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Forwarded from Burning Bright
Media is too big
Nothing about going through the Great Awakening is easy. And yet, once you've taken the first steps, you never go back.

Imagine how difficult it must be for those we believe triggered the largest Info Dissemination-Mass Awakening event in ... ever ... to manage the fallout.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
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Reporter: “Why are you waiting to take executive action on the border?”

Biden: “Because we need more forces on the border, I don’t have the authority to do that.”

Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security — and has all the authority he needs to reverse course and end the border crisis.

On Biden's inaugural day, he signed executive orders that incentivize illegal immigration:

• Paused Deportations
• Suspended "Remain in Mexico"
• Stopped Border Wall Construction

Since these policy changes, over 8 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected.


We The Media
Reporter: “Why are you waiting to take executive action on the border?” Biden: “Because we need more forces on the border, I don’t have the authority to do that.” Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security — and has…

The massive flood of illegal immigration is due to 94 executive actions by the Biden administration.

Until those executive actions are revoked, claims by Biden that he wants to address illegal immigration are a bold-faced lie.

🔗 Elon
Media is too big
It’s a shame we (currently) only get to see the opinion reflecting reality through satire. Still good though 😄

Kara Swisher:
“If you look at the way tech is, you have to imagine straight white men are the only people who are intelligent in this world”


🔗 Damon Imani
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Happening Now, @realDonaldTrump rally in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Live: https://rumble.com/v4gmjpr-president-trump-in-greensboro-nc.html
Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
Donald Trump received all 39 of Michigan’s remaining presidential delegates from Republicans in a Saturday convention, a clear indication of unwavering support from his party ahead of the November election in the crucial swing state.

Badlands Media
Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
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This is Rep. Andy Ogles. He represents the 5th District of Tennessee. In this clip, he is confronted by a citizen (his boss) who is concerned about her tax dollars going to bombing children. She claims to have seen a video showing the bodies of children "shredded" by a bombing raid, presumably coming from a Congressional measure he supported.

What's disturbing is his response. What I want to know, is this: Should it be required for the representatives of the people to "do no harm"? We require it of our doctors and medical professionals (at least on paper). Why not the people who's decisions will go toward a military industrial complex who profits from ending the lives of other people in the name of "National Security".
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
Media is too big
NEW - MSNBC analyst pushes for regulating "disinformation," citing Trump and likening him to Hitler and Mussolini: "We need to change some laws and have more regulation in social media... without any regulation, they will defeat us. With artificial intelligence and all the other things."

Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
This could be survey lasers developed by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, or Boeing. (See below)

SHOCK VIDEO: ⚠️ Home security camera captures GREEN LASER LIKE IMAGES coming from the sky during thunder storm..


UPDATE: ⚠️ Mysterious green laser captured on video during “storm” purportedly from the state of Texas ..


REMINDER: One MILLION acres have burned in Texas, which is now the largest blaze in state history..

(Is this what we’re seeing?)

The U.S. military has been using green lasers over the Hawaiian islands since at least 2013.

Referred to as Topographical Mapping they are used for military and geological use to scan the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and pollution.

In January, earlier this year, green lasers were suggested to have come from an orbiting Chinese satellite, mapping Pearl Harbour on reconnaissance––possibly for a military strike.

However, the U.S. Army Corps announced a few months later that they would be conducting coastal surveys with green lasers––June 2023.

These are from a range produced by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing, who also make Direct Energy Weapons [DEWS].

Lockheed Martin delivered LANCE (Laser Advancements for Next-generation Compact Environments), a high-energy laser weapon, to the US Air Force, in June 2022.

In August 2022, they delivered HELIOS a high-energy laser weapon system to the U.S. Navy.

Hawaii has been a strategic area of military importance for the United States since WWII interfacing with Asia and also Central, and Latin America.




Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
Media is too big
The Texas Fires Have Some Extremely Concerning “Coincidences”

There Is A Smart City City Project Planned In Amarillo Texas

There is an existing “comprehensive plan” to “update the city” around these fires locations… The Same People Who Want To Rebuild Maui & Chili

“if you just so happen to look in the Canadian Texas project, this just so happens to show up, which is involved with the same exact individuals who claim to want to rebuild in Maui and Chile.”

There is an existing “comprehensive plan” to “update the city” around these fires locations…

I mean what are the odds?!?!

There’s a manufacturing logistics district using connection networks all the way to the panhandle… right where the fires are!! Amazing!

Everyone needs to watch this and listen to this start to finish, THIS IS INSANE 🚨

h/t @WallStreetApes


Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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We can not be tolerant of people who do not respect and play by the rules of civilization.
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
The Florida House passed legislation on Friday to lower the legal firearm purchase age from 21 to 18 years.

The NRA-ILA reported that the bill, HB 1223, passed the House by a vote of 76-35.

It was legal to buy a long gun in Florida at age 18 until shortly after the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting. The legislature raised the minimum purchase age to 21 following that attack.
Forwarded from OneStop
Well, this makes sense.

Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
Media is too big
Happy National Anthem Day! 🫡🇺🇸

Forwarded from Nevs (Nevs)
Listen carefully - she's comparing alt news to Hitler's propaganda and how Hitler shut down all other information. What she is describing is literally what the dems are trying to do through censorship and the CIA fake news MSM... she's literally describing the opposite - and also when describing all conservative citizens, she is really describing the normies lol

They really hate the fact that we can get information from multiple sources of our choosing and through research.

They can't get around the constitution through regulations - that's not how it works

MSNBC analyst pushes for regulating "disinformation," citing Trump supporters, and Trump, likening him to Hitler and Mussolini.

"We need to change some laws and have more regulation in social media... without any regulation, they will defeat us. With artificial intelligence and all the other things."
