Cardin or Aidan Maese-Czeropski.

When asked if he feels guilty about what he sees in Congress or being a secret Democrat working in a Republican office, Titus responded, “I get my check, and I’m good,” while stipulating his lust for buying expensive items such as Louis Vuitton handbags and fashion accessories from other high-end stores like Chanel. “All my money that I’m saving now is for me to go to the Hamptons every weekend of the Summer.” While shopping at Burberry and David Yurman, two high-end fashion stores in Washington, D.C., Titus told us more about the D.C. sex parties, saying, “It’s not a conspiracy.” He continued, “It most definitely happens. And It’s normal.”
Surprisingly, when asked outside of the jewelry store, David Yurman, Titus did not recognize James O’Keefe or realize that everything he told us was being recorded.

If you are an insider in Washington, D.C., you can contact us on Signal or join us on our weekly X-Space titled “On The Inside With James O’Keefe” from 4 pm to 6 pm ET. Sign up to be an undercover journalist with The American Swiper Program at this link.

Watch below and stay tuned for more of our undercover journalism from Washington, D.C.

Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
Fox News can put Smartmatic on the defensive over whether the voting machine company's $2.7 billion lawsuit over the network's coverage of the 2020 election is designed to chill its speech, a New York judge ruled on Wednesday.

Last April, Fox entered into a $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems, avoiding a trial on whether the network knowingly spread false conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump's defeat to appease viewers. But Fox potentially faces billions more in liabilities from Smartmatic's lawsuit, filed in Manhattan in 2021.

Taking advantage of New York's broad journalistic protections, Fox hit back at Smartmatic with a countersuit under the state's anti-SLAPP statute, short for "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation" and designed to prevent litigation designed to chill free speech. Smartmatic argued that the success of Dominion's lawsuit proved the merit of their own lawsuit, but Fox contends that Smartmatic's enormous damages demand has no basis in fact.

In a seven-page ruling, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice David Cohen wrote there has yet to be a ruling on whether Smartmatic’s claims have a substantial factual basis.

The Messenger
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
From Trump Docs Case thread I'm currently writing:

Why would DOJ and NARA make reference to the "Nunes Memo" if this whole thing was not about the damn Crossfire Hurricane Binder that Trump declassified on Jan 19, 2021?

iPhone Apps Secretly Harvest Data When They Send You Notifications

Security researchers say apps including Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, and countless other use notifications as a loophole to skirt privacy protections.

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