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投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial


1) Ukrainian document released to Russian media outlet @investia , showing decree from Zelensky to destroy all files on Ukrainian defense service members, employees and staff of the state, and any involvement with Hunter Biden’s biolab METABIOTA, on 02/24/22, the same day the air strikes on Ukraine began.

See original document above on the left and then translated in English on the right. Holy shit is this a doozy. But wait, there’s a lot more.


1) ウクライナの文書がロシアのメディア @investia に公開され、ゼレンスキーがウクライナの防衛局員、職員、国家のスタッフ、ハンターバイデンのバイオラボ"メタビオタ"との関わりに関する全てのファイルを破棄するよう、ウクライナへの空爆開始と同じ日の22/02/24に命令したことが示されている。

投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:07:16 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:07:16)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

2) Remember that infamous video of Ukrainian MIL burning documents RIGHT IN FRONT of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense building in Kyiv, Ukraine? On 02/24/22 THE SAME DAY OF THE DECREE FROM ZELENSKY.

Yup. The MSM broadcasted a video of Ukrainian MIL destroying evidence of Ukrainian State involvement with HUNTER BIDEN’S BIOLAB in Ukraine, right as Russia was beginning its missile strikes.

You guys… we caught them all. We caught them in broad daylight on MSM. Check it out.


2) ウクライナのキエフにあるウクライナ国防省の建物の目の前で、ウクライナのMILが書類を燃やしている悪名高いビデオを覚えていますか?22年2月24日、ゼレンスキーからの命令が出されたその日だ。


お前ら...俺たちはそいつらを全部捕まえた。我々は、MSMで白昼堂々と彼らを捕らえた。Check it out.

投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:07:36 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:07:36)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

3) So yeah digest that for a moment, and then there’s more.

This Ukrainian document release came at the same time as an official press release from Russia via the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, this morning, demanding the US comply with the investigation into their biological activity in the post-Soviet space.

In the article, Zakharova lays out a response to the US DoD response from 06/09/22 in which the US deny any such nefarious US DoD activity in Ukraine. Zakharova stated, “We call on American colleagues to show professionalism and instead of propaganda information stuffing to urgently engage in substantive work to correct the situation related to their military and biological activities in the countries of the former USSR.”

Here are a couple of important excerpt from the interview:

Will the Russian side take any measures to increase control over U.S. activities in biolaboratories in the post-Soviet space?

“Yes, we intend to use mechanisms in the near future, in accordance with articles V and VI of the Convention, which provide for consultations between States parties to the BTWC in resolving any issues regarding the purpose of the Convention or in connection with the implementation of its provisions, as well as cooperation in any investigations into possible violations of obligations under the BTWC.”

How, in your opinion, should the interaction between Moscow and Washington be built to build confidence and comply with the provisions of this Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons?

“We call on the United States, as the depositary of the BTWC, to take a responsible approach to fulfillment of its obligations under the Convention, in fact, to contribute to strengthening the regime of this important disarmament mechanism for international security. We expect to provide not general information, but substantive explanations on specific issues raised by the Russian side in connection with U.S. military and biological activities in the post-Soviet space.”

So essentially Russia is saying the US has to comply with the UN and that they have been stonewalling any investigation for decades. Russia is demanding the US cooperate and answer any concerns about their biological activity in post-Soviet states, like Ukraine, Georgia, etc.

Here’s the article, there’s an option for english translation.




この記事の中で、ザハロワは、米国がウクライナにおける米国国防総省の不正な活動を否定している6/09/22の米国国防総省の回答に対する反論を述べている。ザハロワは、"我々は、アメリカの同僚がプロ意識を示し、プロパガンダ情報を詰め込む代わりに、旧ソ連諸国における彼らの軍事・生物学的活動に関連する状況を修正するための実質的な作業に緊急に従事するよう求める "と述べた。








投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:07:48 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:07:48)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

4) So Russia just released the little snippet that Zelensky was actively covering up Ukrainian involvement with Metabiota specifically, which confirms Zelensky knew what was going on, knew this was why Russia was moving in, knew that the labs exist, etc etc. This proves the Ukrainians are more than complicit and proves they knew that Biden was directly engaged in nefarious activity at this lab.

Russia is slowly letting evidence slip out and they claim to have a whole lot more. They are asking for US cooperation so we can clean it up together, but Biden also happens to be the directly responsible for the biological crimes against humanity.

Can we depend on the UN to do their part and demand the US comply? I’m not sure. But Russia is going to keep releasing information and evidence until they do. Russia is attempting diplomacy, and if the leaders of the US had any intention of world peace, they would agree.


4) そこでロシアは、ゼレンスキーがウクライナのメタビオタへの関与を積極的に隠蔽していたという小さな断片を公開しました。これは、ゼレンスキーが何が起こっているかを知っていて、これがロシアが動き出した理由だと知っていて、研究所が存在することを知っていたことなど、確認することができるのです。これは、ウクライナ人が共謀している以上のものであり、バイデンがこの研究所で直接悪質な活動に従事していたことを知っていたことを証明するものです。



投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:07:57 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:07:57)
投稿者: MistyG 🇺🇸🦅

Mitch McConnell says he will vote with the 10 Republicans for gun reform

投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:16:39 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:16:39)
投稿者: William Scott

画像・動画等⇑テキストなし/未検出。 (解説用プレイスホルダー)
投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:18:16 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:18:16)
投稿者: AwakenedOutlaw & on TruthSocial

On June 12th Ted Cruz asked the FBI spokesperson some rather important/pertinent/simple questions about their involvement in events on #J6.

Simple questions that demand answers mind you.

NOTE: The fact she can't answer them tells you EVEYTHING you need to know.

Truth Social:




投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:23:09 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:23:09)
投稿者: Red.Pill.Pharmacist


Pentagon wants $761.68 BILLION DOLLARS for 2023

The House Appropriations Committee unveiled its opening bid for defense spending on Tuesday, granting the Pentagon $761.68 Billion for fiscal 2023.

The top line of its proposed fiscal 2023 defense funding bill would represent a $32 billion increase over fiscal 2022 funding levels.  






投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:39:34 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:39:34)
投稿者: Red.Pill.Pharmacist

'Stay in the fight'

Text detected via OCR_Space
My belief in America is as strong as it has ever I believe wholeheartedly that we are an exceptional nation— and I know that the American Dream Cen be a reality for every one of us. Stay in the fight for our nation!


投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 22:42:21 CEST (日本時間 06/15 05:42:21)
投稿者: Cognitive Carbon

Steve Kirsch on the NYT's "article" about Ivermectin efficacy. He's spot on about how to know who's telling the truth.

Steve KirschがNYTのイベルメクチン有効性に関する "記事 "について述べています。彼は、誰が真実を語っているかを知る方法について、的確に述べています。

投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 23:30:14 CEST (日本時間 06/15 06:30:14)
投稿者: Brian Cates

"In Trump Time" is the name of just-indicted former Trump advisor Peter Navarro's book.

Is he going to be introducing evidence at his trial?

"In Trump Time "は、起訴されたばかりのトランプ元顧問ピーター・ナヴァロの本の名前である。

投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 23:31:48 CEST (日本時間 06/15 06:31:48)
投稿者: Pepe Lives Matter

Remember when the Ukrainian military was burning documents openly for the mainstream media to see?
Well Russia is now claiming that these documents were about the biolabs and Zelensky ordered them to burn it all...making him complicit.
If this is all true. The world has already dodged a massive bullet via plandemic 2.0 and Putin is the one who stopped it.
What did Q once say?
What if Xi and Putin are helping Trump take down the NWO.
This is about ad clandestine as it gets.

Go read his thread here:


投稿日時: 2022年06月14日 23:43:06 CEST (日本時間 06/15 06:43:06)