We Are Change Colorado
321 subscribers
163 photos
28 videos
3 files
214 links
WRCC is a grass roots, non partisan, non-violent, people based activist and media group that strives to "Be the change you want to see in the world" ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Youtube channel WACCTV - wearechangecolorado.com

Download Telegram
Forwarded from Rich M
Colorado Freedom Convoy 2022 Flyer V07EN.pdf
9.8 MB
Here's the latest CFC 2022 Flyer
It's a high resolution PDF (front & back) that can be printed and distributed. Also please share the soft copy too!

Thank you Kylee!!!
Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
🚨Great work Freedom Fighters!🚨
It's official! Dawn Commie-stock has resigned from the JCPH Health Director position!
Celebrate today, but the fight is far from over. We need to keep pressure on the County Commissioners who appoint the Health Director & ensure we have a person who supports medical freedoms & against mandates! #BTCM #FightForFreedom #Comstock #JCPH
Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
🌎Find Time To Put Good Energy Back into the Universe To Combat Evil.πŸ’™
MSM propaganda & the constant barrage of negativity in the world today brings everyone down, it wears you out. In order to combat the evil in the world, we need to re-energize good & positive energy within us and the world.
#BTCM #FightForFreedom #GoodVibes
Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
πŸ”₯The Truth About VAIDS Caused By Covid Vaccines. πŸ”₯
#BTCM #FightForFreedom #TRT #VAIDS #CovidVaccines
HIV cases are spiking worldwide and the MSM is promoting widespread HIV testing. Global Immune system failure & This is only the beginning of what's to come due to the millions of people around the world who took the injection.
Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
🚨Ottawa Descends Into Martial Law! Emergency Powers Act To Be Used On American Convoy🚨
When Peaceful Protests Become Impossible, Violent Protests become Inevitable.
Governments of the world will use Emergency Powers to forcibly remove these peaceful protest convoys.
Stay Peaceful, Stay vigilant, Expose Tyranny, & Fight For Freedom!
#BTCM #Canada #Ottawa #FreedomConvoy #Protest #Tyranny #FightForFreedom
Forwarded from Ninja stuff

Check out this awesome new Truth, Love, and Freedom video from one of our own!

Note that we have White Rose stickers figured in there prominently.

Could not be prouder of this SamuryhmeZ warrior.

Get it out to everyone, and enjoy the sweet message of Liberty. :)

Join the telegram channel and support this American brother!

Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
#BTCM #FightForFreedom #TRT
#FreedomConvoy #EmergencyPowers #NationalGuard
#Putin #NATO #Ukraine #Russia

America Freedom Convoy to be Hit with Emergency Powers Act from D.C. & Use of National Guard! NATO war crimes & Globalist Nation-building overlooked as Putin Sends "Peacekeeper" Troops to Eastern Front of Ukraine.
Forwarded from Tyann Copperhawk

Welcome to the Boulder Seed Swap and Dance Party!

Calling all gardners, Green Thumbs, and farmers! The Boulder Seed Swap is an opportunity to get together and share your seeds from last season while we groove to the tunes of Bloomarian

Do you have a box of seed packets that you hardly ever touch?
Seeds you saved from last season from your harvest?
Or maybe you’ve just bought your seeds for this year but want more variety?

On March 5th at 4pm the Urban Farm Stand to meet up with your fellow gardeners and local farmers to share your seeds!

Not just seeds for your garden, share the seeds of your vision!!

Businesses, projects, campaigns, ideas…this event is all about regenerating local culture. Just like the bacterial culture that creates healthy topsoil, our social culture needs the right nutrients for a thriving local produce (economy) to grow.


March 5th 4pm-6pm
The Urban Farm Stand
1201 Arapaho Ave
Boulder CO 80302
Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
πŸ”₯πŸ”₯We Hold NOTHING Back! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
#BTCM #Podcast #FightForFreedom #SOMTV
Super excited to have had the opportunity to collaborate with @souledoutmedia! Great podcast with a wide variety of topics including: where we started, the Truth movement, Trump/Biden, the 2020 election, Covid, Ukraine/Russia, & how to navigate through propaganda & what humanity can do to win the battle in The Globalist War!

Forwarded from No Mandates Colorado
Denver makes Theft, Burglary, Trespassing, Violent Threats and many other offenses no longer crimes of concern. 😑😑😑

Yet another reform bill letting criminals do whatever they want while punishing hard working, innocent people.

Stay vigilant & aware of your surroundings Colorado- we are in charge of our safety.

TY Strhess420 for sharingπŸ™πŸ»

Forwarded from Tyann Copperhawk
also if you would kindly share this fundraiser on the page and anywhere you feel called too

Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
Ukraine/Russia Escalating Situation podcast with Jo Bradley From @souledoutmedia!
First segment has some great clips & overview from myself, then Jo and I break down everything - Extremist Fascist groups, US Funded Biolabs, Covid19, & the potential for World War 3!
#BTCM #SOMTV #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #Covid #Biolabs #WW3
Sit Back, relax, & Dive into this full length Podcast!

Forwarded from Break The Chains Media (Corey BTCM)
🚨Biden Declares "A New World Order" in Trip to Europe! 🚨
#BTCM #FightForFreedom #Ukraine #Russia #Biolabs #Covid #NWO
The Ukraine Biolab/Russia Conflict & Covid-19 are uniquely tied together and staged at such a time that the Globalists will use both to usher in their Great Reset & NWO/ Agenda 2030!
I connect all the dots in the latest video podcast!
Join @BreakTheChainsMedia for more!

Forwarded from The White Rose

Hail to all of the brave and wonderful members of our White Rose global community!

As the situations and conditions in the world, The Great Reset, and the strategies of the globalists shift in order to manifest the New World Order, we need to be ever vigilant to realize that until this information war is completely won, and that all people everywhere are made aware of the full extent of the battle which we all face, which means a piercing knowledge of the plans and means for Globalism, International Banking, and all the other tools used by these satanic occult black magicians who have ruled us by stealth and hidden knowledge, kept from us, since the beginning of recorded history.

The decline and retreat of the COVID narrative, is just another fleeting moment in this greater battle for Liberty on the Earth, and as long as we have all of these oppressive and deceitful governments above us that seem to think that it is their right to rule us, and that they somehow have the "authority" to rule us, then our brand of Truth media, stickers, and this community, will continue to be needed.

As long as there are lies being put forth by any "official" agencies, then The White Rose will be a powerful and vital force to help disseminate the counter narratives, and to help spread the Truth across the world.

In an effort to keep ourselves growing and relevant, as these times progress, we may want to shift our focus somewhat to other aspects of Truth and Liberty free speech. The definition of freedom of speech, as put forth by the American founding fathers is this: "The free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference, and restraint by the government". We clarify this here, as there is some disagreement as to what "free speech" means.

As long as there exists any mask or vaccine mandates ANYWHERE, then the need for the stickers that help illuminate the lies surrounding the COVID narrative will be a powerful weapon of Truth. However, when the battle retreats and it seems that we have had a victory, then we should be able and willing to shift gears at a moment's notice to put up stickers that pertain to highlighting all the other Globalist lies that threaten to oppress us.

We must be ever ready to shift our focus and tactics to adapt to and overcome any disinformation that is put in front of We The People. This may entail local stickers and local action to combat the ideas and deceptions put forth by more local politicians, and should be adaptable to any situation, depending on your own decentralized and personal idea about what is important to engage in order to manifest individual freedom, as our members feel is needed.

As always, while doing these kinds of stickers, we should strive to uphold the ideas and spirit of the mission statement, and embody general principles of freedom, sovereignty, self ownership of body and speech, inalienable Natural Rights for all humans everywhere, and the Voluntaryist ideal that all interactions between humans ought to be voluntary, between sovereigns, and not under the whims and dictates of any who claim that they have the authority to dictate to free humans what actions they may, or may not take, as long as the Natural Rights of others are respected and protected. The only legitimate function of government is to uphold and defend these rights, deriving their just powers ONLY from the consent of the governed.
Forwarded from The White Rose

A truly decentralized movement will do this automatically, and without any orders for headquarters. If communications or Telegram ever gets effectively shut down, it will be up to ALL OF YOU to do this on your own. Understand that the tool that we have all collectively created here is a very powerful one, and can be used to enable Freedom Of Speech all over this Earth, forevermore, and we should not take it's power and effectiveness for granted. As long as there is someone out there who wants to promote Truth, Love, and Freedom, this will ALWAYS be an effective tool that cannot be stopped, as long as even a single person is willing to act on it with a desire to counter deception and lies by those who would use these deceptions to rule and influence us.

Please keep using the free sticker bots to get free stickers all over the world! The bots are up and running, and working fine in most areas. We are alarmed that the sticker requests have been slowing down, and we want to stress more stickers in our deliveries that are more about a general sense of freedom and a counter narrative to The Great Reset, and The New World Order, that underlies, and always has, the COVID narrative, which is just a tiny part of the agenda put forth by the Globalists for over 200 years now. We will instruct our sticker suppliers to make sure there is a balance between COVID and the rest of our wonderful designs, so that we can help to get the message out about the other lies and untruths that the governments of the world are pushing onto us every single day, about everything.

Don't be fooled into thinking that The White Rose is only about COVID. It's a MUCH bigger idea than this, and it should continue into the future indefinitely, as long as there is a lie to be disputed, or another point of view to be highlighted. Which means....FOREVER.

"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance"
~Thomas Jefferson