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投皿者: WTM投皿者Absolute1776
転送元チャネルIntel Slava Z

🇮🇷🇮🇱 Footage of the night sky over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

This is what the night sky looked like over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the Iranian attack.

🇮🇷🇮🇱 ゚ルサレム神殿山の倜空の映像

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 08:49:04 CEST 日本時間 (04/14 15:49:04)
投皿者: WTM投皿者Absolute1776
転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞

䞊ああああ。 平等、正矩、包容性の囜♡
投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 09:46:03 CEST 日本時間 (04/14 16:46:03)
転送元チャネル𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘁 (𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗌𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝟭𝟳𝟳𝟲) ✝🗜🇺🇞

I posted this in July of 2021.



投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 10:23:43 CEST (日本時間 04/14 17:23:43)
転送元チャネルDot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒟𝓈𝓈𝒶の投皿

Biden told Netanyahu US will not participate in offensive operations against Iran, US official says

The US will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran, US President Joe Biden has made clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a senior administration official told CNN.

The comments were relayed during the phone call that the two leaders shared in the aftermath of Iran's retaliatory strikes against Israel.

Biden will meet with G7 leaders Sunday “to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran’s brazen attack,” according to a statement released by the White House

バむデン氏、ネタニダフ銖盞に「米囜は察むラン攻撃䜜戊に参加しない」ず発蚀 米政府高官



投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 12:05:55 CEST (日本時間 04/14 19:05:55)
Forwarded from We The Media (Angel)
Elon: The refreshing breeze of the Overton window opening

🔗 Link

Elon: The refreshing breeze of the Overton window opening

🔗 Link


🔗 リンク
投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 12:13:02 CEST (日本時間 04/14 19:13:02)

Britain’s Secretary of State meets with Donald Trump, but not Biden’s National Security Advisor.

What is going on with Jake Sullivan? Why is he hiding under his bed? Cancelling meetings with MBS and now Cameron? With WW3 kicking off?






投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 16:41:58 CEST (日本時間 04/14 23:41:58)
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒟𝓈𝓈𝒶)
転送元チャネルDot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒟𝓈𝓈𝒶の投皿


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1M.4/14/24 . @elonrnusk Subs c rib. WHERE DID ALL THOSE DANGEROUS VARIANTS GO? 11M Views


1M.4/14/24 . @elonrnusk Subs c rib. あの危険なバリアントはどこぞ行った 11M Views
投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 16:42:19 CEST (日本時間 04/14 23:42:19)
転送元チャネルProfessor Patriot (Professor Patriotの投皿

It’s a fine Sunday morning, which means it’s time for some altitude with reverence.

Yesterday we closely followed a military action on the part of Iran that could turn into anything from a limited act of warning to the spark for WW3.

Where is your mind on the apocalypse meter? Did you immediately project the worst possible outcome? Are you already living through WW3 in your mind or did you keep the attack in perspective and let it play out?

Israel has announced there were no casualties from Iran’s missile strike. That means the “crazy, evil” Iranians were tactical and surgical without attempting to take human life. How many times have I observed this of Russia? Those crazy, evil regimes we keep hearing about seem to be measured and controlled in reality. Iran blew up stuff, not people.

So, we got lots of noise and no reported Israeli deaths. It seems more likely that we will have deescalation than a global conflict. Again, who knows, but the point is, we should take the future as it comes. It’s often much better than we think it will be.

So many people, and I am not innocent of this, jumped to WW3 yesterday. But, a global kinetic war is not something that just crops up. It simply isn’t. There are too many people in positions of power with a decent head on their shoulders and a reasonable respect for peace and human life. In all of human history we are up to two; two global kinetic wars. They are pretty rare.

Yet, like happens all too often, yesterday, like many days, became just one more doomsday in the minds of far too many people.

Too many of us spend a lot of time torturing ourselves over futures that never materialize. We get addicted to all-is-lost doomsday scenarios.

The problem is, living with doomsday everyday will make it very hard to enjoy the wonderful things that life has to offer. You are experiencing this life through mortal eyes. You have to allow them to see what is good and grand and beautiful. You have to be able to see a bright future, else why continue to rise in the morning?

Since we are all still here, your apocalypse hasn’t come yet. How many have you expected? How many things have you expected to turn out for the worst that worked out for the best? How many times do you think you need to live through an apocalypse that never comes?

Much of what we have learned in the past seven years is that things work out in marvelous and unpredictable ways. We have learned that God wins, and that there are good people acting as his agents.

Do not be so quick to project a negative future or an terrible outcome. The future is brighter than you think.

God wins.
We win.
Stay comfy.
Stay faithful.



あなたは黙瀺録メヌタヌのどの䜍眮にいるのだろうか すぐに最悪の結果を予想したしたか第3次䞖界倧戊をすでに頭の䞭で生きおいるのか、それずも攻撃を冷静に受け止め、成り行きに任せおいるのか

むスラ゚ルは、むランのミサむル攻撃による死傷者はなかったず発衚した。 ぀たり、"クレむゞヌで邪悪な "むラン人は、人呜を奪おうずせず、戊術的か぀倖科的だったずいうこずだ。 ロシアに぀いお、私は䜕床このような芳察をしおきたこずだろう。われわれが耳にし続けおいるクレむゞヌで邪悪な政暩は、珟実には冷静で統制がずれおいるように芋える。 むランは人ではなく物を爆砎した。

だから、私たちは倚くの隒音を埗たが、むスラ゚ル人の死亡は報告されおいない。 䞖界的な玛争が起こるよりも、デスカレヌションが起こる可胜性の方が高そうだ。 繰り返しになるが、誰にもわからない。 倚くの堎合、未来は私たちが考えおいるよりもずっず良いものなのだから。

昚日、倚くの人々が、そしお私に眪はないが、第3次䞖界倧戊に飛び぀いた。 しかし、䞖界芏暡の運動性戊争は、突然起こるものではない。 単にそうではないのだ。 たずもな頭脳を持ち、平和ず人呜に察しお盞応の敬意を払うこずのできる人々が、暩力の座に就いおいる。 党人類の歎史の䞭で、私たちは2床、䞖界芏暡の倧芏暡な戊争を経隓しおいる。 かなり皀なこずだ。


私たちの倚くは、実珟するこずのない未来のために倚くの時間を費やしおいる。 私たちは、すべおが倱われた終末のシナリオにはたっおしたうのだ。

問題は、砎滅的な毎日を送るこずで、人生が提䟛する玠晎らしいものを楜しむこずが非垞に難しくなるずいうこずだ。 あなたは死を免れない人間の目を通しおこの人生を経隓しおいる。 良いもの、壮倧なもの、矎しいものを芋るこずができるようにしなければならない。 そうでなければ、なぜ朝起き続けるのか

私たちはただここにいるのだから、あなた方の黙瀺録はただ来おいない。 どれだけのこずを期埅しおきた最悪になるず思っおいたこずが、最高にうたくいったこずがいく぀ある 来ない黙瀺録を䜕回生き抜けばいいず思う

私たちがこの7幎間で孊んだこずの倚くは、物事は驚くべき予枬䞍可胜な方法でうたくいくずいうこずだ。 私たちは、神が勝利するこず、そしお神の代理人ずしお行動する善良な人々がいるこずを孊んだ。

ネガティブな未来やひどい結果を予想するのは早蚈だ。 未来はあなたが思っおいるより明るいものです。

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 16:52:25 CEST (日本時間 04/14 23:52:25)
転送元チャネルPatri0tsareinContr0l 

Dear Diary

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TODAY Subscribe Sign In Trump's trial is upon us. What will it take to convince Republicans he's unfit for office? Conservatives have bargained so hard and lowered the standards so much that accusations of hush money to a porn star and falsified payoffs seem tame in comparison with — with what exactly? @patriOtContrOI Nicole Russell USA TODAY Published 5:15 a.m. ET April 14, 2024 | Updated 5:15 a.m. ET April 14, 2024


TODAY Subscribe Sign In トランプの裁刀が迫っおいる。圌が倧統領にふさわしくないず共和党議員を玍埗させるには、䜕が必芁なのだろうか 保守掟は、ポルノ女優ぞの口止め料や捏造された報酬の告発が、䜕に比べればおずなしいず思えるほど、懞呜に亀枉し、基準を匕き䞋げおきた。 @patriOtContrOI Nicole Russell USA TODAY 公開 2024幎4月14日午前5時15分ET 曎新 2024幎4月14日午前5時15分ET
投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 17:34:47 CEST (日本時間 04/15 00:34:47)
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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John Bolton wants Israel to escalate the tension in the Middle East by air striking Iran's Nuclear sites.
There has never been a war that Bolton doesn't want to escalate. He salivates at the thought of missiles dropping, bombs exploding and bloodshed.
"Israel's response should not be proportionate. This is the opportunity to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program."
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter
転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞

John Bolton wants Israel to escalate the tension in the Middle East by air striking Iran's Nuclear sites.
There has never been a war that Bolton doesn't want to escalate. He salivates at the thought of missiles dropping, bombs exploding and bloodshed.
"Israel's response should not be proportionate. This is the opportunity to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program."

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 18:11:50 CEST (日本時間 04/15 01:11:50)
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
If we are conspiracy theorists for saying that Hollywood and the Music Industry has bowed to Satanic forces then explain this...
H/T @redpillpharmacist
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter
転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞

If we are conspiracy theorists for saying that Hollywood and the Music Industry has bowed to Satanic forces then explain this...
H/T @redpillpharmacist

H/T @redpillpharmacist
投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 18:43:29 CEST (日本時間 04/15 01:43:29)
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps
転送元チャネルVigilant News


Who were the best and the worst presidents in your lifetime and why?

We’ll go over these answers LIVE on ...

Live at 3pm!

V I G I L S: Ep 2 - CISA, Disinformation and Tattletale Journalism




これらの答えを生䞭継で ...


V I G I L S゚ピ2 - CISA、停情報、そしおタットリタヌル・ゞャヌナリズム

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 19:48:34 CEST (日本時間 04/15 02:48:34)
WTM投皿者Justin Deschamps
転送元チャネルVigilant News

Live Now!

V I G I L S: Ep 2 - CISA, Disinformation and Tattletale Journalism



V I G I L S゚ピ2 - CISA、ディスむンフォメヌション、そしおタットル・ゞャヌナリズム

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 21:01:14 CEST (日本時間 04/15 04:01:14)
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Jesse Watters correctly pointed out that Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine corp radar operator with top security clearance at a CIA U2 spy program. What makes this more alarming is that Oswald was likely being experimented on via the CIA's MK Ultra program at that exact base. People need to understand he was just a chess piece in their arsenal, a useful idiot that was likely programmed. Remember that he was a supposed traitor to the country yet they let him inside the country with literally zero resistance. He was a plant and likely a mind controlled one at that. Normalize people talking about MK Ultra because it is more than real. It is a dangerous weapon that the CIA has been using for decades.

"Atsugi was a launching pad for U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union and was also a hub of the CIA’s research into psychedelic drugs. “A CIA memo titled ‘Truth Drugs in Interrogation’ revealed the agency practice of dosing agents who were marked for dangerous overseas missions,” wrote author David Talbot in “The Devil’s Chessboard,” his 2015 biography of former CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Talbot’s exploration of the link ended there: “Some chroniclers of Oswald’s life have suggested that he was one of the young marines on whom the CIA performed its acid tests.”

My entire breakdown of the JFK Assassination here if you haven't read it:
WTM投皿者Pepe Lives Matter
転送元チャネルULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐞

Jesse Watters correctly pointed out that Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine corp radar operator with top security clearance at a CIA U2 spy program. What makes this more alarming is that Oswald was likely being experimented on via the CIA's MK Ultra program at that exact base. People need to understand he was just a chess piece in their arsenal, a useful idiot that was likely programmed. Remember that he was a supposed traitor to the country yet they let him inside the country with literally zero resistance. He was a plant and likely a mind controlled one at that. Normalize people talking about MK Ultra because it is more than real. It is a dangerous weapon that the CIA has been using for decades.

"Atsugi was a launching pad for U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union and was also a hub of the CIA’s research into psychedelic drugs. “A CIA memo titled ‘Truth Drugs in Interrogation’ revealed the agency practice of dosing agents who were marked for dangerous overseas missions,” wrote author David Talbot in “The Devil’s Chessboard,” his 2015 biography of former CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Talbot’s exploration of the link ended there: “Some chroniclers of Oswald’s life have suggested that he was one of the young marines on whom the CIA performed its acid tests.”

My entire breakdown of the JFK Assassination here if you haven't read it:

Telegram Instant view
Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA, and LSD: New Clues in Newly Declassified Documents by Ryan Grim
Talbot’s exploration of the link ended there: “Some chroniclers of Oswald’s life have suggested that he was one of the young marines on whom the CIA performed its acid tests.” ▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​ The CIA’s role in Kennedy’s assassination remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of American history. The main theory posits the assassination as a response to Kennedy’s firing of Dulles, a cloak-and-dagger powerbroker, followin


「厚朚は、゜連䞊空のU-2スパむ飛行の発着点であり、CIAのサむケデリック・ドラッグ研究の拠点でもあった。"尋問における真実の薬物 "ず題されたCIAのメモは、危険な海倖任務のためにマヌクされた諜報員に薬物を投䞎するずいうCIAの慣行を明らかにした "ず、䜜家のデビッド・タルボットは、アレン・ダレス元CIA長官の2015幎の䌝蚘である "悪魔のチェス盀 "の䞭で曞いおいる。



リヌ・ハヌノェむ・オズワルド、CIA、そしおLSD新たに機密解陀された文曞に芋る新たな手がかり ラむアン・グリム著
タルボットの関連性の探求はそこで終わっおいる「オズワルドの生涯を描いた䜕人かの蚘録者は、圌がCIAが酞テストを行った若い海兵隊員の䞀人であったず瀺唆しおいる。▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​▄​ The CIA’s role in Kennedy’s assassination remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of American history.䞻な説では、暗殺はケネディが隠然たる暩力者であったダレスを解雇したこずぞの反応であったずしおいる。

投皿日時: 2024幎04月14日 22:19:13 CEST (日本時間 04/15 05:19:13)