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Forwarded from Paul Serran's Signal to Noise (Paul Serran)

Moments ago, Matt Gaetz successfully entered the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop into the Congressional Record.

Media is too big
In the 1930’s, there was a Fascist plot to overthrow the US Government. [They] approached the wrong dude to head it up. Tell me moar about how “conpiracies” don’t exist.

In 1934, a colossal claim reached the American news media: There had been a plot to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in favor of a fascist government. Supposedly in the works since 1933, the claims of the conspiracy came from a very conspicuous and reliable source: Major General Smedley Butler”

Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Was the most notorious hacker sent back to Russia because he was on the hunter laptop?
Forwarded from X22 Report Official
Media is too big
FBI Cyber Chief can't find Hunter Biden's laptop...
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Kuleba has urged the global community to ban the Latin letter “Z” since, from Kiev’s point of view, it represents Russia’s military attack on the country.

“I call on all states to criminalize the use of the ‘Z’ symbol as a way to publicly support Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. He added that ‘Z’ means “Russian war crimes, bombed out cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians” and said that “public support of this barbarism must be forbidden.”

Moscow’s Ministry of Defense gave its own explanation in an Instagram post in early March, however, hinting that “Z” stands for “victory” while “V” stands for “truth.”
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Hacking America's Election Management System

Contrary to popular belief, all computerized voting equipment can be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards or USB drives prepared on election management systems which are often computers not only connected to the internet but also running out-of-date versions of Windows.

If a county election management system is infected with malware, the malware can spread from that system to the USB drives, which then would transfer it to all the voting machines, optical scanners, and tabulators that collect, count, and determine election results for that county.

Rumble | Substack | @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Hacking America's Election Modems

Voting machine manufacturers have also installed remote-access software and cellular modems connecting voting machines directly to the internet.

Through these modems, hackers could theoretically intercept results as they’re transmitted on election night — or, worse, use the modem connections to reach back into voting machines or the election management systems to install malware, change software, or alter official results.

NBC News reported ten months before the 2020 election that ES&S, the largest U.S. election machine vendor, had installed at least 14,000 modems in their voting machines even though many election security experts had previously warned that voting machines with modems were vulnerable to hackers.

Rumble | Substack | @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Dominion Voting Modems

Dominion Voting Systems, the second-largest U.S. election machine vendor, which has given public presentations acknowledging their use of modems in their voting machines, was also discovered to be running remote-access software during the 2020 election.

In Georgia, 20-year election worker, Susan Voyles, testified that Dominion Voting Systems employees “operated remotely” on her ballot-marking devices and poll pads after the team experienced some technical problems with their machines.

In Wisconsin, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), headed by retired state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, also found that Dominion and ES&S voting machines were online and connected to the internet during the 2020 election.

Rumble | Substack | @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Democrats On Hacking America's Computerized Voting System

Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., discussed her concerns with the three main voting machine manufacturers in the 2020 HBO Documentary, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections:

“We’re very concerned because there are only three companies. You could easily hack into them. It makes it seem like all these states are doing different things, but in fact, three companies are controlling them.”

After the 2016 election, Sen. Ron Wyden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and Sen. Kamala Harris would hold numerous congressional hearings where they explained that it was too easy to hack voting machines, too easy to find unattended voting machines and too many voting machines were connected to the internet.

Rumble | Substack | @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Hacking America's Computerized Voting System

Featuring: Prof. J. Alex Halderman, Kim Zetter, Prof. Dan Wallach, Douglas Lute, Prof. Philip Stark, Prof. Matt Blaze, Prof. Andrew Appel, Jake Braun, James Clapper, Harri Hursti, Eric Coomer, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Ron Wyden, Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Val Demings, Rep. Jennifer Wexton, Rep. Ted Lieu, Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, and Gov. Terry McAuliffe

Voters should demand hand-marked paper ballots at the polling place and mandatory rigorous post-election audits.

Voters should also demand, for a start, to ban remote access software, wireless modems, direct-recording electronic, and ballot-marking device voting systems.

Americans deserve to know every single line of code and every single piece of hardware that counts their votes.

America’s elections must shift from a proprietary, privately-owned system to one that is open-source, available for public inspection, and completely owned by the American people.

Rumble | Substack | @KanekoaTheGreat
For those unaware of the implications of the laptop being presented to Congress today …

This now means the contents of that laptop are on *Congressional Record*. Legally. It isn’t conjecture. It isn’t rumor. It isn’t a “conspiracy theory”.

The laptop is a reality, and it is now on Congressional Record.


“How do you legally inject/make public/use as evidence?”.
Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
“White House did not include in materials given to the Judiciary Committee a grisly child porn case in which Jackson departed significantly below probation office recommendation – raising questions of whether the White House ‘intentionally left it out’”

More than a pattern with this monster.

If we don’t protect our most vulnerable, we are dead as a society. Finished. Prepare for the deluge coming for us all.

Forwarded from Brian Cates
People confidently asserting Garland will give the J6 Committee the indictments it wants do not understand executive privilege, where it was created, and what the DOJ would have to do to vitiate it. Ignorance abounds. They also can’t explain why Garland hasn’t fired Durham yet or shut him down, even though it’s clear where he’s headed.
BREAKING: The CEO of parcel deliverer PostNL Belgium and his number two are both held in a Belgian cell. The two are suspected of human trafficking and of leading a criminal organization (VTM NEWS†)

Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️)