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Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
A Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader threw his support behind former President Trump in the 2024 race for the White House, accusing Democrats of racist policies that are working against the Black community.

Mark Fisher, who is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island, joined ‘FOX & Friends’ to discuss why some Black voters are leaving the Democrats as they contemplate who they will vote for in the 2024 presidential election.

"It's the duplicity of the Democrats, the hypocrisy," Fisher told Lawrence Jones Tuesday. "We're not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone's for us and when someone is not, and it's obvious that the Democratic Party is not for us."

Fox News
Forwarded from Vigilant News
An army of childless women is going to end Western civilization if we don’t prepare accordingly.

We aren’t talking enough about the fact that there is a large number of women in our society who are never having children out of choice. Unmarried, childless women are not the ones leading the charge to save American values. Most of them hate conservatives and would never want to support national policies that strengthen the family unit.

Women used to be a protected and respected sex until feminism. Progressives love to say women should be thankful for the accomplishments they are able to obtain now that “women have rights.” But the feminists of today are not in the same league as women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She had seven children while running the largest women’s rights movement alongside Susan B. Anthony. Modern women don’t even have one.

Decades of meaningless sex and living in a constant state of self-inflicted emotional abuse all because feminists dangled free love and men took the bait. Their selfishness will become such unbelievable suffering that, if we don’t create a community in the conservative movement for them, we risk having a swath of highly emotionally damaged women working toward ending our traditional way of life.

At this point, the college-age militants marching for a ceasefire look like lambs compared to the feminist wolves future families will face. These women are the ones bragging about their abortions and hooking up with 300 different men in a year. They aren’t likely going to be looking at your sweet family of six and wishing them well.

🔗 The Daily Caller
Forwarded from VOLTRON4444 🇺🇸🦅 (VØ︎Ⱡ₮ⱤØ︎₦4̶4̶4̶4̶🍿)
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Seriously… 🤣😆
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
Top UK Minister highlights theory that COVID-19 could be 'man made'

UK Levelling Up Minister Michael Gove on Tuesday pointed to a "significant body of judgement" that COVID-19 could have been "man made" amid still ongoing investigations into the origin of the global pandemic.

Gove made the remarks to the government's official inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic while defending the government's response to the virus, Politico reported.
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
President Trump - I’m 12 Points up on Crooked Joe Biden - But he’s got the Justice Department and others suing me wherever and whenever possible - WEAPONIZATION, it’s called, and maybe that can make a difference. This has never been done on this scale before, not in our Country, but it opens up a very big and dangerous Pandora’s Box. Joe Biden should stop his Election Interfering Thugs before it is too late for him and the rest of the Country. As the leader of the Opposition Party, I should not be forced to campaign from inside a courthouse, which is very doable, but not very Democratic or convenient. This is where they want me to spend my time and money, but is not the way our system is supposed to work. If they filed these cases years ago, which they could have, this would not be a problem. But they want it to be a problem because they are BAD! Voters have, and will, reject it. To ALL Democrats, be careful what you wish for. God Bless America!
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
General Flynn - Without @elonmusk buying and then allowing “X” to open its doors, America would not know how grossly corrupted the USG is nor how much severe censorship occurred to keep a sitting POTUS (45) from performing his constitutional duties — the latter would be called treason. I believe this led to a 2020 election that was filled w/ fraud by many in his own administration as well as many outsiders (ie., 50+ Intel officials).

Who committed this treason still needs to be held accountable (although we have excellent starting points). With fair elections in 2024 and strong, smart, benevolent leaders, this will happen.

For now, my question is, should President Biden be impeached immediately (should accountability begin now)?
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
JUST IN - Rumble video platform files federal defamation lawsuit against "Check My Ads" co-founders.


Forwarded from Chief Nerd
Media is too big
'They Have F*cking No Cards': Joe Rogan & Dr. Shawn Baker on the DNC's Strategy for 2024

"I think at this point they kind of have to run [Biden], unless he dies...I think they have f*cking no cards and they're looking at this game and I think they're depending upon party loyalty and they're depending upon Trump getting convicted and imprisoned...I don't know if that's going to happen. I don't think it is. It just seems like it's a bunch of trumped up charges...It's bananas. The valuation of the property is so obvious, so off what it should be. $18 million for Mar-a-Lago? I'd f*cking buy it. I'd f*cking buy it immediately."


Forwarded from Arrests~Indictments~Justice (𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓟𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓽 🇺🇸)
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"Joe Biden knew about, participated and benefited from these schemes. This is a national security threat at the highest level of government and Americans demand accountability for the Biden corruption." - @GOPoversight Chair @RepJamesComer


👉"national security threat"

Forwarded from Burning Bright
I mean ... this means Jack Smith wants to introduce all of Twitter into evidence.

Keep in mind, virtually every mind (both sleepers and the awakened,) who were active on the platform during Trump's public reign engaged with the president's messaging.

He's literally the most engaged-with personality in modern history.

Hope you've got enough interns for the task, Jack!
Forwarded from Arrests~Indictments~Justice (𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓟𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓽 🇺🇸)
#Breaking the court denied Huddleston's motion to allow his counsel to view an FD-302 document. The court upheld FBI's redactions under FOIA exemptions, emphasizing privacy interests and the need to protect sensitive information.


#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich

Media is too big
🚨BREAKING: I just reintroduced articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas!

While some members, like Tom McClintock, want to bloviate endlessly while imagining themselves wearing a powdered wig, the American people want action.

These members whine about “due process” while protecting Mayorkas from facing accountability for his violation of our border security laws.

Impeachment IS due process. It would put Mayorkas in front of the Senate to face trial.

We’ve seen the evidence of him breaking the law. It’s time for the Senate to try him for it.

Today, I reintroduced my articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas because impeachment is EXACTLY what the founders intended for the House to do when a member of the executive branch intentionally violates the laws written by the legislative branch.

Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
President Trump - VITAL information just introduced in New York!

Deutsche Bank Senior Executives state Trump had one of “the strongest personal balance sheets we have seen and totally unlike any of our major RE developer clients,”

Trump represents “a great franchise opportunity,”

Trump is an expert “in successfully running world class assets.”
Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
The typical American household must spend an additional $11,434 annually just to maintain the same standard of living they enjoyed in January of 2021, right before inflation soared to 40-year highs, according to a recent analysis of government data.

CBS News
Forwarded from Badlands Media (Ali Tucker)
GOP committees investigating Hunter Biden are asking for interviews with two leaders of Blue Star Strategies, the lobbying firm that did work for Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company where the president’s son once served on the board, according to a letter obtained by The Hill.

The Hill
Forwarded from Burning Bright
One of the most comically-dystopian stories of the week comes out of the Entertainment Media Industrial Complex, with Sports Illustrated and some of the other brands of The Arena Group coming under fire for allegedly posting AI-generated content from AI-generated writers, each of which they attempted to pass off as human.

What's particularly funny about the reports is that The Arena Group is engaging in Overton's Goalpost regarding the whole affair, initially blaming third-party vendors for the mishaps while denying that AI content was involved.

Of course, this clued their readers in to the fact that SI and The Street content was not original, but was licensed out to third-party vendors, before further backpedaling was forced when the author profiles of the 'writers' turned out to feature AI-generated headshots for sale on a popular database.

The American public is being educated on the prospect that virtually everything they have seen out of the Establishment is, indeed, quite fake.
But I was told there would be “gLoBaL bOiLiNg”

Link 🔗
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Truth in comedy