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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Robert Kennedy JR succinctly explains how both parties are subservient to the military-industrial complex. Everyone who pays attention to politics needs to understand the truth about never-ending wars. This is why the Uniparty hates and loathes Trump, because he stood up to both.

"Both parties are the parties of war. We have eight hundred bases abroad and each one is picking a fight with somebody. And we've spent eight trillion dollars on useless wars since 2001 and look what we've gotten for it... the whole world is in chaos because of that. We left Iraq worse off than we found it. We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein..We created ISIS...

Three days before John F Kennedy was inaugurated as President, Dwight Eisenhower gave a speech, which should be regarded as the most important speech in American history, where he warned America against the emergence of a military industrial complex that would turn us into an emporium-abroad and a national security state at home. And put the weapons manufacturers in charge of American democracy and today that is exactly what has happened. And we are addicted to this pipeline of new wars. Who is funding both the Democrat and Republican party? It's Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Lockheed. They need to put NATO in every country in Europe because then that new country has to adopt NATO weapon purchase specifications. It's a guaranteed market... It's all a big money laundering project which we need to unleash ourselves from." X
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Lindsay Graham says Navalny was one of the bravest people he's ever met and he wants to label Russia a terrorist organization and that we should "loan" Ukraine the money instead of just giving it since I'm sure they will definitely pay it back.
Why are our politicians so obsessed with Ukraine?
Never forget that Graham and McCain were spotted in Ukraine doing what many would consider shady acts.
These people are so desperate to get the money flowing back into Ukraine, it's almost sad to witness.
How about zero dollars and we make a peace deal?
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
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Outside of Trump International Golf Club this afternoon.

Happy Presidents’ Day!

🐥 - Dan Scavino Jr
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Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
Media is too big
Let's not be deranged into a mode of operation, a view, a disposition of "we have to get Biden!" that is similar to the way the Left is deranged with their "get Trump!" syndrome.

Let's not have the same sickness, just from the opposite side.

Let's go by facts and evidence and reasonableness.

That's where we need to be because otherwise we'll end up falling and falling for "matadors cloaks" that come from from the Left.

Clip from Just Human #251
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Truckers are joining together to boycott New York in solidarity with Donald Trump.
A trucker from Pennsylvania explains how around 25% of truckers from his company are refusing to ship into NYC.
This is going to hurt the communist state of New York.
We the People have the power!
"If a bunch of independent truck drivers start doing this, New York City will feel a pinch real quick."

Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
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CNN analyzes Trump’s stake in Truth:

“How much would Trump’s shares be worth if it does in fact go public? It could be upwards of $4 billion. That’s billion with a B—not million with an M” 🎩 Citizens Free Press
Forwarded from bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY (𝓐𝓶𝔂₿💖🇺🇸🐸🧡🍊🌽)
“If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.”
Satoshi Nakamoto
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
Frens - this is one of those times one of our own needs a lil help.

Most of you know Justin Deschamps from Vigilant News & Badlands Media. He is brilliant. He is a patriot, and he is just about the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. He and his wife are legitimately salt of the earth.

Recently Justin ran into an unexpected medical emergency that required hospitalization and surgery.

I’m just askin y’all as a friend of Justin’s that if you are in a spot where you can afford to throw him a buck or two for help with medical expenses to please consider doing so.

I understand a lot of us are financially strapped right now, so please understand I am merely asking for folks to help *only if they can*. If you can’t financially help, a prayer is just as good and is appreciated just the same, my frens.

Thank you all 🙏🏻

Forwarded from The Clean Living Project Channel (The Kate Awakening)
TOMORROW on The Clean Living Project

We’ll be talking all about seed oils. The use of seed oils has beed the biggest, most impactful change in the dietary habits of human beings in the last 100 years, and probably ever.

You may be shocked to find out where seed oils came from, how they’re made, and why they were pushed on us as a “healthy alternative” to animal fats and dairy, contrary to the evidence.

Since being converted from an industrial product to a staple in our diet, we’ve seen massive leaps in obesity and disease. High in omega-6, they are one of the biggest culprits in inflammation, leading to various health problems and chronic diseases.

So why do “experts” such as the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend them to us?

The answer may turn your stomach.

Seed oils might be the biggest lie being sold to us by Big Food.

You don’t want to miss this one! See you tomorrow. 🩷
Forwarded from BrittRepublican
Forwarded from Conscious Strength
If grocery stores have a natural food aisle, what does that make all the other stuff they sell?
Forwarded from Burning Bright
My favorite deployments in the Info War occur when the enemy's Narratives converge with our own in a way that makes it virtually impossible to separate the intended effect of each.

This week, we've got Hillary Clinton on the PsyOp campaign trail, pushing for more funding for the Ukrainian Proxy War while doing everything in her (considerably lagging) power to conflate Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, while 'warning' that Trump will withdraw the US from NATO upon resuming the office he never should have left, while implying that he's going to let Russia do whatever it wants should the globalists lose their foothold on the 'rules-based order.'

The funny thing is, most reasonable people in the Truth Community would wholeheartedly agree with Clinton; the difference, however, is that, what she sees as dire warnings to the establishment order, we see as the 'promises kept' phase of Trump's original campaign.

You can learn a lot, watching things lie. Lately, the enemy is spilling truth.
Forwarded from bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY (Patriots In Progress️️️***)
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
🤡 RFK Jr - During the 35 years that I’ve known Joe Biden, he’s always demonstrated his core decency. He has shown his affection and esteem for my family by displaying a bust of my father in the Oval Office.

I suspect that the White House decision to deny me Secret Service protection — and many other more important decisions — are being made, not by the President himself, but by the anonymous men in lanyards who now seem to be running our government.
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
General Flynn responded…

Sorry, but you are wrong about your statement and you cannot give this POTUS and CIC any room for excuses. The famous line, “the buck stops here”, regardless of his mental stability, still fits…if not, and he is too unstable to serve as president, then there are other constitutional steps that can be taken. Maybe that’s what you should have said.

You should have stayed a democrat to fight their ridiculous and devastating policies or better yet, you should jump into the Republican party and back @realDonaldTrump now.

You know everything the socialist left are doing to him and to you are a real shame and specifically to Trump is a complete sham.

Help save the country and quit worrying about whether Joe likes you or not. If he is as you imply, not making any decisions, we have far bigger problems to solve and you do have the skills to help save America, like going after the severe corruption and criminal behavior in our healthcare system.

Give it serious thought, our nation is at risk!
