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Hey Sleepy Creepy Joe,
Hope you enjoy all the MOABs Trump has planned for you.
I hear the sound of incoming…
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a Hero ☝️Period !

“The day we see the truth and cease to speak is the day we begin to die” ― Martin Luther King Jr
Forwarded from Pepe Deluxe (Pepe Deluxe)
Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
Psalm 27:14
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Photoshop Contest: Give me your best Mark Zuckerberg sign❗️

Subscribe: @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from Dan Hackenjos
In a recent interview, Trump was asked straight up what message he had for the countless Patriots who are currently fearful of their freedoms being threatened. He simply responded with:

“Stay Tuned”

And then he reiterated that’s all we are going to get from him right now.

Does everyone understand the magnitude of that response?? We are losing everything we hold dear right now. America is fading. Freedoms are fading. The oppressive medical tyranny is becoming unbearable for many & deadly for others. Hope is great. But in a time of crisis like we are now, the need for a leader to provide direction is paramount!!

And he did. Make no mistake, “stay tuned” is as much a marching order as anything!! He could have told us specific things that we should be doing right now during this most crucial moment in history. But he didn’t. He basically told us, without saying it, that help is on the way. He implied that anyone feeling desperate and/or tempted to do something drastic should stand down. You could even interpret what he said as “hold the line” if you wanted to!

I think it’s an understatement to say that the way history will look back at Trump over the last 6 months - the reserved sly remarks, the coy manner in which he carried himself, the lack of details, the apparent minimal urgency and/or intent for resolute action irrespective of contributing factors - will be wholly dependent on whether there actually is a “plan” behind the scenes.

For all who value freedom and the MAGA movement, even the most staunch Trump supporter would have to admit that in the end he was a horrible leader if there is no plan.

If no plan, Trump is doing a tremendous disservice by being coy. Even if Q isn’t true, Trump is aware of its existence. If he is leading his people on to believe there is specific hope when there isn’t, he’s either complicit with the globalists, or he’s the ultimate ego maniac with zero awareness that his seemingly hidden messages of hope caused great harm to his followers. To do so for sole purpose of building his base out of selfish endeavors would be the actions of a great fool, for he must know the result would be an epic backfire of historic proportions once everything played out.

History will write a story with Trump described as one of the most epic leaders to ever live. And the adjective attached to this iconic distinction will most assuredly be one of the following:

Duplicitous, Incompetent, Heroic

The good news is that if you trust Trump, if you believe him to be a man of sincerity, integrity & intelligence, than that eliminates the first two options.

And the only other possibility means that with logic & critical thinking you can safely deduce that there must be a plan.

Staying tuned!!
Dear Blackpillers,

Why are you even here?

You are a cancer

you are the shills yelling at God's people while they are building back walls torn down by Satan

We have to fight Deep State and you

We have to build the wall while we have on a sword and a shield.

I bet I have cut 50% out of my channel.

I have more mercy here because I honor each administrator here even when I don't agree....I love them and honor their sacrifices

I am for free speech however....so I think it should be ok for you to have your own channel. Not ours.


And that's all I have to say about those sorry, good for nothings

We tried educating a liberal

They need truly saved first I think, honestly think they are worshipping Baal and don't even know it.

Grasp and Savy
I know it's painful to sit back and watch. There are casualties and collateral damage (hopefully minimized). Keep your head up, pray, and know that you are watching the greatest movie ever. Have faith, keep your eyes on your goals, and help pick up others around you. Always have a battle buddy for those tough moments.

I found this in an RV that I just bought. I didn't know these rocks were a thing, but I took it as a good sign. God bless you Patriots and thank you for being on this journey.
I can't help having Faux News on in the background sometimes, but it's moments like this that make my almonds a bit tingly. Signs are everywhere.
Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist (Red.Pill.Pharmacist)
Ya don’t say??

Drip, drip, drip…

The WHO now recommends not giving the experimental vaccines to anyone under the age of 18.

Keep your eyes on your loved ones who have been vaxxed. Notice anything different or strange regarding behavior? Share your story.
Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist (Red.Pill.Pharmacist)
And of course, MSM is silent - they don’t want the general public to know.

Keep fighting the good fight, MTG!
We are with you! 🔥🔥🔥

Perhaps I wasn't clear, so I'll restate. I'm looking for examples of BEHAVIORAL changes in people since getting vaxxed. We already know about the physical side effects.