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PVV's Geert Wilders declares "the strictest asylum policy ever" in Dutch history after creating the most right-wing coalition in DECADES

- End Wokeness
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@COVIDSelect released the transcript from former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins's transcribed interview. Dr. Collins helped lead America's COVID-19 pandemic response.

Key Takeaways🧵
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Media is too big
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There is a reason we call @IvanRaiklin #TheDeepStateMarauder

This 20 minute clip is well worth your time. Be sure to blast this information out. Ivan doesn’t play. He is a man on a mission and the information he provides is 🔥🔥🔥

Be sure to subscribe to Ivan’s Rumble channel too.


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Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
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🚨🇺🇦 More Ukrainian Democracy in action,as another Man is kidnapped & separated from his Wife & Children to go die on the front lines.

This is the Democracy WE ARE paying to defend.

h/t @BGatesIsAPsycho


Media is too big
Stephen A Smith defends Aaron Rodgers’ vaccine stance:

“At least some of what he says, if not a lot more than some of it, gets attached with enough legitimacy to it that it will make you at least say it’s something we need to discuss… the man ain’t stupid.”

Love him or hate him, Stephen A is saying a lot of good things lately and has the potential to reach an entirely new segment of sports sheep that otherwise would be deep in slumber.

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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Think about what would happen if they actually threw Trump in jail during the election cycle. 
Trump unveiled just how corrupt the system, as if he was a lightning rod, destined to fulfill this role. He caused an irrevocable change in me and millions of other people. Our eyes have been opened. And now that system is attempting to put him in jail, frame him for treason, and implement God knows what other schemes just to enact revenge. They were comfortable living in the shadows. Light has exposed evil. An unveiling. An apocalypse. 
If they throw Trump in jail after all of this:
He'd look like a living martyr.
He is a man of the people, willing to take every sling and arrow just to show people the truth. 
For that reason, he truly is one of the most important politicians in American history. 
What he started cannot be undone. It's like a domino effect that has repercussions unknown for generations. 
If they throw Trump in jail, he'll become more than a man. He's become a symbol for the people. He's become an idea. His public battle has become a visceral tool of awakening to millions of the otherwise sleeping masses. 
Nothing they do to him will cause his mission to fail because this isn't about him. 
It's about the people he represents. 
The truth is inevitable.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Remember when people used to take politicians like Romney, McCain, and Chris Christie seriously? They were able to fool the people through deceit and double talk while secretly behind the scenes they backstabbed the American people at every turn.
It was Trump who made us all realize just how corrupt these people are and look at them now.
They are shells of their former self. Nobody believes them anymore and if they do, we all mock them and call them normies.
The entire way of doing politics has changed in a way that cannot be undone.
How can we not appreciate all that has happened already?
The old guard has been humiliated in real time.
Holy shit they’re doing it again.

Remember when all these people claimed Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation too?

I guess you’re supposed to forget about that.
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#BREAKING: The House Judiciary Committee just voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to provide the lawfully subpoenaed audio tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview of President Biden.
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Why is Biden offering to trade the mastermind of the 10/7 massacre in exchange for Israel ending its war and letting Hamas survive?

Forwarded from Arrests~Indictments~Justice (Angel Patriot 🇺🇸)
BREAKING: Jim Jordan and the House Judiciary Committee have just voted to hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt of congress over Biden interview recording.

Garland declined to comply with a subpoena demanding he provide audio tapes from Special Counsel Hur’s investigation into Biden.

Jim Jordan, argued that releasing the recordings of Joe Biden's interview with Hur was necessary because the previously released transcripts cannot be trusted.

Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Tucker and Dave Smith on Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, the Bohemian Grove, questioning 9/11 and the ra*ists who have gotten us into never ending wars. Red pills are dropping every single day by Tucker and I'm here for it.
"People have been waking up more and more to who (these) people are. Take someone like Hillary Clinton. Your husband is a ra*ist. He's been accused of ra*e by multiple women. Clearly, a sexual predator...Your best friend, her husband also is a sexual predator who is sending naked pictures to under*ge girls. Hey, that's weird. How many people do you know who are married to a sexual predator whose best friend is also married to a sexual predator? Who are these people? Bohemian Grove is real. They are doing really weird stuff there. Jeffrey Epstein was real. There was a pedophile ring that a lot of the most powerful people were connected to. At least knew about and didn't feel like blowing the whistle on. These are people who are comfortable making decisions will babies will die. Mass slaughter will happen and they can sleep at night. And you kind of wake up... Is it possible that they could kill Americans and be complicit in (9/11). Of course. I don't have enough evidence to prove that that is the case. I can prove that they wanted these war and then when the opportunity to get them they lied through their teeth in order to sell the wars.
Look, General Wesley Clark, he said he saw the plans in late 2001 that it wasn't just that we were going to Iraq. We were having regime change in Syria and several other countries. Then when they go in 2012... We have to overthrow Assad.. No no .. You wanted to overthrow Assad a decade ago... Don't give me this bullshit that this is some new plan... They will lie through their teeth to the American people for mass slaughter campaigns."
Perverts and blackmailed pedo*hiles have been manipulating the American people for decades.
Are you awake to the sham that is the never ending war complex yet?
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Sharon Osbourne and Sage Steele on the woke mind virus and how biological men have no place in women's sports. Why aren't all the feminists standing up for women now that biological men are ruining their sports?
"I don't think they have any place whatsoever in women's sports. It's belittling to women that people aren't sticking up for the women. It's like, what are they doing?
"All these feminists who scream and yell for all these years about all these topics and they're silent. Why? It's baffling to me that they are silent with this topic. This isn't even an opinion. It's fact based. It's science based. People would have laughed at this conversation ten years ago.
Because I said biological men I don't belong in sports I had many people say I was transphobic and inciting violence against trans people because I said men need to stay out of our sports.
Too many people are quiet. They receive it and they allow it. You don't have to scream back and you can tell them how you feel. You can have your opinion and I can have mine.
That has gone. That has gone from the world.
It's getting that way with the students. It's a fashion. You can give it to them."
History is going look back and laugh at the fact that we, as a society, allowed biological men to humiliate women in their own sports for this long of a period. I hope this situation is fixed soon all around the world.
Forwarded from Burning Bright
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3:28 for Anderson Cooper to explain to a shocked and almost nonexistent normie leftist audience that the "Star Witness" who was supposed to bring the Orange Man down once and for all ... LIED.

That's the short version.

The slightly longer and more entertaining version occurs when you reframe everything we're looking at as the result not just of Donald Trump and his team baiting the very charges against him, while continuing to bait the presiding judges in each of his cases to make the Orange Jump Suit meme come true, but most of all, as him baiting the Media Industrial Complex into one last gasp of breathless THIS IS THE END! forecasting that's already coming crashing down around them.

Of course, this is all occurring against the backdrop of a crisis cascade of epic preparations that's moving through the economy, culture and national security at an accelerating pace.

They wanted to catch the Orange Man, but like a dog chasing a bus, they just didn't know what to do when they did.