WJ Bots Changelog
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Simple changelog for bots by @wjclub
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#changelog #countdownmebot

(+) added a history of recently countdowns, so you can share the same countdown to multiple chats easier
#changelog #countdownmebot

(+) added basic multilanguage support (/lang)
#changelog #groupagreebot

(+) added a bunch of new languages (check /lang)
(+) added a new poll type (limited doodle)
(+) bug fixes/stability
#changelog #letmebot

(+) Added Amazon search
(+) Small redesign (Added 'fancy' emojis, ...)
#changelog #getidsbot

(+) Added date for forwarded messages

// A full redesign is scheduled 😉
#changelog #webfail

(~) Redesigned the @webfail auto poster and added the english webfail version (@webfailen). It now checks the rss feed every 30 seconds and can handle photos and gifs.
Work is being done on the new get ids bot this evening ;)
Expect downtime of the @getidsdebugbot too.

~ Jonas
#changelog #albummebot

(+) Initial commit

I tested the telegraf framework and am pleased by it's simplicity.

~ Jonas

PS: Please test it, try to break it and tell me about your results: @wjclub_support
#changelog #devfail #getidsbot

(~) Fixed: HTML was not escaped, so derpy names broke stuff. Thx Fabian]</--DROP TABLE ALL

I have to admit. I am still ashamed that I have not brought back the real @getidsbot :/

~ Jonas
#changelog #getidsbot

Re-Re-Restart of this old bot. Now developed in public at Github. master branch deployed to @getidsdebugbot.

Features already included:
(+) ID age. You have been asking for it.
(+) fancy (human readable) units
(+) removal of some irrelevant infos
(+) i18n (multiple languages)

Features still missing:
(-) Group support
(-) hidden link detection
(-) inline support

Want to help: join us.
#changelog #getidsbot

1.0.1 released and deployed to @getidsbot. Now with ∞% more emojis.

Features still missing:
(-) Group support
(-) hidden link detection
#changelog #getidsbot

1.0.3 released and deployed to @getidsbot.

(+) Fancy original message dates thanks to @TwitFace
(+) 'hidden' links are now also displayed.

Features still missing:
(-) Group support
(-) Translations :) If you want to help with the translation, please contact us at @wjclub_support or just create a pull request on github.
#changelog #getidsbot

1.1.0 released and deployed to @getidsbot.

(+) Group support
(+) /json and /user as reply commands

Features still missing:
(-) Translations :) If you want to help with the translation, please contact us at @wjclub_support or just create a pull request on github.
#changelog #getidsbot

1.3.1 (Maintainance) released and deployed to @getidsbot

- Format everything with prettier and remove standard
- Remove gitlab-ci deployments, add format check with prettier
- Update all dependencies
- Update Dockerfile
- Add captain-definition for deployment with CapRover
- Add an id age
- Signify project status in Readme
#changelog #removekeyboardbot

- Format everything with prettier
- Updated dependencies
- Added Dockerfile
- redeployed to different server
#changelog #albumcreatorbot

- Updated dependencies
- Added Dockerfile
- redeployed to different server