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投稿者: Red.Pill.Pharmacist


Occupy Democrats:
BREAKING: Bloomberg News reports that @elonmusk "might buy Twitter this week." If he buys Twitter, brings Trump back, and starts charging a fee for users, will you stay on MAGA Twitter to make Putin asset Elon Musk even richer by profiting off hatred?

YES or NO?


Occupy Democrats:
【速報】Bloomberg Newsによると、 @elonmusk は "今週中にTwitterを買収するかもしれない "と報じている。もし彼がTwitterを買収し、トランプを復活させ、ユーザーに料金を請求し始めたら、プーチン資産のイーロン・マスクを憎悪で儲けさせてさらに金持ちにするためにMAGA Twitterにとどまるか?

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 00:41:49 CEST (日本時間 10/25 07:41:49)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

Prior to Lizzo coming on for the main act last night at Atlanta's (now infamous from Dem hijinks during the last election) State Farm Arena during the opening act, Stacey Abrams was hawking for votes by promoting abortion.

The comical/ridiculous irony that she was standing in front of a giant stage display reading 'P*SSY', Lizzo's song that objectifies women, should be lost on no one paying attention.

アトランタの(前回の選挙での民主党の悪ふざけで悪名高い)State Farm Arenaで昨夜、Lizzoがメインアクトとして登場する前に、Stacey Abramsが中絶を宣伝して票集めをしていた。

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 02:01:42 CEST (日本時間 10/25 09:01:42)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

HIllary Clinton seems extremely concerned about how much power individual states are retaining. It's almost like Trump's original promise to bring power out of DC and back to the people is literally happening right now.

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 02:10:17 CEST (日本時間 10/25 09:10:17)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

Not to worry, y'all. Hunter is reformed I tell ya. He's a different man altogether.


心配は無用だ ハンターは改心したんだ まったく別人だ

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 02:38:56 CEST (日本時間 10/25 09:38:56)
投稿者: Patri0tsareinContr0l

NO LEAKS - Devin on Durham: "Well the one good thing about the Durham investigation is there's been no leaks from it, which is-- in my whole time in Washington, I never saw that from any investigation where there were zero leaks."

He also says the Fake News has no desire to investigate the Russia hoax because they were IN ON IT: "They knew it was a hoax from the beginning. Many of them were receiving the information - the 'pee tape' dossier - from Steele. They were meeting with him."

NO LEAKS - Devin on Durham: "ダーラムの調査に関して一つ良いことは、そこからリークがないことです。これは、私がワシントンにいる間、どの調査でもリークがゼロということはありませんでした。

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 02:49:47 CEST (日本時間 10/25 09:49:47)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

Ranked-choice voting is yet another Democrat SCAM as it enables a candidate with less votes to defeat a candidate who earned more of them....as intended.


Telegram Instant view
Politico Says Quiet Part Out Loud About Ranked-Choice Voting by Matt Margolis
In August, the voters of Alaska participated in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the late Rep. Don Young. Democrat Mary Peltola won the election against two Republican candidates, Sarah Palin and Nick Begich. Republicans saw it as proof of how undemocratic ranked-choice voting is because more Alaska voters voted Republican than Democrat, yet a Democrat candidate won. The media, however, interpreted the results as proof that the expected red wave in November was dissipating. Accordi



ポリティコは、ランク選択投票について大声で静かな部分を言う by Matt Margolis

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 03:02:15 CEST (日本時間 10/25 10:02:15)
投稿者: Pepe Lives Matter

Charlie Crist tries to get Desantis to say he might be running in 2024 against Joe Biden.

DeSantis - “I know Charlie is interested in talking about 2024 and Joe Biden, but the only worn out old donkey I’m looking to put out to pasture is Charlie Crist”



デサンティス - "チャーリーが2024年とジョー・バイデンの話に興味があるのは知っているが、私が放牧したいのは使い古された年老いたロバ、チャーリー・クリストだけだ"。

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 03:21:31 CEST (日本時間 10/25 10:21:31)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

Because freaking DUH!

I guess we're supposed to believe that terms like the moniker 'Tomboy' never existed.


In an astonishing turn of events, the National Health Services of England announced that most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a "phase".

Doctors should not encourage children to socially transition because transitioning is not a "neutral act," and it could have "significant effects" in terms of "psychological functioning,"

#Transgender #MAGA #Truth






移行は "中立的な行為 "ではなく、"心理的機能 "の面で "重大な影響 "を及ぼす可能性があるため、医師は子供に社会的移行を勧めるべきではない。

#トランスジェンダー #MAGA #真実

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 03:43:22 CEST (日本時間 10/25 10:43:22)
投稿者: Pepe Lives Matter

Alex Stein living rent free in their heads. 🤣🤣🤣

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 03:56:35 CEST (日本時間 10/25 10:56:35)
投稿者: MistyG 🇺🇸🦅

This is an amazing “walk through fire” with Sidney Powell. History will forever describe her as a relentless fighter for truth and Justice and I will forever describe her as “America’s Guardian Angel of Justice.” She is a warrior, a patriot and an amazing servant of the law.


これは、シドニー・パウエルとの驚くべき「炎の中を歩く」体験です。歴史は彼女を真実と正義のための容赦ない闘士として永遠に描き、私は彼女を "アメリカの正義の守護天使 "として永遠に描き続けるだろう。彼女は戦士であり、愛国者であり、素晴らしい法のしもべである。

投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 04:06:52 CEST (日本時間 10/25 11:06:52)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

You are correct, Susan.
Only opposite of the way you meant it.

The party to which you refer was, in fact, Socialist. And it's the same type of dangerous/heavy-handed jackwagon's, who now who refer to themselves as 'Democrats', that we're having a major problem with still today.

They're literally the embodiment of everything [they] accuse Conservatives of doing.

The truly amazing part is that their supporters can't even see it.


あなたの言う政党は、実際、社会主義者だった。 そして、今、私たちが大きな問題を抱えているのは、「民主党」と自称する、同じタイプの危険で重々しい大馬鹿者たちなのです。


投稿日時: 2022年10月25日 04:08:18 CEST (日本時間 10/25 11:08:18)