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White Lives Matter Nederland is een pro-Blank initiatief.

Dochter kanaal van: @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
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📍 Volgend weekend hebben we onze 3de demo van het jaar.

We zitten dan al snel op 25% van 2024! Tijd loopt snel, vind je niet? Wat heb jij gedaan in deze tijd, Blanke man? Weer depressief op je kamer gezeten, of zat je deze keer met je keyboard te stoeien over welke kosjer tradthot meer "based" is? 😱 Of zat je jezelf weer af te trekken naar deze wijven? Schaamteloos.

Blanke mensen worden een minderheid in onze landen rond 2040. Een tijdperk waarin jouw kinderen zouden moeten leven. (Mits je zaad niet in een zakdoekje is geëindigd)

Tijd voor actie is NU! Meld je aan via @wlmcontactbot of onze chat. Lees onze handleiding.

Media is too big
📌WLM is celebrating it's 3 year anniversary!

This pro-White, legal, & anonymous initiative that has held activism events for 35 months straight was set up to revive our Racial Consciousness and regain our Honor as a People. Through our hard work, WLM has become one of the biggest pro-White forces at street level, and countless groups have spiralled off our efforts.

We speak through ACTION. We build power through ACTION. We achieve the 14 through ACTION.

You are not alone. Join a tribe. Join WLM.

Forwarded from WhiteDate.Net
The eighth WD baby, I heard, is on the way. There are certainly more that I have not heard of. 👶👶👶
📍 Czech Republic

🇬🇧 Activists from Czech Republic, Germany, France and the Netherlands were present for the joint WLM event on 4/20.

🇨🇿 Na dnešním mezinárodním WLM Dni aktivismu byli přítomni aktivisté z České republiky, Německa, Francie a Nizozemí.

Media is too big
📌April 20, 2024 - Happy birthday, WLM!

3 years ago, WLM brought to the table something that was needed: organized, anonymous, explicitly pro-White action at street level.

This elegant approach to securing a future for White Children has resonated rapidly with White people of good faith. After reading
the manual, many have understood the new culture put forward: strength, loyalty and readiness.

Since then, WLM has become the biggest street level pro-White effort globally. With days of action every month, and the help of existing groups who have joined arms for the Race, we are attracting Whites who understand this is a life-long battle.

It all relies on us. Together until the end, 14 or nothing!

Join at

📌 A quick recap of how we got to 20,000 strong pro-Whites on Telegram.

The idea
》WLM is a decentralized, legal, explicitly pro-White global initiative that is based on meritocraticy and freedom of expression
》It puts forward a culture of elegant, pro-White action that resonates with Whites and particularly with White fathers
》It's purpose, laid out in the manual, is to create local pro-White efforts that use the manual to spread the goal
》Like White cells in a human body, we are spreading the pro-White cure against the anti-White cancer.

The goal is simple - the 14 words.

As any meritocratic, shared accountability initiative - this is entirely a shared success. Honor to all who contribute!

@wlmcontactbot to do your part!
