Warriors Ukrainian🇺🇦
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Hello, my name is Roman❤️, from 05/26/2023 I was transferred to the reserve of the armed forces of Ukraine.
07/10/2023 Officially became a volunteer!
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⚰️ "Road of death" for Russians in the Kharkiv direction, Krasne village. 22 units of equipment

📍 50.28969396799351, 36.447651981328306 [start of video]
The threat of a Russian military offensive against Ukraine from the north exists, and it is absolutely real, the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, has said.

"There will be no catastrophe, but it will not be possible to ignore the problem," Budanov said.
🇭🇺 Orbán Opposes Ukraine’s NATO Membership at the Summit

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated at the NATO summit in Washington, where President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was present, that Ukraine should not join the Alliance.

Orbán attended the NATO summit following a self-proclaimed “peace mission” during which he visited Kyiv, Moscow, and Beijing without coordination with EU and NATO members.

At the NATO summit, Orbán, in line with previously reached agreements, refused to support military aid to Ukraine. He also directly stated during the meeting of leaders, where the Ukrainian president was present, that Ukraine should not become a member of the Alliance.
Good Morning!

Image by Alex Buzunov
The enemy lost another one thousand three hundred and twenty orcs.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine also destroyed:

▪️7 tanks;
▪️46 artillery systems;
▪️32 combat armored vehicles.
President Zelensky reacted to the assassination attempt on Trump in the USA.

I am appalled to learn about the shooting of former U.S. President Donald Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania.

Such violence has no justification and no place anywhere in the world. Never should violence prevail.

I am relieved to learn that Donald Trump is now safe and wish him a speedy recovery. My condolences go out to the close ones of this attack’s victim, a rally attendee.

I extend my wishes for strength to everyone who is horrified by this event. I wish America emerges stronger from this.", the president wrote on X.
Budanov knows about assassination attempts on Putin: there were attempts to kill him, but so far they were unsuccessful.

“There have been attempts to kill the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, but, as you can see, they have been unsuccessful so far,” said Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

He also noted that Putin has been in power for more than 20 years and that russians fear losing him because he is seen as “the guarantor of their stability in life.”
From ‘The Analyst’ (Military & Strategic) X: MilStratOnX


As I catch up from two weeks away, the one thing the new British Labour government announced that seemed both suitably hawkish and a ‘good thing’ - was the announcement that Storm Shadow missiles can be used inside Russia proper.
It made headlines and must have been a welcome surprise for Ukraine.
As usual the Russians freaked out about it and replayed their badly FX’d
destruction of Britain by nukes video.
Then relatively quietly the permission so publicly granted, was quietly withdrawn.
There was no explanation. It seems the new Labour government was unaware until later, that the French Government has to agree as well to the use of the missile in such circumstances and it hasn’t yet done so. (The same would happen if the French wanted to give permission, they would have to ask the UK). The permission is in the purview of the French MoD, and post election, only a caretaker government is in place and is unwilling to make those decisions. It could be weeks before there’s a new government.
Some suspected that the White House may have frowned upon the idea - and it might but it’s unlikely to have forced the issue at this stage.
If the UK government wanted to give permission then it’s unlikely to have backed off so quickly without a legal reason.
There is of course the other issue. And this will have quietly raised alarms in the MoD’s of Storm Shadow /SCALP-EG users. The Russians captured a near intact missile in the last three weeks.
Either it failed or was knocked off course by a near miss. Either way the video clearly showed the inspection of the guidance system, counter measures and warhead systems.
These things get found out all the time, there’s a litany of weapons systems that have become useless in this war.
The much awaited GLSDB failed miserably and just wasn’t up to facing Russian EW.
The much vaunted Excalibur guided 155mm shell has become so hopelessly bad after months of success, that the Ukrainians have stopped using it because of Russian EW - it just won’t hit a target anymore.
Nobody wants to see Storm Shadow go the same way.
It’s entirely probable that new missiles and older ones will need new
counter measures if they are even to be used again. There’s no point in wasting them just to see them fail.
JDAM’s munitions are an example of what had been stopped from being effective and now has been returned to service with considerable effect. MLRS/HIMARS missiles have been updated and improved.
War has the ability to prove reality is not what we always wanted.
The west relies on technical superiority and technology to outperform Russian military capabilities.
What was good yesterday might not be so good today or tomorrow. It’s what you do about it and the speed you do it that makes the difference. It’s not a lesson easily learned.
Enduring war requires enduring technological change and outpacing your enemies. China is watching, Russia is learning to counteract our systems - we have to keep the edge.
Nothing we built was designed for a war this long. It’s just another aspect of fighting it that has come home to roost. Learn from it.

Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦 From ‘The Analyst’ X: MilStratOnX
Artillery of the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade is operating in the Toretsk direction.
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A video appeared on ruzzian Telegram channels of a KamAZ truck with an old 1940s M-46 gun crushing a passenger car near Novocherkassk (ruzzia).

- Time travel can have dangerous consequences!
Oleg Ufimtsev died in Kyiv on July 8, 2024 from a rocket attack.

Oleg was 50 years old. Originally from the Zaporizhzhia region. He served as the commander of the security unit of the territorial administration of the Judicial Security Service in the Zaporizhzhia region. He had the rank of lieutenant colonel.

He also worked in the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine. Retired from the position of head of the Berdyansk Department of the State Security Service. After the Russian occupation of his hometown, he lived with his family in Kyiv.

Oleh is survived by his wife, sons and other relatives.
⚡️ A large 110kV electrical substation is on fire in Sudzha, in the Kursk region of ruzzia.

Map co-ordinates:


OSInt analysts suggested that the "substation has successfully intercepted a UAV".
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