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Media is too big

In this shocking documentary, holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav tells the story of how cruel and abusive medical research practices undermined human dignity and rights...

"In the wake of the 2nd WW, the first international war crimes tribunal was held in Nuremberg, Germany.

Among the accused were doctors who carried out unspeakable medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

In order to prevent a recurrence of these horrors, a set of 10 ethical research principles were devised.

They became known as the Nuremberg Code."

History will be the final judge and jury whether the current great experiment known as the global C19 vaccination campaign upheld these ethical research principles or not...

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"I heard this story once about a teacher who took a fish out of its bowl & left a classroom of children as it flopped around.. telling them that if anyone left their seat, they would be expelled. All of the children sat and watched as this fish flopped gasping for air, not wanting to get up in order to avoid getting in trouble. Finally, a girl sprang up from her seat & ran to the fish, placing it back in the bowl. Ultimately, she was the only one who refused to watch the fish die.
When the teacher returned he told the class that this was a lesson. That the fear of getting in trouble should never stop you from doing what's right. That sometimes.. you may have to oppose authority & group think, simply because it's the right thing to do.
I think of this often."
From an unknown source

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Media is too big
How appealing is the APEEL protective coating for fruits and vegetables to you?

Apeel is a California-based food science start-up, that has received massive funding from players such as the BMGF, Oprah and Katy Perry. Their coating makes food last up to 30 days, allowing for "low carbon emission" transport methods such as ground versus air transportation.

CNBC states that: "The water-based solution extends shelf life by preventing oxidation and water loss... though due to the proprietary nature of its science, Apeel does not disclose extensive details on the formula".

Continue Reading... 📚 👀 The Dangerous Chemical Bill Gates Is Coating Your Organic Produce
Continue Reading... 📚 👀 Apeel as market disruptor
Continue Reading... 📚 👀 Appeal funders
Continue Reading... 📚 👀A list of patents from Apeel Technologies

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Another Turned Turtle

The Florida Department of Health does not recommend vaccines for the following groups: (

👶Children under 5 years old
👧Adolescents 5-17 years old
👨‍🦰Males between the ages 18-39

"The Florida Department of Health (Department) encourages that the decision to receive a COVID-19 vaccine be made on an individual basis alongside a health care practitioner.

The Department has issued guidance for pediatric COVID-19 vaccines, which recommends against use in healthy children and adolescents 5 years old to 17 years old. This now includes recommendations against COVID-19 vaccination among infants and children under 5 years old, which has since been issued under Emergency Use Authorization.

Additionally, the Department also issued guidance for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which recommends against males ages 18-39 years old from receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

During FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, multiple advisors voiced concerns and debated over COVID-19 vaccination among healthy children.
This debate can be followed on YouTube.

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Avengers Assemble! Teaming Up with Marvel to Illustrate the Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination
You can't make this stuff up!!! Wait, Marvel? On Pfizer.com?

"For some, comic books may seem to be simply a form of entertainment featuring fantastical characters and mythical plots. However, through the years, they have proven to reflect and even influence our society. World War II, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, AIDS, and 9/11 are only a few of the meaningful moments in our history that comic books have explored.

So, it’s not so unusual to find Pfizer and BioNTech collaborating with Marvel Comics to create a story which addresses a topic that, since 2020, has so greatly impacted lives all around the world: COVID-19. An original comic book called “Avengers: Everyday Heroes” is the result of that collaboration."

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WATCH: Did Bill Gates hijack a failing pharma system and smash it? A tale of incompetence, deceit, greed, and an unmitigated thirst for power.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed engages supply chain expert Hedley Rees in a compelling conversation on trojan horses in governments and ideas to reform Big Pharma. “The incestuous, opaque nature of this swirl of key players, companies, government departments, interests and objectives—coupled with an unhealthy partnership with self-admitted “enabling” regulatory bodies such as the MHRA—might lead the man on the street to suspect fraud on the public and the public purse."

Ellapen Rapiti
Excellent interview Shabnam, A big thank you to your guest for sharing his expertise on the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.

Mama Bear

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Professor Pierre de Vos from UCT shown up as being completely out of his depth as a commentator on FASA UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE COURT CASE on national TV

Talking on eNCA a few days ago, de Vos says that he had "read over" the 700 plus page court document, and his conclusion is that the only adverse effects from the jab were that maybe some people were "a little dizzy, had a sore arm or maybe a headache after they had received the shot."

In an interview with Neil Oliver, Dr Aseem Malhotra responds to this - "He clearly didn't read the document - I felt embarrassed for Professor Vos [sic], embarrassed for the university of Cape Town and embarrassed for constitutional lawyers!"

In an article for the Daily Maverick (dated 19th April), de Vos adds insult to the vax injured and those who have lost their lives. He stated that, "For all we know, the adverse event could have been caused by browsing an old collection of Scope pin-up girls with the nipple caps digitally removed".

Please let Dr de Vos know what you think about his opinion, South Africa.

✤ Have Your Say (Feel free to tweet de Vos - @pierredevos as well as joining the VERY interesting debate in the eNCA comments)🗣🎙

Watch it on eNCA 📺
Join the conversation wirh Neil Oliver & Dr Aseem on Twitter 📺
Continue Reading de Vos's article for the Daily Maverick 📚 👀

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Report: 5G to Increase Energy Consumption by 61 Times - Environmental Health Trust
"A 2020 ABI Research DataCenter Forum white paper Environmentally Sustainable 5G Deployment reports that 5G could increase power consumption by 61 times from 2020 to 2030. This is one of numerous industry report stating that 5G and the phenomenal growth in internet traffic from the internet of things will dramatically increase energy consumption. Environmental Health Trust has compiled a list of White papers and research report documenting the increased energy consumption from 5G and wireless networks.

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Any Links, posts, comments, views and opinions posted are strictly those of the person or organization who posts them and should, by no means, be construed as representative of FASA or its representatives and belong solely to the individuals posting them and are not the views or opinions of FASA or any organizations and groups affiliated to FASA.
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📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙 pinned «DISCLAIMER: ❶ › FASA represents approximately 13 million people in its affiliated groups. Any Links, posts, comments, views and opinions posted are strictly those of the person or organization who posts them and should, by no means, be construed as representative…»
Professor Pierre de Vos from UCT shown up as being completely out of his depth as a commentator on FASA UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE COURT CASE on national TV Talking on eNCA a few days ago, de Vos says that he had "read over" the 700 plus page court document…
UPDATE: Professor Pierre de Vos from UCT shown up as being completely out of his depth as a commentator on FASA UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE COURT CASE on national TV

Talking on eNCA a few days ago, de Vos says that he had "read over" the 700 plus page court document, and his conclusion is that the only adverse effects from the jab were that maybe some people were "a little dizzy, had a sore arm or maybe a headache after they had received the shot."

In an interview with Neil Oliver, Dr Aseem Malhotra responds to this - "He clearly didn't read the document - I felt embarrassed for Professor Vos [sic], embarrassed for the university of Cape Town and embarrassed for constitutional lawyers!"

In an article for the Daily Maverick (dated 19th April), de Vos adds insult to the vax injured and those who have lost their lives. He stated that, "For all we know, the adverse event could have been caused by browsing an old collection of Scope pin-up girls with the nipple caps digitally removed".

Please let Dr de Vos know what you think about his opinion, South Africa.

✤ Have Your Say Join the VERY interesting debate in the eNCA comments (Feel free to tweet de Vos - @pierredevos on Twitter)🗣🎙

Watch it on eNCA 📺
Join the conversation wirh Neil Oliver & Dr Aseem on Twitter 📺
Continue Reading de Vos's article for the Daily Maverick 📚 👀

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"It's the ordinary people who were conned by it all too. Many lost loved ones though and the guilt & shame from their (even passive) complicity will be painful for many.

However many will defend their choices to the bitter end rejecting the evidence before their eyes."
- Man in a shed (herbthefox420, Twitter)

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In 1967, the CIA Created the Label 'Conspiracy Theorists'
One of the reasons for providing this important documentation and commentary is that even in supposedly “awakened” portions of the “truth movement”, or at least many people who frequent “alternative” social media pages and websites, there is a disturbing tendency to dismiss uncomfortable information as “conspiracy theory” as an emotional knee jerk reaction in defense of one’s worldview. We expect this infantile reaction from the so-called “sheeple” who think that the 6 o’clock news is keeping them adequately informed, however, it comes as a shock to the system when swathes of people who follow pages and websites that represent the trend in “new thought” and “alternative/independent media” exhibit precisely the same thought and behavioural patterns as their obviously socially engineered/brainwashed nightly news watching brethren. This article is both a shield and a sword of truth with which to respond to reactionary accusations/dismissals of being a “conspiracy theorist” whenever someone prefers to attack the messenger instead of addressing the message (in an open-minded and adult fashion).

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DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for the Viewpoints of our followers but encourage Open Debate and Free Speech.
Say NO to Vaccinating Children Without Parental Consent

During Tennessee’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the state’s Department of Health invoked the “‘mature minor’ doctrine” to allow minors 14 and older to be vaccinated without a parent’s consent.

The Tennessee Legislature passed a law that prevents healthcare providers in the state from vaccinating minors without parental consent.

By the passing of this law, legislators would be “giving parents back their rights to make medical decisions for their children.”

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UN Secretary-General Gutteres is asking countries to give him sweeping power to respond to 'global shocks' on behalf of their populations.

In the proposal titled “Our Common Agenda” Guterres requested approval to implement — at will — a set of undefined protocols called an “Emergency Platform” in response to global catastrophes.

Without defining the term “global shocks” the UN chief invoked COVID-19 and the 2022 “cost of living crisis” as examples and warned that more "global shocks" — driven by factors such as “climate change,” cyberattacks, or events involving “biological agents” — are impending.

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The Pandemic Treaty Gives WHO Power to Impose Legally Binding Countermeasures on the World,

...But Government Doesn’t Care

"The WHO is composing a treaty that will entitle them to extract budgets from your country and impose countermeasures in the event of another pandemic."

The issues of main concern are the definition, the costs and the actors.

The declining relevance of regular fees had another consequence, as it opened the way for private philanthropies to have an even larger impact.

While private foundations can be very generous, they also can be even faster than governments to change their mind about donations, or more dogged in demanding that their funding is used for specific priorities over others.

One of the primary reasons underpinning the treaty is the “recognition of the catastrophic failure of the international community to show solidarity and equity in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic”.

There is a definite need for government to reflect on how they got it so wrong. If and when this treaty comes into force, it will not be just more of the same; it will be much more. We were warned.

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✤ Continue Reading - Daily Sceptic... 📚 👀
✤ Continue Reading - Quartz... 📚 👀
✤ Continue Reading - Devex... 📚 👀

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💥STOP Medical Colonialism ~ VOTE NO to the WHO

URGENT: Please VOTE in our referendum to withdraw
from the WHO, the United Nations, the African Union, and anyone else who would like to mess with your sovereign rights.

All your information is protected, when you participate in the Referendum

The Referendum has a secure server that has tight access controls. Access by anyone, other than us (Referendums.co.za), is DENIED!

Information collected is kept confidential, unless inspected in-situ (in person) by a government authority just to verify referendum authenticity.

Personal information is encrypted and cannot be read by a third party, even if the database were to be compromised in any way.

All information transmitted to and from the Site is also always encrypted.

Please share this important information far and wide as time is not on our side.

Sign HERE to vote ✍🏻
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Monumental "Electoral Amendment Act" Battle Set For 2024 General Elections!

The battle for faith, family and freedom is heating up.

Family Policy Institute (FPI)
will be actively involved in Election Education and Training initiatives leading up to the 2024 General Elections. The “Electoral Amendment Act” is rigged to favour political parties over independent candidates. The ANC regime is desperately attempting to cling to power by utilising every corrupt tactic possible. This includes unconstitutional legislation.

Please consider supporting Errol Naidoo and the Family Policy Institute (FPI), through prayer and also financially (especially as the donations are tax deductible)

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